The Acorn
Oakview's latest news, events, activities & opportunities
January 26, 2018
Principal's Report - Phillip Reavis
Oakview Increases Ranking Statewide
Congratulations to Oakview Elementary School! Based on spring 2017 SC Ready (reading, writing and math) test scores, Oakview ranked 11th highest in South Carolina in reading/writing and 15th highest in math. Oakview improved its math ranking from the previous year, moving up from 30th in the state to its current level of 15th! This is an amazing jump and provides evidence of the hard work put forth by teachers, students, and parents. There are 666 elementary schools in the state of South Carolina so these rankings are certainly significant. Congratulations Oakview! Keep up the great work!
Kindergarten Teacher Earns National Board Certification
Congratulations Ashley Nettles, Oakview kindergarten teacher! She earned National Board Certification, one of the teaching profession’s most respected achievements. Teachers seeking National Board Certification undertake a four-part process that takes from one to three years to complete. The process requires candidates to analyze information about students in order to design and implement instructional choices that will advance student growth and achievement. Teachers reflect on their classroom practices, assess their understanding of subject material, and examine their preparation techniques. We are proud of you Mrs. Nettles!
Science Fair Information Meeting
Please note there is a time change for the Science Fair Parent Meeting on Monday, January 29th. Join us at 2:45 in the media center to learn how to organize and carry out an award winning science fair project. We look forward to seeing you!
For Children,
Phillip Reavis, Ph.D.
Box Tops Spring Collection
It's that time again- the Spring Box tops for Education collection contest is back! Please make sure to send any clipped box tops by Monday, February 12th. In order for your student to get credit for the class contest, each baggie/envelope of box tops must include their grade level & teacher name.
Our fall collection resulted in over $1100 for Oakview and we hope to surpass this goal this Spring! Thank you for your support- we couldn't do it without you!
Reading Tutor Volunteers Needed!
Oakview would not be the school that it is today without our wonderful group of volunteers. Each volunteer job is important, but one volunteer job that makes a lasting change in the life of a student is the job of reading tutor. You do not have to be a teacher to tutor a child! If you want to make a real difference, please sign up to help a child learn to read. You may be the one that gives that struggling student the confidence that is needed to work harder and succeed. If you would like to volunteer to be a reading tutor, please contact Sherrie Brookie, Instructional Coach, at sbrookie@greenville.k12.sc.us. Tutoring sessions last approximately 30 minutes and days/times are flexible.
Father/Daughter Dance - An Enchanted Evening
Save the Date for Friday, February 23 for an enchanted evening at OES! We look forward to hosting the precious girls at Oakview and the special men in their life at a dance for princesses!
- Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd Graders are invited to join us from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
3rd, 4th, & 5th Graders are invited to join us from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Stay tuned for event and ticket details!
Annual Children’s Book Drive
Start sorting through your Children’s Books and pulling out those gently-used ones that could brighten another child’s day!
Our annual Children’s Book Drive will take place February 26 - March 2, 2018.
We Need You!
Are you interested in getting involved in PTA next year? We need all the help we can get - men and women! Our Nominating Committee will start meeting in the next couple of weeks and they would love to know if you are interested in serving!
Just fill out the online form and someone from Nominating will reach out to you in the next few weeks. Thank you so much for your interest to serve!
Congratulations to Oakview's PTA Reflections 2017-2018 Winners!
Oakview's PTA Reflections Committee is pleased to announce the list of winners at the school level (see list below). This year, we received a total of 58 entries from Kindergarten to Intermediate grade levels. All participants will be recognized in an award ceremony in the Spring (details to follow). All First to Third place winners will advance to the state round. Meanwhile, only First place winners are judged at the district level.
What is the PTA Reflections Program? The National PTA Reflections program is an annual recognition program to support arts learning and celebrate student success in the arts. During the early part of the school year, Oakview students were invited to reflect on the 2017-2018 theme, "Within Reach" and create original works of art. Categories are dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Students were also asked to write an artist statement and submit as many number of entries in all categories.
The judging process involved looking at the personal interpretations on the program theme that best exemplify creativity and technical skill. Entries were scored based on category, grade level, interpretation of theme, creativity and technique. Judges were anonymous, unaffiliated with the school and chosen for their expertise in relation to the category that they judge.
We were thrilled by the increase in participation this year and proud of each and everyone who joined. We hope that this year's winners will encourage more students to be a part of this exciting program, not only to experience recognition for their artistic talents that they deserve, but also to celebrate the significance of arts in education.
