Clyde Erwin Elementary School
Dr. Patterson's Weekly Update
March 27, 2020
Happy Friday Eagles!
We hope you all are staying safe and well during our school closure. Teachers returned from intercession today, and we have been working hard to prepare for virtual instruction. On Monday, March 30, 10:00am - 3:00pm, instructional packets and supplies will be available for pick-up. Packets will be distributed at the front entrance of the school building. If your child is in grades 3-5 and you have not completed a waiver for the laptop to be sent home, you will need to complete a waiver before the laptop can leave campus on Monday.
Beginning on Tuesday, March 31, your child will receive virtual instruction.
- Students in grades 3-5 will receive all virtual instruction through Microsoft Teams on the school issued laptop. Math instruction is 10:00am daily, and ELA instruction is 1:00pm daily. Classes will be recorded for students unable to attend live sessions.
- Students in K-2 will be provided instructional packets bi-weekly. The first packets are available for pick-up on March 30, and the next set of packets will be available on April 14. A reminder will be sent out to parents prior to each packet pick-up day.
- K-2 teachers are also communicating with parents about instructional videos and resources being posted to their webpages. Please connect to Class DoJo and communicate with teachers regularly.
- Enrichment teachers (art, music, PE, media) will post two lessons/activities each week for students to complete. K-2 lessons will be posted on our webpage, and 3-5 lessons will be posted in Microsoft Teams.
- Teacher office hours are 9:00-10:00am and 2:00-3:00pm Monday through Friday. Communicate with teachers through Class DoJo or email, and they will respond to you within 24 hours.
- Mrs. Nathan, our school counselor, is also available for virtual counseling as needed. Information is on our webpage under the "Student Services" tab.
We have missed our students, and we look forward to beginning virtual instruction. Parent communication and connectivity is very important to us. If you have questions about instruction, please contact your child's teacher through email or Class DoJo.
Web Page
Check out our web page at
Coca-Cola Give Program
Our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program. When you make Coca-Cola purchases, you can support us in one of two ways:
(1) Scan or enter product codes here: https://us.coca-cola.com/give/schools/and select Clyde Erwin Elementary Magnet School; or
(2) Drop off product caps to the school receptionist.
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events
March 30, 10:00am - 3:00pm: Packets available for parent pick-up in the front of the school
March 30 - May 15: Schools closed for face-to-face instruction
Positive Behavior Expectations
We review our behavior expectations with students regularly so they can show school pride at CEES and earn Class DoJo points. Students must earn 100 Class DoJo points during the month to participate in the schoolwide PBIS celebrations. Please review our CEES acronym with students at home to help support our program:
Clyde Erwin Eagles SOAR!
Staying safe
Owning your actions
Acting responsibly
Respecting everyone and everything
About Us
Mission: To provide and prepare students through innovative, cutting-edge, problem based, cultural and social academic opportunities
Email: tara.patterson@onslow.k12.nc.us
Website: http://clydeerwin.nc.oce.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 323 New River Drive, Jacksonville, NC 28540, United States
Phone: (910)347-1261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClydeErwinElementaryMagnetSchool/
Twitter: @CEEMEagles