UCA Elementary Newsletter
Week of April 19th, 2021
UCA Elementary--Go Eagles!
Assistant Dean--Beth Kearns beth_kearns@uwharriecharter.org
Receptionist--Yanett Gomez yanett_gomez@uwharriecharter.org
Data Manager/Treasurer--Charity Shore charity_shore@uwharriecharter.org
K-2 Remote Days and EOG Testing!
Virtual Talent Show!
Dear Parents!
I am thrilled to announce UCA's 2nd Annual Virtual Talent Show!! Please click the link below for all the details!
Mrs. Blackwell
Zaxby's Night!
Symptom Screening!
Due to updated guidance from our state, we will no longer be completing temperature checks in the mornings. We will need your help to monitor for symptoms and wellness. Please keep your child at home and do not bring them to school if they have developed any new symptoms such as, but not limited to, the following:
- Temperature (external) of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
- Sore throat
- Cough (for students with chronic cough due to allergies or asthma, a change in their cough from usual)
- Difficulty breathing (for students with asthma, check for a change from their baseline breathing)
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
If your child has any of these symptoms, they might have an illness they can spread to others. Check your child for these symptoms before they go to school each day and monitor for symptoms that changes from usual or baseline health. Please let Mrs. O'Brien know if your child or another family member in the home is tested for COVID. For more information, visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/symptom-screening.html#strategy
Pick Up!
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Early Checkout!
Parents, please note that you cannot pick students up for early dismissal after 2:00 pm in the afternoon. If you arrive after 2 pm, you will be asked to use the staging lot and follow the normal traffic route. Our dismissal begins promptly at 2:30 each day.
Per our handbook, "701~ CHECK OUTS--A student cannot be checked out of school within the last 30 minutes of the school day. The reason for this policy is to prevent interference with dismissal traffic and to maintain safety for our students and staff. Please be mindful of this policy should you need to pick up your student early due to an appointment. It is imperative for students to remain in school for the entire school day, however, we understand that there may be emergent circumstances that occur in which a student may need to leave school early."
Bottled Water!
Each day we get a lunch count from our classrooms first thing in the morning so we know how much food to order for the day. If your student arrives after 9 am, lunch count and ordering has already been completed for the day. From now on, if a student arrives after 9 am and needs lunch, we will provide an alternate lunch.
Live Instruction!
UCA ES Youtube Channel!
Specials' Google Site!
The specials teachers have created a Google Site as a resource for students and families! Our student advocate, Pam Roach, also has a site for student services. The link is included below! Check it out!! The Zoom links for our specialists are also included on this page. I have included an attachment with the links as well.
Important Dates!
Tuesday, May 18th and Wednesday May 19th--EOG Testing