Patriot Post
March 2022
Report Card Night
For those of you new to Beckman who have not experienced Report Card Night, the evening is simply a time to pick up 3rd Quarter Reports Cards and speak briefly to teachers in person about the marks your student receives. Keep in mind that the information on the report card is always available in Aeries and attendance is not mandatory.
Maps and additional information will be made available closer to the date of the event.
Thursday, Mar 24, 2022, 05:00 PM
Arnold O. Beckman High School, Bryan Avenue, Irvine, CA, USA
Teacher of the Year - Tracy Dawson
Congratulations Ms. Dawson… Beckman High School’s 2022 Teacher of the Year!”
The Eight: VAPA Students of the Month
In the month of March, we are honoring The Eight. These are students who have gone above and beyond in their respective fields of art. We could not be prouder of these young artists for their passion and dedication to their art. Camden Ho, Meena Senapathi, Brian Lee, Aditi Jain, Nick Kim, Yuriko Mikasa, Joanne Peng, and Evan Josten.
We would also like to acknowledge those who have made it as 2022 OC Artist of the Year Semi-Finalists! Camden Ho (Graphics), Meena Senapathi (Photo), Ryan McGarrity (Photo), Aditi Jain (Fine Art), Jakob Dubin (Film), Nickhil Nagpal (Film), and Brin Lee (Film). Congratulations Artists!
Spring Sports
PTO Corner
Beckman PTO brings parents and teachers together to work actively for the benefit of every student. On behalf of our membership, PTO Co-Presidents Sandy Huebner-Chan and Eleni Karnowski recently presented Ms. Tracy Dawson a $1,000 check as Beckman’s 2022 Teacher of the Year photo. A special ‘thank you’ to our generous Patriot community for the opportunity to honor this deserving Patriot!
Involvement is critical to the success of our school. We encourage you to consider a PTO Board Position for the 2022-23 school year! Co-involvement with a partner is also welcome! If you are interested – or know of great candidates – please contact PTO Parliamentarian Cathy Quach at catquach@yahoo.com
Come learn more! Our next General PTO meeting is Wednesday, 3/24 @ 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.
And check out the variety of informative webinars offered this month by our PTO Community Partner, Revolution Prep https://www.revolutionprep.com/webinars/