The Chat
Chatfield Newsletter: November 7- November 26, 2023
Math and Reading Family Game Night
Join us for Math and Reading Family Game Night on Thursday, November 9. Families will have the opportunity to eat together and then rotate through a series of fun games! We ask that you preregister before the date of the event. See link below to register!
You Can Get Your Great Citrus and Support Chatfield Bands, But Act Quickly!
Report Cards Sent Home Last Friday - Please Sign and Return Empty Envelope
Teachers sent report cards home last Friday. Please sign and return the report card envelope. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's progress please contact your child's teacher(s) immediately. We are here to support your child's learning and growth.
Pickle Sale!
A.L.L.Y, Accepting Learners Leading Youth, is our middle school peer-to-peer program. A.L.L.Y. is excited to be selling pickles again this year! Pickles are $1.00 and will be sold after school in the lobby on Thursdays. The funds will go towards the programs’ after-school classroom supplies, project materials, and after-school activity needs. Thank you for your support!
Student Council Announces Hat Days Fundraiser
Students may wear a hat to school on Wednesday and Fridays from Nov. 8 through Dec. 15 to help raise money for the Lapeer Kiwanis Club's Inclusive Playground. Cost is 50 cents per day or $1 per week. Money will be collected on Wednesday and Friday. Students may pay one week at a time each Wednesday if they would like.
Scholastic Book Fair November 27 - December 1
Don't miss the Scholastic Book Fair! It is a great time to pick up some great books and maybe a holiday gift or two!
Winter Coats, Boots, Et Cetera...
Is your child in need of a new winter coat, boots, snowpants, etc.? If so and you would like some support we have a couple of different options. We have some families that would like to make donations. So, please let Mr. Kraly know what you need, privately, and we will get it to you. OR
St. Paul Lutheran has coats available.
Food Give Away
Gateway will be hosting FBEM on our campus the first Saturday this upcoming December. We hope to bless the community one more time for the year with some much needed food. Starting at 10am on December 2nd distribution will start and each car will get at least one box of food. This giveaway is designed as a drive through and individuals will have no need to get out of their vehicles or in the cold. We will distribute boxes of food until 12pm or while the supplies last. It is on a first come, first serve basis and families can pick up for each other (up to 2 families).
Homelessness and Need
If your family is experiencing need or homelessness please let us know. There are supports that we can put in place to take a little bit of the burden off of your shoulders and support your child's learning. McKinney-Vento Federal law provides supports for school age children. Please contact Mr. Kraly, Mr. Young, or Mrs. Kress and we will privately address your needs.
Adopt a Family and Toys for Tots
After Thanksgiving, Student Council is asking for your support of two families we are adopting through Holiday Depot. We will also have a Toys for Tots collection. Please stay tuned for details.
Spirit Wear from VillageTees
Any and all spirit wear can now be purchased locally at VillageTee! Please visit the link and the Village Tee website to see all of the possibilities available. We are just getting started!
Dolphin Shout Outs!
We are excited to announce new recipients of Dolphin Shout Outs! This is a recognition program. Staff and students nominate students for exhibiting the characteristics of Dolphin PRIDE including Perserverance, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, and Empathy!
Recently nominated students are:
Roman Cholewka
Peyton Burchi
Aubree Cripps
Autumn Reynolds
Lillianna Burda
Joslyn Smith
Hannah Hunt
Cashlan Muldoon
Quinn Chateauvert
Brayden Schrader
Terry Clemens
Luke Hemstrom
Emma Ouellette
Andrew LoBaido
Sam Baldwin
Remember Us in Your Holiday Baking
For Treat Street, Reindeer, and Trolley Ride Day on Tuesday, December 19 we will need lots of baked goods! Please remember us when you are doing your holiday baking!
A Recognition for Great Sportsmanship & Friendship!!
From Coach Chateauvert: Recently, Owen's (center) North Branch team had won againts us (LakeVille). As Brycen (left) and Cooper's (right) football coach, I was more proud with that fact that even though we had lost it still did not stop the boys from wanting to get a friendly photo together! Great job to all three boys and their teams!
Celebrate Chatfield Dolphins Success!
Does your child have something to celebrate - perhaps an athletic accomplishment, a dance competition result, a special camp or program completion? We want to celebrate extra-curricular student success too! Let us know about it and we will celebrate it in the newsletter and on Facebook/Instagram. Send an email to Mr. Kraly ( with your child's first and last name, information about the success, and a quality picture (jpeg) or video.
Examples: Athletic award achieved, dance award, special recital, technology achievement, scouts or other organized program recognitions.
2023-2024 Student-Parent Handbook
The student & parent handbook for 2023-2024 is available now. Please take time to read it over. If you have any questions or concerns please let Mr. Young or Mr. Kraly know.
Link to confirm you have read the Handbook:
Upcoming Dates
11/6/2023 No School-Teacher Professional Development
11/8/2023 PIE Meeting 4pm
11/9/2023 LEAF Deposit Day Grades 1-4 (PM)
11/9/2023 Math and Reading Game Night (preregister) 5-7 PM
11/15/2023 Family Skate Night
11/17/2023 Taco Bell Fundraiser Night P.I.E.
11/20-24/2023 No School
11/23/2023 Thanksgiving
11/27/2023 Scholastic Book Fair Week through 12-1
11/27/2023 Scholastic Book Fair Week through 12-1
12/7/2023 6:30 PM Band Concert
12/8-9/2023 Grace Apparel Co. Fundraiser P.I.E.
12/12/2023 6:30 PM 1st Grade Holiday Show PIX Theater
12/12-15/2023 P.I.E. Santa Shop
12/19/2023 Treat Street and Trolley Rides
12/20-31/2023 No School
1/1-2/2024 No School
1/3/2024 School Resumes
1/14/2024 Family Event at Urban Air
1/15/2024 No School - Teacher Professional Development
1/18/2024 Family Skate Night
1/19/2024 End of 2nd Card Marking
1/19/2024 Half Day of School 11:30am Dismissal
1/26/2024 Report Cards Sent Home
Taco Bell Nov. 17!
You must show this flier when purchasing at Taco Bell on Nov. 17. Thank you!
About Us
Location: 231 Lake Drive, Lapeer, MI, USA
Phone: (810)-667-8970