Briarwood Newsletter
April 25, 2022
Message from Mr. Lash
Open House, April 28th Last Name A-L, 6:00-6:45, Last Name M-Z, 7:00-7:45
The staff and I are excited to be able to host Open House in-person this school year. We hope you will be able to make it so you can see your student’s classroom and they can tell you all about what they do at school. If your last name begins with the letters A-L you will attend from 6:00-6:45 and if your last name begins with M-Z you will attend from 7:00-7:45.
East Area Band and Strings Festivals
It was great to be back at S.M. East for the East Area Band and Strings Festivals!
Thank you to Eric Starnes, Band Teacher, Alexis Biehl, Strings Teacher, who prepared our students to shine bright. The students have made tremendous growth throughout the school year and sounded amazing. My favorite part each year is when the elementary, middle, and high school students play a final song together!
Open House, 28 de abril Apellido A-L, 6:00-6:45, Apellido M-Z, 7:00-7:45
El personal de la escuela y yo estamos emocionados de poder organizar la Casa Abierta en persona este año escolar. Esperamos que puedan asistir para que pueda ver el salón de clases de su hijo/hija y ellos puedan contarle todo sobre lo que hacen en la escuela. Si su apellido comienza con las letras A-L asistirá de 6:00-6:45 y si su apellido comienza con M-Z asistirá de 7:00-7:45.
Festivales de bandas y cuerdas del área este
Fue genial estar de vuelta en S.M. ¡Este para los Festivales de Banda y Cuerdas del Área Este!
¡Gracias a Eric Starnes, maestro de banda, Alexis Biehl, maestra de cuerdas, quienes prepararon a nuestros estudiantes para brillar! ¡Los estudiantes han tenido un gran crecimiento a lo largo del año escolar y suenan increíbles! ¡Mi parte favorita cada año es cuando los estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y preparatoria tocan una canción final juntos!
Important Dates & Deadlines at Briarwood
Used Book Fair-
Shop between April 27-29
Click here to volunteer
Briarwood Day @ Culver's
April 28
Dine between 10am-10pm and give back to Briarwood!
Spring Garden Workday on Sunday, May 1 at 2:00pm
Volunteers needed, signup below
PTA General Membership Meeting / Slate Approval
Tuesday, May 3 at 7:00pm
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 448 476 3270
Briarwood PTA Family Survey
Please fill out the survey by May 6
Briarwood's Annual Carnival
Friday, May 13 5:30pm-8:00pm
Volunteer today by clicking here
Bus Information to Briarwood for 2022-2023 school year
Briarwood does not currently have an established bus route. A new bus route would be considered if there is enough interest. The bus company requires 50 paying families to cover the cost of a bus route. If you are interested in bus transportation to Briarwood for next year, please put your student’s name on the wait list for bus transportation.
The wait list opens May 1st and can be found by clicking here. No money is required for the wait list and it doesn’t matter where you live in the Briarwood attendance area. Bus routes will be decided mid-July so sign up as soon as possible.
One of the limiting factors for DS Busing this year has been finding qualified bus drivers. If you know someone who might be interested in driving a school bus, please send them to DS Busing.
La lista de espera se abre el 1 de mayo y se puede encontrar haciendo clic aquí. No se requiere dinero para la lista de espera y no importa dónde viva en el área de asistencia de Briarwood. Las rutas de los autobuses se decidirán a mediados de julio, así que regístrese lo antes posible.
Briarwood PTA Family Survey 2021-2022
The PTA is already working on plans for next school year. We hope to see a return to more normal activities and events and YOUR feedback is important! Please take a few minutes to complete this survey before May 6th. Thank you in advance!
PTA General Membership Meeting and Slate Approval
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to serve as PTA chairs for the upcoming 2022/2023 school year! A list of the PTA slate is available for review here.
Please join the General PTA meeting on May 3, when we will vote to confirm this slate.
Topic: PTA General Membership Meeting / Slate Approval
Time: May 3, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 448 476 3270
Briarwood Staff Appreciation- Gift Card Raffle
If you are able, we are accepting donations for an exciting gift card raffle! Every teacher and staff member will get to draw an envelope and will receive a gift card to use as they wish as we close out the school year. Cards will range from $10 to $25.
Briarwood Teacher Appreciation Week: May 2-May 6
Briarwood's annual Used Book Fair - Volunteer today!
This fun, PTA-lead event will be held April 27-29. Students will have the chance to browse tons of used books during the school day as well as after school and during Open House. All books will be priced between $0.25 and $2.00.
