At the Creek....
March 24, 2023
Next week:
3/27-5th Grade AK Science Assessment parts 1 and 2 completed
3/28-5th Grade AK Science completed
3/28-AK STAR assessments begin-see test schedule information and link below
3/28-3/31-4th and 6th grade AK STAR
Coming soon:
4/3-4/7-3rd and 5th grade AK STAR
4/4-Librarians Day!
4/6-Lottery for the 23/24 school year closes
4/11-PTA meeting in library at 7pm
April 17-28-Spring Benchmark for K-2
April 26-Administrative Professionals Day-Let's celebrate Jonathan and Christy!
April 17-28-Spring Benchmark for K-2
May 16th-Band and Orchestra concert 11:45-12:15 pm
May 18th-Field Day
May 23rd-Last day for students
Hello Rabbit Creek,
We are excited for our state testing as we have amazing children who are great learners! Thank you in advance to our 3rd through 6th grade parents who have sent in the pennants to encourage your children's success on testing. If you haven't had a chance to write your positive messages on a pennant, please do so and send them in on Monday!
Thank you to the Rabbit Creek PTA for the new microwave that arrived in our lounge this week! Our one remaining microwave was used non stop-we appreciate you!! Also-thank you to our PTA and those who purchased the Square Art products over the last couple of years. The funds raised were used for a guest artist in Art this week and students enjoyed sewing in class.
These next few weeks will be very busy at Rabbit Creek and our calendar lists some events happening in the future. I wanted to be sure you had a chance to plan ahead for great things at school! Watch for more information about end of the year events as they arise. We will also be sharing documents requesting to learn about your family's plans and student information to aid us in planning for the 23/24 school year. Isn't it crazy to be thinking that far ahead?
Have a wonderful weekend.
Ms Peterson
Shelf Stable meals
Dismissal Information from the Foundations team
Science Fair Winners Announced!!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year's Science Fair. A thank you goes out to Mrs. Bookman who sponsored our event and to our judges for their time. Rabbit Creek is celebrating the following students:
6th Grade:
1st Place: Rivers of Fire: Isabel Camm
2nd Place: Why Does Stuff Look Weird in Water? Davina
3rd Place: Can Scraps Make New Produce? Isabella Soto5th Grade:
1st Place: Luke Carey and Henry Sharp
2nd Place: Caitlin Reidel
3rd Place: Teslin Moon and Rebecca Allen
4th Grade:
1st Place: A TIE: Reyce Lee and Taysom Weaver
Molly D'Amico
2nd Place: Liza, Florina, and Skye:
3rd Grade
1st Place: Anna Sullivan (2/3 combo)
2nd Place: Grayson Harper
3rd Place: Scarlett Pagano
2nd Grade:
1st Place: Decker Schoetz
2nd Place: Millie Ellingson and Jillian Miranda
Spirit Day: Friday, April 7 - 1980's Day! (sponsored by Student Council)
More from Student Council
Music Machine Summer Opportunity!
From your PTA....
Hello Rabbit Creek Families,
This weather is so wacky, 40 degrees one day and snowing the next. Be careful with all of the ice out there!
Barnes and Noble will be hosting our Spring Book Fair THIS week from March 23-28th and RC will receive a percentage of sales, when RC is mentioned at check out. Online purchases also count as well. There will be some fun activities throughout the weekend, so please stop by and purchase a book or two during the Book Fair. Thank you to Mrs. Barnes for organizing this event!
Another wonderful crafting opportunity is coming up quickly in April. Thank you to Amanda Fowler, our Membership VP for putting these fun activities together for the kids. If you are interested, please sign up using this link:
3rd grade-6th grade April 5th 3:30pm-4:30pm
Kindergarten-2nd grade April 4th 3:30pm-4:30pm.
PTA is working on some fun upcoming activities for all of RC students–a Spring Dance and Field Day. We will let you know of the details soon.
Kudos to Mr. K for creating a Drama Club here at RC. The children and volunteers are busy working on learning their lines and creating sets for the upcoming play. More information to come on this fun event!
The Student Council is working on the date for the RC Roller Skating Night. I can’t wait to see you all at Skateland.
PTA is finalizing the dates for a CRUBML Cookie Fundraiser occurring Mid April. Once we have the details, I will be sharing this information with you all. YUM!
We are looking for a 6th grade liaison for upcoming end of the school year activities. If you are interested, please reach out to one of the PTA members.
Thank you to all the parent volunteers who have helped throughout the year. We appreciate all you do for RC.
You can still purchase memory books at ybpay.com with the Yearbook ID code of 13268823. The books are $20 each and parents can decide to personalize the book with their child’s school photo on the front, if they wish.
Please join us Tuesday, April 11th in the RC library for our next PTA meeting. To stay up to date with current PTA issues and activities, refer to our PTA website www.rabbitcreekpta.org and our closed PTA Facebook group "Rabbit Creek Elementary PTA".
Your gracious PTA President,
Kelly Joy Quisenberry
President, Rabbit Creek PTA
Rabbit Creek Elementary School
Email: peterson_kristina@asdk12.org
Website: www.asdk12.org/rabbitcreek
Location: 13650 Old Seward Highway, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5700