WMS Friday Forecast
September 10, 2021
Attention All Parents/Guardians:
Attention All Parents/Guardians:
The I-Ready Fall Diagnostic Reports for both Math and Reading are being sent home with your child on Friday, September 10, 2021, so be on the lookout! You will find the following information included with the two diagnostic reports:
A letter from Mr. Dave Chiszar, who is the Director of Assessment and Accountability, that explains the I-Ready diagnostic report and what is being included in the documents mailed home.
A “ How Do I Read the Diagnostic Reports” document that will support you as you look at the data.
As students have now completed this initial diagnostic for the year, their personalized pathway has been identified and set for each student to begin weekly lessons in math and reading. Last week in tutorial, your child began to work on lessons in their personalized pathways. The goal for each student is to pass one lesson in both reading and math each week. If your child is finding the lessons too easy, please feel free to contact your child’s language arts or math teacher to let them know. This may be an indication that the personalized pathway level identified from the diagnostic was set to low. We can rectify this by setting an appropriate level in the pathway. Should you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s counselor. Please click here to access the counselor information.
Is Your Child Involved?
Keep an eye on future issues of the Friday Forecast for upcoming opportunities to participate in activities. Please encourage your child to find ways to be involved at school.
Enjoy your weekend!
Attention Parents of 6th grade students!
The WEB leaders are holding a special event just for 6th graders! Thursday, September 30th from 3:45-4:45 p.m. Sixth graders will get the opportunity to connect with 8th grader peer leaders, meet other 6th graders, and participate in fun activities. Click HERE to sign up for this event. The Signup will close on Wednesday, September 22nd, so don’t delay, sign up today!
Support for Your Child if they are Quarantined:
If your child is quarantined due to Covid, our teachers will send work to your child and work with you and your child as we always have when a child is out of school. We want to recognize that quarantine offers some unique challenges for our students.
We will be offering instructional support through a certified teacher during quarantine. Ann Rose, a recently retired D303 teacher, will be available to support our quarantine students through Zoom. When a child begins quarantine, we will email both the child and the parent with information on how to access Mrs. Rose's Zoom for support. We encourage our quarantined students to access this instructional support!
Wredling Parent-Guardian Open House
We are excited that Wredling will be hosting a Parent-Guardian Open House on Wednesday, September 22 from 6 PM to 8 PM! This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to walk through Wredling, meet Wredling teachers and get to know the building.
In order to maintain a safe environment for parents, guardians, and staff members, all attendees need to:
Wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth regardless of vaccination status
Avoid congregating in large groups while in the buildings
Honor that this is a parent/guardian event only. No children are allowed in the building during this event.
Upon entering the building, we will let you know where each teacher/team will be located. If you are interested in seeing your child’s classrooms, please print or screenshot your child’s schedule from Home Access Center. Also, note that this event is a meet-and-greet with teachers. The time to ask questions about your child and their progress is at Parent-Teacher Conferences which are scheduled for October 7 and 8. Please enter through the main entrance. (WMS only) Parking is available in our lot or to the west of the building in the Norris Center parking lot.
Dear RedHawk Families
Staff, students and parents are encouraged to help digitally document this year in the yearbook. We offered this opportunity to our families last year and loved the many submissions we received.
Theme of photos we are currently looking for:
First days of school
WMS Sports & Activities
Pictures can be shared directly with Mr. Massie Timothy.Massie@d303.org
Butterbraid Fundraiser
Hello Wredling Families!
Come One - Come All to the Wredling PTO Color on October 14, 2021 on the Wredling track.
Students - come have fun and get messy with all your friends and family to start out the school year. Who will have the most color? Who will have the best costumes? Come and find out!
Register online at www.wredlingpto.org by Friday, October 1st.
➨Registration Fees On/Before Friday, October 1st: All Students: $25 Adults: $30
➨Registration after Friday, October 1st, will be available in person only on the day of event; fees increase $5.00/person.
Visit the Wredling PTO website for more information www.wredlingtpto.org
(Note: registration will not be completed until paid using square.come/store/wmspto)
An event is only as great as our parent volunteers. Sign up to help be a part of the fun.
Click on the below link to volunteer for the Color Run.
Color Run Parent Volunteer Sign Up
Any questions contact: Laura Halpenny, lhalpenny7@gmail.com
Check out this awesome video and see what it’s all about !!
WMS Boys Basketball
Tryouts will take place October 18-20. Please click the grade level link for details.
Monday: October 18th 6:30 - 8:00a.m.
Tuesday: October 19th 6:30 - 8:00a.m.
Wednesday: October 20th 3:40- 5:00p.m
****Teams will be chosen on Wednesday******
Monday: October 18th 3:40-5:15
Tuesday: October 19th 3:40-5:15
Wednesday: October 20th 3:40-5:00
****Teams will be chosen on Wednesday******
Keep an Extra Mask!
Middle School Early Release Dates
- September 29
- October 27
- December 1
- January 26
- February 23
- March 23
- April 27
NOTE: These dates are also on the Wredling calendar on our website.
SOS for Parents in the Trenches
October 6, 2021
Debbie Reber, NY Times bestselling author
Zoom Webinar, 6:30 pm; Recording to be posted
When parents are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out, it’s hard to show up in a way that best supports their child’s development, especially if/ when our kids are struggling, too. In this practical and actionable talk, Debbie shares ten powerful “tilts,” a.k.a. practical ideas to help parents shift their thinking, responses, and actions in a way that will help them feel more confident and peaceful as they parent their unique children.
Supporting Kids Who Learn Differently: Back-to-School Edition
October 13, 2021
Debbie Reber, NY Times bestselling author
Zoom Webinar, 6:30 pm; Recording to be postedSchool always presents certain challenges for students who learn and think differently (kids with ADHD, dyslexia, giftedness, autism, anxiety, or other neuro-differences). But the COVID-19 pandemic has created even greater obstacles. Debbie shares ideas on how parents can best prioritize and plan in the pandemic-era school landscape. She also offers advice on how to support differently wired children’s cognitive, social, and emotional needs during this atypical time, while also taking care of one’s own emotional health and well-being.
Sept 18th River Cleanup!
Collab with the Friends of the Fox!
Do you like the environment and want to help it? If so we are collaborating with friends of the fox at Ferson Creek in St.Charles 9:00 Am to help clean the fox river! Snacks and beverages will be provided!
“On Saturday, September 18, 2021, Friends of the Fox River will coordinate the 3rd annual It’s Our Fox River Day event on the entire Fox River from its headwaters near Waukesha, Wisconsin to its confluence with the Illinois River in Ottawa, Illinois.
We are reaching out to towns, counties, park districts and forest preserve districts along the river, along with environmental groups, faith communities, youth organizations and individuals throughout the watershed to join in this annual event and celebrate the place the Fox River has in our lives and our communities.”- Friends of the Fox
What to bring:
Shoes/rain boots
Clothes that can get muddy
Email Callie Ramirez for sign up form and instructions
Can't wait to see you all there!
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303
Twitter: @WredlingD303