For questions or inquiries about Oakview PTA's Reflections Program, please email reflections@oakviewpta.com.
Oakview PTA's Reflections 2017-2018 "Within Reach" Winners
Dance (INT)
1st Erica Murphy
2nd Maggie Simril
Film (Primary)
1st Emma Bogle
Film (INT)
1st Lily Bogle
Literature (Primary)
1st Karthik Arumugam
2nd Scarlett Bermudez
3rd Greer Willimon
Literature (INT)
1st Christian Foggie
2nd Allison Kim
3rd Neha Shivanna
Honorable Mention 1 Jackson Lane
Honorable Mention 2 Alison Bynum
Music (Primary)
1st Titus Hall
2nd Karthik Arumugam*
2nd Lily Arzt*
Music (INT)
1st Lily Bogle
Photography (Primary)
1st Marley Billingsley
2nd Cruz Foggie
3rd Place Max Dannelly
Photography (INT)
1st Neha Shivanna
2nd Alison Bynum
3rd Conner Smith
Honorable Mention 1 Ilona Dannelly
Honoroable Mention 2 Neha Shivanna
Visual Arts (Primary)
1st Chapman Whatley
2nd Trisha Krishnakumar
3rd Karthik Arumugam
Honorable Mention 1 Kaylee Davis
Honorable Mention 2 Lily Arzt
Visual Arts (INT)
1st Emilia Rdzanek
2nd Grayson Gamrat
3rd Neha Shivanna
Honorable Mention 1 Juliana Hughes
Honorable Mention 2 Holly Haydamack
Special Artist
1st Owen Dannelly
*As a result of the scoring process, both students are tied for 2nd place.
Upcoming Spirit Nights
Twisted Cup
Please join us in recognizing and thanking these businesses and families of the Oakview community for their generous donations to the 2017-2018 Friends of Oakview fund.
A/R Funding
Ashby Park Pediatric Dentistry
Barre 3
Brain Refocus
Crockett Pediatric Dentistry
Davis Orthodontics
Edward Jones
Goddard School
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Greer Pediatric Dental Care
Harrison Orthodontics
Home Trust Bank
InsideOut at home
Kumon of Simpsonville
Little Bee Hive
Mc Donald’s at Maxwell Pointe
Pizza Inn
Pump It Up
Southern First Bank
Steadman Hawkins
Summers Orthodontics
Summit Janitorial Services
Trader Joe’s
Tucanos Brazilian Grill
The Adams Family
The Akahori Family
The Alfonso Family
The Andrews Family
The Angone Family
The Artz Family
The Baird Family
The Baum Family
The Benton Family
The Berg Family
The Bird Family
The Bishop Family
The Bracall Family
The Brake Family
The Bucci Family
The Burns Family (Ian and Bonner Bloodworth)
The Burns Family (Jake, Sadie, and Eliza)
The Campbell Family
The Caputo Family
The Cianfarano Family
The Clapp Family
The Cofer Family
The Cole Family
The Coleman Family
The Curtis Family
The Dadania Family
The Daniel Family
The Dawson Family
The Eberstein Family
The Eminoglu Family
The Feldman Family
The Fickling Family
The Fields Family
The Frazier Family
The Gamrat Family
The Garcia Family
The Garner Family
The Gettig Family
The Gregory Family
The Griffith Family
The Guastaferro Family
The Halpin Family
The Harder Family
The Harrison Family
The Helmer Family
The Hernandez Family
The Herring Family
The Hughes Family
The Johnson Family
The Kalatges Family
The Kneeland Family
The Knox Family
The Lane Family
The Lewis Family
The Lobo Family
The Long Family
The Makosiej Family
The Manos Family
The Markwell Family
The Marlin Family
The Marullo Family
The McClure Family
The Mewborn Family
The Middleton Family
The Moschella Family
The Murdock Family
The OLoughlin Family
The Orr Family
The Patel Family
The Pinkley Family
The Rast Family
The Richter Family
The Rumsey Family
The Scheib Family
The Schiefelbein Family
The Schofield Family
The Shaw Family
The Shieh Family
The Shuler Family
The Siffri Family
The Silva Family
The Smith Family
The Soenke Family
The Stamper Family
The Stiles Family
The Stoudemire Family
The Tan Family
The Thomas Family
The Vanchoff Family
The Villager Family
The Wagener Family
The Wilson Family
The Zow Family
The Zych Family