St. Columba's Primary School
“God our Father, you call each of us by name, and you treasure each of us individually
as though no one else exists. Inspire us to respect and value each person
who comes into our lives this day. Amen.”
Dear St Columba’s School Community,
I hope this message finds you well and refreshed after a wonderful break. It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I reach out to you to share some highlights from the first week of the new term at St Columba’s.
The school grounds have been buzzing with energy as students returned, eager to reconnect with friends, teachers, and dive into the exciting learning adventures that await them this term. The atmosphere has been nothing short of electric, and it's heartening to witness the positive spirit that permeates our school community.
Our dedicated teaching staff has worked tirelessly to create engaging lesson plans and learning environments that foster curiosity and enthusiasm. The passion they bring to their classrooms is truly inspiring, and it's evident that their commitment to student success is unwavering. I extend my deepest appreciation to each and every one of our educators for their continued dedication and hard work.
Parents and guardians, your support has been invaluable. Thank you for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. Your involvement, whether through volunteering, attending school events, or simply encouraging your child at home, plays a crucial role in the success of our school community.
We welcome two new staff to the St Columba’s team: Miss Dibben (2G) and Mrs Carrick (PK – Thursdays). We also welcome back Mrs Brine and Mrs Van der Bijl (5W) from maternity leave. I am sure that they will all be made welcome by the school community.
Commitment Mass
Our Opening School Mass and Commitment Mass was today and we thank Monsignor for celebrating it with us and also blessing the student classrooms after Mass.
Year 6 Camp
We wish our Yr 6 students all the best as they head off to camp in Week 3 at Pinjarra. I am sure that they will have some wonderful stories to tell once they return.
School Grounds
A reminder to families that students should not be on the school grounds prior to 8:35am. St Columba’s provides supervision only from 8:35am until the bell goes at 8:50am. On entering the school grounds during the day all visitors will need to sign in at the front office.
Drive Through and Parent Parking
In November, Catholic School teachers in Western Australia agreed to a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. The conditions of the new agreement have led to some changes at the school level. To meet the agreement's requirements, supervision will begin at 8.35am, and classrooms will open at this time. Supervision at the St Columba’s morning drive-through will commence at 8:35am also, in line with the new directives. The afternoon Drive-through will open at 3:00pm (for our Kindy and PP students) and close at 3:20pm. Year 1-6 students are released from 3:05pm so we ask for parents with children in these year levels to wait until 3:05pm before entering the drive through. We will begin the new drive through times from Week 3 to allow parents a transition period to make any required arrangements.
As a safety measure, parents are asked to adhere to all road signage and to park legally if coming in to collect their child/ren. Supervision is provided at the Alexandra Street gate entry point of the school in the afternoons.
Corresponding with Staff
A reminder that the school has a policy of staff not responding to correspondence prior to 8:00am and after 4:00pm Monday to Friday and not on weekends. Staff will endeavour to respond to correspondence within 48 hours. Exceptions can be made if it is a matter of absolute urgency. The office is open between 8:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday.
While Seesaw is the platform for teachers to send whole class communications it is important that parents use email when seeking to communicate with their child’s classroom teacher. Email communication offers several advantages, including quick and direct access to teachers, the ability to exchange information promptly, and the convenience of having a written record of correspondence. This platform allows for a more seamless flow of information between home and school, contributing to a more effective and collaborative learning environment for your child.
Extreme Weather
The start of the term has definitely been a hot one! As temperatures reach 40 degrees we have enacted our extreme weather policies this week. This includes shaded play or inside play during break times. Students need to be sunsmart, including wearing sunscreen, having a hat and bringing a drink bottle to school. Regular hydration breaks are essential. Sunscreen is also available in all the classrooms and school office. We look forward to a cooler Week 2. Fingers crossed!
As we embark on this journey together, let's continue to foster a sense of unity, respect, and collaboration within our school community. Together, we can make this term a memorable and enriching experience for all.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and here's to a fantastic term ahead!
A reminder, students will finish this term on Thursday, 28 March. Easter will also be celebrated on the first weekend of the school holidays.
Warm regards,
Jesse Yock
Acting Principal
Important Dates
Monday 5 February
- Library borrowing commences
- Parent information sessions PP-Y6 - 6pm and 6.30pm
Thursday 8 February
- Swimming trials - Bayswater Waves - Y4-6
Friday 9 February
- eSafe Kids Incursion - Y3-6
Parent Information Evening
Monday, February 5 is the Parent Information Evening. Two sessions will be held:
· Session 1: 6.00pm
· Session 2: 6:30pm
Sessions take place in the 'Green' classroom. If you have three children, you can make an appointment to see the teacher for the session you were unable to attend. The teachers will explain classroom procedures and expectations. It is a great opportunity for Parents and Carers to meet their child’s classroom teacher and have a clear understanding of what is happening in the classroom. Electronic copies of the parent booklets will be sent out next week.
Code of Conduct
We take this opportunity to direct members of our community to review our Code of Conduct. These statements are aimed at ensuring the protection and wellbeing of students in our care. In addition, awareness of the Code of Conduct ensures that adults do not put themselves in potentially vulnerable positions; for example, adults use the ambulant toilet when on site and do not use student toilets. Please take a few moments to review our Code of Conduct.