We need volunteers to help run this event. Please click here if you can help out!
All proceeds will go towards the Briarwood PTA to fund various school initiatives.
All-School Carnival- Friday, May 13 from 5:30-8:00pm
Briarwood Landscaping - Volunteer opportunities
Spring Garden Workday on Sunday, May 1st at 2:00pm
Please sign up to help us get our gardens and flower beds ready this year. We will be planting seeds and flowers, weeding, and installing a small fence around the front circle bed.
Signup Genius for May 1st Garden and flower workday:
Summer Water and Weeding from May 9th to September 19th
Please sign up to help water and weed our gardens over the summer months. We need two families to water and weed each week starting on May 9th and ending September 19th. You can either sign up for the Front Circle Bed or the Butterfly and Raised beds Behind the school. We will send an email to everyone who signs up with additional information on how to water the front and back beds before May 9th.
Signup Genius for Summer Water and Weeding:
2nd and 3rd Grade Bike Safety Rodeo- volunteers needed!
2nd Grade Bike Safety Rodeo: Friday, April 29 from 12:30pm - 3:00pm
3rd Grade Bike Safety Rodeo: Friday, May 6 from 12:30pm - 3:00pm
Briarwood's DARE officer, David Poindexter, will lead a bike safety talk, and the students will get on their bikes to practice what they learned at several different stations.
How to participate:
- Your student must have a working bike and helmet. Please check over these items to make sure the tires are pumped, the brakes work, and the helmet fits properly
- Parents/Guardians can drop off bikes early the morning of your student's event (beginning at 7:40 AM) behind the gated area on the north loop of the carpool lane. Volunteers will secure the bikes in the gated area.
- Please be sure to label your student's bike with his/her name and teacher's name.
We cannot do this without your help, if you are interested in helping out:
2nd grade please contact Emily Luea 785-550-6554 or at
3rd grade please contact Jennifer Freund 913-424-2398 or at
**This event will occur during the school day in order to avoid weekend conflicts and allow more students to participate.
For tips on the proper helmet fit, click here
A Space for Every Bulldog- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Briarwood
Celebrations and Recognitions in April:
- Earth Day- Marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national and local policy changes. Click here to Learn more about the history of Earth Day
- National Volunteer Month- Designed to inspire volunteerism and recognize the efforts of community volunteers
National Geographic Kids- Save the Earth Tips
10 Easy Way Kids can Volunteer
If you are interested in taking an active role in diversity, equity and inclusion at Briarwood, please contact PTA Chair of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Jessica Brooks-Bryon @
Celebraciones y Reconocimientos:
- Día de la Tierra: marcado por más de mil millones de personas cada año como un día de acción para cambiar el comportamiento humano y crear cambios en las políticas globales, nacionales y locales. Haz clic aquí para Conoce más sobre la historia del Día de la Tierra
- Mes Nacional del Voluntariado: diseñado para inspirar el voluntariado y reconocer los esfuerzos de los voluntarios de la comunidad.
National Geographic Kids- Consejos para salvar la Tierra
10 maneras fáciles en que los niños pueden ser voluntarios
Si está interesado en asumir un papel activo en la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión en Briarwood, comuníquese con Presidente de la PTA de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión
Jessica Brooks-Bryon @
Chat & Chew Book Lists
MakerSpace- updated donation list
Below is a NEW and UPDATED list that Mrs. Martens will be collecting for future MakerSpace projects. Please send donated items with your student on library day OR or contact Denise Wheeler, 913-481-1572 to make other arrangements.
New Requested items:
Friendship bracelet style thread-any colors
Tacky craft glue
Felt fabric-any color
Always on the list: anything that can be used for building…
Legos of any kind -Duplo or regular
Tinker Toys
Crossing Guards needed - sign up today!
- Children must walk themselves and/or their bikes/scooter across the crosswalk
- Cars are not permitted to turn left off of 86th Street before and after school times
- Crosswalk times are 7:50-8:10am and 3:05-3:20pm (12:25pm-12:40pm on half days)
- If you are unable to make your assigned time, please find a sub or trade with someone
- Please try and sign up at least once a month.
New Briarwood Facebook group- class of 2035
SMSD Research and Development Forum
The SMSD community is invited to take part in this year’s 60th R&D Forum by attending the following events at the Center for Academic Achievement, 8200 W. 71st St.
