Eagle Update
Archer Glen Elementary | November 17, 2023
Upcoming Dates
Monday 13 - Sunday 19 | Shop for your School at Mud Puddles Week
Monday 20 - Friday 24 | Thanksgiving Break/ NO SCHOOL for Students
Tuesday 28 | Spring Carnival Kick-Off Meeting @ 7:55 am (after drop off) in the PAC Portable
Friday 1 | Teacher Work Day/NO SCHOOL for Students
Saturday 2 | 2023 Holiday Festival and Tree Lighting from 4 - 6:15 pm at Cannery Park
Wednesday 6 | Picture Retake Day
Monday 18 - Tuesday, January 2 | Winter Break/NO SCHOOL for Students
No Dogs Allowed on Campus during School Hours
Per Sherwood School District policy, dogs are prohibited on district grounds on school days from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (with the exception of service dogs). This is especially important in keeping arrival and dismissal to and from school orderly and safe for all students and families. Thank you for your cooperation.
Pajama Drive
Spring Carnival Kick Off Meeting!!
The first Spring Carnival planning meeting is on Tuesday, 11/28 @ 7:55 am (after drop-off) in the PAC portable. Anyone interested in volunteering or learning more about how to get in involved with the Carnival is welcome to attend!
A Message from the District Nurse
We suggest that you check your child's hair regularly for head lice and would appreciate notification of any known cases. All information will be kept completely confidential. As a precautionary measure, if your child has long hair, please put it up while at school. For more information, please click here.
Shop for Your School at Mudpuddles
PAC Volunteers Wanted
Archer Glen PAC is currently looking for volunteers to help with the following areas:
- Popcorn Fridays (signups are in Help Counter)
- Spring Carnival
To use the HelpCounter app, please follow these steps:
- Step 1 Submit your background check.
- Step 2 Contact Lyndsey Brewer at volunteer@archerglenpac.org to make sure that your background check has been cleared. This generally takes two weeks to clear.
- Step 3 Download the HelpCounter App onto your phone.
- Step 4 Create an account using the same email that you shared with the PAC coordinator.
- Step 5 Set your volunteer preferences and sign up for volunteer opportunities at Archer Glen.
Any questions about school-wide volunteer opportunities can be directed to Lyndsey Brewer, PAC Volunteer Coordinator, at volunteer@archerglenpac.org
AG PAC Facebook
AG PAC Website
Background Check 23-24
Helpful Information and Past Newsletters
Archer Glen Front Office: 503-825-5100
Archer Glen 24-hour Attendance Line: 503-825-5110
- Patrick Shuckerow, Principal: pshuckerow@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Jennifer Switzer, Administrative Assistant: jswitzer@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Judy Morales, Attendance Secretary: jmorales@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Hannah Stere, School Counselor: hstere@sherwood.k12.or.us
Previous Eagle Update
Helpful Information
- Archer Glen Elementary homepage
- Archer Glen PAC website
- Help Counter App Instructions
- Archer Glen Supply List for 2023-24
- Enrollment Information
- Champions (after school child care)
- School Lunch Menus
- SHARE Center | (503) 825-5087
- Sherwood Community Information
- Sherwood School District Calendar
- School Boundaries
About us
Website: https://ag.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 16155 SW Sunset Blvd, Sherwood, OR 97140
Phone: (503) 825-5100