Keeping Safe Program
The Education Act mandates the teaching of a Protective Behaviours program in all schools. At St Columba’s we follow the Keeping Safe Program. The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) aims to help children learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse and, in wider terms, covers rights, relationships, responsibilities and ethical behaviour. Stay tuned for updates throughout the year.
CEWA Childsafe Framework
This framework of nine elements combine supporting a child safe culture, healthy and respectful relationships and extended guardianship in school communities, based on the latest research and recognised best practices. Teachers are responsible for delivering this curriculum to students. Please view the video below for an introduction to the framework.
RULER - Evidence-based social and emotional learning
RULER is our evidence-based social and emotional learning which is implemented from Years 1 – 6. The acronym RULER stands for Recognising, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing and Regulating emotions. Alongside the acronym, there are four tools that the children will learn to use to assist with regulating their emotions. These are the charter which builds and sustains a postivie climate, the mood meter which builds greater self and soaicl awareness, the meta-moment which trains people to respond to emotional triggers and the blueprint which provides structure to problem-solve conflicts with empathy.
Kimochis is an evidence-based social and emotional program which will be used in Kindergarten to Pre-Primary.
What are they?
They are a proven system for helping kids grow and transform by dealing skillfully with their feelings.
What they do?
They help children feel happy, safe, confident, compassionate and successful. They help children become resilient and help them establish and sustain strong friendships.
Who are we?
We are a set of puppets each with our own story.
Student Medical Information
To ensure your child’s wellbeing, the school requires that parents provide up-to-date medical information in regard to any allergies or medical conditions. If your child is allergic to bee stings, nuts, shellfish, eggs etc and may suffer an allergic reaction, it is important that the school is informed. Your doctor will provide an anaphylaxis document with instructions that the school will follow. If your child suffers from asthma, a plan is also required. Anaphylaxis documents and asthma plans are to be presented to the office with medication to ensure that in an event of a medical incident, your child can be treated effectively. Any other medical information that may be relevant must also be presented in written form to the office. This information will remain confidential within the staff-teaching environment.
School Fees
School Fees will be emailed out to families by the end of Week 3. Statements are only sent to one parent who is the Primary Contact according to our records. If your Primary Contact person has changed please contact the school ASAP. Please check your Junk/Spam folder if you do not receive your fee statement.
Those families who hold a valid Concession Card please complete the document below and return to the school with a copy of your card so that relevant discount can be applied.
Marshall's Tennis Academy
The P&F are proud to be offering SOCCER and HOCKEY for Term 1, 2024 before school activities (Years 1-6).
Pro Football Training and the St Columba's P&F are excited to introduce a new co-curricular activity to the school, SOCCER!
Registrations are now open! Please see the details below:
Wednesday OR Friday morning 7:30am - 8:30am
Commencing Week 1 (8 week program)
Cost: $74.50 per child (The P&F will kindly be paying 50% of the total cost - normal cost $149 per child)
Registration: To register your child, please send an email to Pro Football Training or alternatively via SMS (0407 084 589) with the following information:
Childs name:
Year Group:
Preferred Day:
Emergency Contact Number:
Registrations are now open! Please see the details below:
Week 2 - Week 9 (8 week program)
Years 1-3: Thursday Morning, 7:30am - 8:30am
Years 4-6: Tuesday Morning, 7:30am - 8:30am
Cost: $45 per child (The P&F will kindly be paying 50% of the total cost - normal cost $90 per child)
This includes a free hockey stick pack!
Registration: Please register by clicking the button below.
If you have any questions, please contact Hayley Mitchell P&F President via email
Hi everyone,
I hope you and your children had a wonderful start to Term 1. It is so nice to see all the smiles around the place, everyone seems to be settling in nicely.
We hope all the teachers had a relaxing break over Christmas and New Years, it was very well deserved.
On behalf of the entire P&F community, welcome to our new St Columba's families. We look forward to getting to know you throughout the year. If you would like to be included on your year group social media groups, please reach out to your class reps or myself.
Speaking of class reps, we still have a few year groups that we are looking for class rep nominations. Can you please let us know (or your class teacher) asap so we can organise things from our end. The first meeting will be Tuesday, 20 February at 7pm in the school Staff Room.
Last call for Soccer and Hockey registrations!
Friday soccer classes commence TOMORROW
All other classes will commence next week (Week 2).
If you have any questions regarding these opportunities, please let me know.
Have a fabulous week everyone.
Hayley Mitchell
P&F President
Scholastic Books
Cash payments are no longer accepted. Payments can be made by credit card - Visit or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school's order. You do not need to complete the order form.
School Term Dates for 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March
Term 2: Tuesday 16 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December
Pupil Free Days for 2024
Term 1: Monday 29 January, Tuesday 30 January
Term 2: Monday 15 April, Friday 10 May, Friday 31 May
Term 3: Monday 15 July
Term 4: Monday 7 October
Sacrament Dates for 2024
Sacramental Program Enrolment Mass: Saturday, 16 March at 6pm
Confirmation: Saturday, 18 May at 6pm
Eucharist: Sunday, 5 May at 9:30am
Reconciliation: Saturday, 9 November at 10am
St Columba's Catholic Primary School
Location: 30 York Street, South Perth WA 6151, Australia
Phone: (08) 6436 9500