Soule Elementary's Cowboy Connect
August 2023

Cowboy Connect - August 2024
Principal Note
Students and Families,
Howdy Cowboy Crew! Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We hope everyone is having a fun yet restful summer vacation! We want to extend a warm welcome to new families and welcome back our returning ones. Get ready to giddy-up for an awesome new school year! Please scroll down for important information.
Our theme this year is “Under the Sea of Learning” and we are ready to dive right in. We appreciate you sharing your child/ren with us and please feel free to reach out with concerns, celebrations or just to visit. SEA you soon!
Amber Cunningham & Kim Armstrong
Soule Elementary Principals
(620) 471-2116
Meet your teacher, bring your school supplies and backpacks to leave and get your SafeDismissal number.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Thursday, August 15th
- Doors will open at 7:25am. Reminder that breakfast rates are based on the lunch qualifications of Free, Reduced, or Full-pay. Breakfast will be 7:25-7:55am in the school cafeteria. ALL KIDS WILL REPORT TO THE GYM if they arrive before 7:55am. On the first week of school, you may walk your student(s) in the building and to their classroom(s) if you would like! Reminder that after 7:55, teachers will come guide their students to their classrooms from the gym. Parents, we ask that your child develops a sense of routine. We know arrival time can be a little scary. After the first week, we encourage parents to foster their child's independence and further develop their school routine by allowing them to walk with the teacher.
- If your student arrives after 8am, they are considered tardy and will need to stop by the office to grab a tardy slip from the attendance clerk before heading to class. Dismissal is 3:15pm. Please see below on SafeDismissal details.
- Did you know Soule offers the after-school program through the YMCA? Please contact the YMCA to sign up your students for after-school care. Scholarships are available.
Soule will continue with SafeDismissal for this upcoming school year. Please see the videos below if you are new to Soule! This dismissal process improves the safety of your children and the efficiency (speed) of dismissal. We have partnered with the company safeDISMISSAL.COM again. One of the many features of this dismissal process is that your children will remain comfortably and safely in their classroom until the moment they will meet you in the "car loading zone".
Here are a couple tips to follow during our new dismissal process:
1. Please make sure to have your ‘pick-up’ card displayed in your front window when entering the dismissal line. Please keep your card displayed until your child has been loaded into your car. You will get your new card at Open House August 14th (5:30-6:30pm). We are going to try to keep the numbers the same for returning families.
2. If your student does not arrive at the loading spot before you do, you may be instructed to move forward where your child will be notified again. We ask you to move forward so that we do not hold up the remaining dismissal line.
3. PLEASE DO NOT CUT THROUGH CARS except at the designated cross-walk to keep all kids and family members safe!
4. Please refrain from reversing your vehicle in the pick-up line.
Finally, we ask for your patience the first couple of days. Our staff is committed to making this process beneficial to all!
Please visit www.safeDISMISSAL.com for more information as well as more info from Soule!
English Video explaining SafeDismissal
Spanish Video explaining SafeDismissal
Talking Points
Talking Points will be up and running soon! We are able to communicate with families directly via text message through this! This tool will allow all families to receive messages in their home language instantly. 🙌 Your child's teacher will reach out to you. If you have the app downloaded, the message will send there. If you are new to the district, you'll receive this as a text message until you download the Talking Points FAMILIES app!
Important Upcoming Dates to November
- Parent Information Reading Title Nights: K-2 is Tuesday, Aug 20 & 3-5 is Thursday, Aug 22
- Tuesday, August 24th- Evacuation Drill to First United Methodist Church @ 9:20am
- Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day: NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, September 10th- Tornado Drill
- Friday September 13th is PICTURE DAY!
- Monday, September 30th- Friday, October 4th- Fall Book Fair, details to come
- Thursday, October 10th- Regular school day and dismissal time (Parent Teacher Conferences at night), 3:30-6:30pm
- Friday, October 11th- Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00-11:40am, NO SCHOOL!
- Thursday, October 17th and Friday, October 19th- STAFF DEVELOPMENT- NO SCHOOL!
- Friday, October 25th-Thursday, October 31st: Red Ribbon Week- Fun dress up days
- Thursday, October 31st- Final Red Ribbon Day / Book Character Parade @ 2:30pm on the turf
- Friday, November 1st- Pajama Day
Meet the rest of the Cowboys!
Mrs. Jones
Ms. Solorzano
Attendance Clerk
Mrs. Peralta
Family Liaison
Mrs. Busch
Kindergarten Teacher
Mrs. Huck
Kindergarten Teacher
Mrs. Romero
Mrs. Crotinger
1st Grade Teacher
Mrs. Demoret
1st Grade Teacher
Miss Karolus
1st Grade Teacher
Ms. Horn
2nd Grade Teacher
Ms. Lee
2nd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Portenier
2nd Grade Teacher
Ms. Apatiga
3rd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Armendariz
3rd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Fernandez
3rd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Brookman
4th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Chavez
4th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Cuellar
4th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Darcy
5th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Hoffman
5th Grade Teacher
Mr. Smith
5th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Cherry
Mixed Abilities
Mrs. Hiatt
Mixed Abilities
Mr. Shouse
Mixed Abilities
Ms. VanDegrift
Mixed Abilities
Ms. Eitel
Mixed Abilities Instructional Coach
Mrs. Hascall
Instructional Coach
Mrs. Trombley
Mrs. Melia
Mrs. Richins
Music Teacher
Mrs. Varner
Music Teacher
Mr. Fawcett
PE Teacher
Mr. Ridenour
PE Teacher
Mr. Jose
Head Custodian
Ms. Blanca
Mr. Andy
Mr. JR
Mrs. Nebbeling
Ms. Gerard
Ms. Oliva
Mrs. Tinoco
Maria Aguilar
Mrs. T
1st Grade Paraprofessional
Mrs. Andrade
1st Grade Paraprofessional
Ms. Q
1st Grade Paraprofessional
Ms. Victoria
2nd Grade Paraprofessional
Mrs. Hernandez
2nd/5th Grade Paraprofessional
Mrs. Robles
3rd Grade Paraprofessional
Ms. Castillo
4th Grade Paraprofessional
Ms. Vicky
Speech Pathologist
Ms. Tori
Mr. Doug
Chief Happiness Officer
Mr. Unruh
Student Teacher
Mrs. Platt
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Karyn
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Fabi
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Martha
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Julie
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Delia
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Elizabeth
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Rosa
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Maria
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Karen
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Jessica
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Dorothea
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Connie
613 Paraprofessional
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Magdalena
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Duque
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Fry
613 Paraprofessional
Ms. Kristy
Occupational Therapist
Mrs. Glenna
Physical Therapist
Soule Elementary
Email: cunningham.amber@usd443.org / armstrong.kim@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/543512_3
Location: 401 Soule Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 6204712116
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SouleElementaryDC