North News
September 29, 2023
General Information
Boerne ISD Education Speaker Series
The next event in the Boerne ISD Parent and Community Education Speaker Series will take place on Tuesday, October 3rd from 6-7pm in the Boerne High School Auditorium.
The featured topic will be "Bullying: Signs and Symptoms".
The event is free and everyone is invited to attend.
Please help us reach our goal! Raised: $4,570 Goal = $10,000
Beat the Flu Newsletter from Nurse Kelley, RN/BSN
Information about the flu
The flu can vary in length and severity from year to year. Children are two to three times more likely than adults to get sick with the flu, and on average, one in three children in the U.S. is affected by the virus each year.
Flu Vs. Cold
Flu season is upon us! Here is some information to help your family stay healthy this flu season. The flu is spread from person to person by droplets made from coughing and sneezing. It can also spread through germ-infested surfaces such as desks, counters, doorknobs, and more.
The flu can vary in length and severity from year to year. Children are two to three times more likely than adults to get sick with the flu, and on average, one in three children in the U.S. is affected by the virus each year.
How to protect my students from catching the flu
Here are some tips to help in the fight against the flu:
· Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
· Cover your mouth and nose with tissues when you cough or sneeze
· Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
· Stay away from others as much as possible when you are sick
· Avoid or minimize contact with sick people
· Get the flu vaccine
What should I do if my child is sick?
As always, you should keep your sick child home. Do not send your child to school with a fever. Children who are sick with flu-like illness should stay home for until they are 24 hours fever free without fever reducing medications.
Use your judgment to decide if your child can recover at home with fluids, over the counter medication, rest, or needs to see a doctor. Call your family doctor if you have questions.
Flu vaccine
Getting the flu vaccine is always a great idea. It takes about two weeks after vaccination to protect against flu, so vaccination does not protect immediately. Flu viruses are always changing, so the vaccine needs to be updated every year. People who get the flu vaccine are much less likely to get the flu than those who don't, and if vaccinated people get sick with the flu their illness is not as severe.
Are there any risks from the flu vaccine?
Vaccine reactions, if they occur, are usually mild and can include soreness, redness and swelling where the shot is given, or runny nose after getting the nasal spray. Some people have experienced fever, body aches, headache and fatigue. These reactions usually begin soon after the vaccine is given, and last 1-2 days.
A vaccine, like any medicine, could possibly cause more serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. The risk of a vaccine causing serious harm is extremely small. Life threatening allergic reactions from vaccines are very rare. If they do occur, it is usually within a few minutes to a few hours after the vaccination.
Where can you get the flu Vaccine?
Flu vaccines are available at many places here in Boerne. They are also offered for little to no cost.
Here are a few places:
· Local pediatricians or doctor’s office
· Pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens, HEB, and more
· Local urgent cares
Here are a few Doctors offices that are providing them:
· ABCD Pediatrics – (830) 816-5055
· CommuniCare Boerne – (830) 816-1717
· Hill Country Memorial Medical Group – (844) 362-7426
· Boerne Family Medicine – (830) 331-8585
· Holcomb Pediatrics – (830) 816-5437
· DSHS Boerne – (830) 249-3511
· Pediatrics of Boerne – 830-355-2343
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the flu this year, please feel free to email or contact Nurse Kelley:
Extracurricular Information
Athletic Information and Tickets
Visit for the latest BISD athletic schedules and information.
To purchase tickets for all sporting events, visit:
Campus Celebrations
Do you have great news to share about your student's outside extracurriculars? Please email Mrs. Griffin with a photo and caption so we can share!
BMSN Library Media Center
Advisory in the Library Media Center
The Library Media Center is open for Advisory on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays! On Fridays, students are invited to play games, color, puzzle, participate in Makerspace activities and more. Students should not be missing any work, and must be passing all classes to get a ticket to visit on Fun Fridays. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are all about homework help, studying, and a quiet space to read.
Did you know the LMC has a Google Classroom for students with contests like the Bookmark Contest and the Million Word Club Challenge, as well as research tips and tricks and more? Encourage your student to sign up for the LMC Google Classroom: tvpmbpn
Click the link below to access the PTO website, buy merch, and more!
Click the image above to submit a report anonymously.
Connect with us!
Front Office: 830-357-3100
Counseling Office: 830-357-3116
Announcements: BISDtv KDOG
Twitter: @boernemsnorth