- April 25-28, 2022 - 3:00 - 5:00pm - Open House at CAA (entries on display)
- April 28, 2022 - 4:00 - 7:00pm - Reception for all entrants and families
Final Competition and Prizes:
Applicants chosen as finalists will pitch their Next Great Idea to a panel of judges during the morning of April 30, 2022 at the Center for Academic Achievement, 8200 W. 71st St. The pitch competition will be live-streamed so friends and family can participate as well. Top awards are $2,500, of which $1,000 is a cash award to be used by the winner to pursue their passion and education and up to $1,500 will be awarded as "build it" grants to support making the winner's pitch a reality. A People's Choice category, determined by public voters, will be awarded a $500 prize. There will also be an Idea of Promise award with a prize of $500.
Click here for more information and contacts if you have further questions
Read Across SMSD- April
Each month of the school year features a new theme and book recommendations, provided by the National Education Association. Shawnee Mission School District librarians and educators have also compiled lists of similar titles that connect to each monthly theme.
April's book is: “Kiyoshi’s Walk”
By Mark Karlins
Illustrated by Nicole Wong
Click here for additional information and related resources
Attention 6th Grade Parents/Guardians
If your rising 7th grader is interested in running cross country at Indian Hills Middle School in the fall, this summer camp at Meadowbrook Park is a great way to help them get ready.
The Conditioning & Training Summer Camp 2022 led by Danny Davis, Head Trainer & Owner of Atlas Custom Fitness Solutions, will be held for the second year in a row. Both training session options in this camp are designed for middle-school-aged athletes.
Session 1: Every Wed/Fri in June, 9am - 10:30am, $225
Session 2: Every Wed/Fri in July, 9am - 10:30am, $225
All sessions held at Meadowbrook Park
Sign up available through the flyer attached, or contact Danny directly at
Earn Money for Briarwood while you shop on Amazon!
Go to and designate Briarwood as your charitable organization. Briarwood will earn .5% from most purchases.
Bookmark the website to use each time you shop! All of your account information will remain the same, but you’ll be raising money for Briarwood
SMSD Covid Information
Briarwood’s social worker, Cassie Horn is available to provide support to all families
- Help students/families with anxiety, depression, suicide prevention, peer relationships and other family/school dynamics
- Help create behavior support plans with students/families/teachers
- Assist teachers with social emotional teaching and trauma informed approaches in their classroom
- Individual and group counseling within school setting
- Provide resources to parents struggling with emotional/behavioral issues at home
- Connect families to resources, such as our community partner Hillcrest Covenant Church. Resources include groceries, housing, clothing etc.
Please contact Mrs. Horn with any questions or concerns: 913-993-2262
La trabajadora social de Briarwood, Cassie Horn está aquí para brindar apoyo a todas nuestras familias de Bulldog
- Ayudar a los estudiantes / familias con ansiedad, depresión, prevención del suicidio, relaciones con los compañeros y otras dinámicas familiares / escolares.
- Ayudar a crear planes de apoyo al comportamiento con estudiantes / familias / maestros.
- Ayudar a los maestros con la enseñanza socioemocional y enfoques informados sobre el trauma en los salones.
- Asesoramiento individual y grupal dentro del entorno escolar.
- Proporcionar recursos a los padres que luchan con problemas emocionales o de comportamiento en el hogar.
- Conectarlo con recursos junto con nuestro socio comunitario Hillcrest Covenant Church para nuestras familias. Los recursos incluyen comestibles, vivienda, ropa, etc
Comuniquese con ella con cualquier pregunta o inquietud 913-9932262
Social Media Info
Briarwood Elementary Bulldogs on Facebook- Grade-level private Facebook groups, search:
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2028 (6th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2029 (5th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2030 (4th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2031 (3rd grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2032 (2nd grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2033 (1st grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2034 (K)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2035 (incoming 2022-2023 Kindergartners)
Instagram @briarwoodbulldogs
Twitter @BriarwoodElem
2021-2022 PTA Executive Committee
Molly Lund •
Mary Boomer •
Deana Curtin•
VP Administration:
Kim Shelton •
VP Communications:
Jennifer Freund •
VP Community Events:
Krissie Kiehne •
VP Student Services:
Kristin McClasky •
VP Funding:
Sadie Durbin •
VP Finance:
Laura Strongman
Michelle Wiens
Ashley Hunt •
Briarwood Foundation:
Wendy Hill •
Diversity & Inclusion Chair:
Jessica Bryon •