Conrad May Update
May 1, 2023
Hello May!
Hello Owls!
It is hard to believe it is already May and the end of the 2022/2023 School Year. I want to thank each and every one of you for a wonderful first year at Conrad Early Learning Center! I have truly enjoyed getting to know families, staff, and your students this year. Conrad is the best place to be. I am honored to call this my job! Thank you for sharing your children with us. The growth we see in each and every one of them is amazing!
We will be moved to our last unit of the year in mid-April. This is our "Simple Machines" unit. Our students are learning about inclined planes, levers, screws, who works with simple machines, and how people use different types of simple machines. This unit has been so exciting to have students learning through so many hands on opportunities!
Thank you for all those who came out to our Family Event April 27th. We had so much fun watching families build clothespin derby cars. Each family also left with some game ideas from Joint Initiatives. The food trucks also were a huge hit again. We know there were other events that night and appreciate those who stopped by!
Once again, there are a lot of dates to keep in mind this month:
5/1 Mon. Non-Workday, Office closed
5/2 Tues. Principal Appr. Day (obs.)
5/3 Wed. Teacher Appr. Day
5/4 Thurs. PTO Meeting at 8:45
5/8 Mon. CPP Council Meeting in AM
5/10 Wed. School Nurse Appr. Day
Last Library Book Checkout
5/13 Fri. Spirit Day: Conrad shirt/Color
5/16 Tu. SRO Appreciation Day
5/17 Wed. ALL library books are DUE
5/24 Wed. Monthly Family Event
Field Day
Spirit Day: Conrad shirt
Weather make-up 5/25 Thurs.
5/26 Fri., Last Day of School
AM ends at 11 am (15 min early)
PM session- No students
Our virtual announcements have been a huge celebration!! Students come up, lead the pledge, and model our mindfulness pose of the week! We have also added in fun facts about healthy eating! If you do not already, please follow our Facebook page to see theses announcements, as well as updates and activities around our school. If your child leads the announcements, they will also come home with a sticker!
Remember, on the first of each month, the students switch playgrounds! If you were picking up on the west playground in April, you will now pickup on the east playground and vice versa! (Look for your classroom teachers). While the weather is ever changing, there may be indoor recess. If you do not see your child's class outside at pick-up, you will sign them out at their drop-off doors. Please remember to send coats and Colorado Springtime weather items for your child in case we are outside and it is chilly!
A few other reminders:
Siblings or children not enrolled as a student at Conrad:
Siblings and other children are NOT allowed to visit the classrooms during regular school day sessions due to licensing regulations, ratios, potential health concerns, and disruptions to the classroom environment. Please note that this includes the following situations: birthday celebrations, holiday events during the school day, volunteer activities, etc. Additionally, this is relevant for unenrolled children of all ages - including infants and children in strollers/carriers. Conrad is now a DRY FLOUR free zone building-wide.
Siblings are welcome to attend outdoor events during the school day (field day, etc.), as well as after-school events such as Family Nights.
To ensure safety of all students, staff, and families: please, no dogs on school property during pick up/drop off times. Remember to use the crosswalks and keep your child close to you in the parking lots.
From the office of Nurse Sheena:
Hello Conrad Owls and Families:
- Summer is right around the corner so I wanted to bring up some reminders in looking forward to next year.
If your student will be needing medication, a new form will need to be filled out each school year. I recommend booking an appointment with your doctor for June or July so that this paperwork can be completed prior to school.
Your student will need a doctor’s order for both prescription and non-prescription medication. Some medications have a standardized healthcare plan that Colorado schools use. If your student has asthma, seizures, or anaphylaxis/allergies, you can find these healthcare plans on our website at You can also find the Medication permission form on the website listed above.
If your student has a food allergy, please have your doctor fill out a meal modification form to ensure that your student will not be exposed to this allergen at school.
If your child has medication, you will need to bring the medication to the office to be signed in and out. Please do not put medications in the student’s backpack.
If your student has a prescription medication, the prescription information must be on the medication bottle/box. If your student’s medication is over the counter, a new unopened box must be brought in.
If you student had a medication form this school year, I will be sending home the same forms to be filled out this summer for next school year.
Non-medical exemptions expire June 30th of each year. If your student has a non-medical exemption for immunizations, you need to either re-take the online module prior to each school year (after June 30th), or have an immunizing provider sign a non-medical exemption form. For more information, or to reach the online module please go to . If you have any questions on this process, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Reminder, we visit the library on Wednesday's. Students have an opportunity to listen to stories, as well as check out library books for the week! If you would like to be a Wednesday library volunteer, please visit our website under the PTO tab. You can sign up for any amount of time; it does not need to be an entire day commitment. Books are due back on the following Tuesday. The last day for checkout this year is May 10. ALL BOOKS due back by May 17.
Here at Conrad, we all believe in each and every student. Please, reach out if you have any questions in regards to the upcoming events!
Have a wonderful last month here at Conrad. And enjoy the summer!!
In Service of All,
Laura Browning
Upcoming Events
From Ms. Yevonne Conrad (librarian)
East Playground
10:10-10:40 AM/ 2:10-2:40 Ms. Q & Ms. Kayla
10:45-11:15 AM/ 2:45-3:15 PM Ms. Janel & Ms. Katelyn
West Playground
10:10-10:40 AM/ 2:10-2:40 PM Ms. Horton & Ms. Tico
10:45-11:15 AM/ 2:45-3:15 PM Ms. Kate & Ms. Jenn