Metro Messenger 2023.09.18
Metropolitan Andrei School September 18, 2023 Newsletter
Metropolitan Andrei Separate School
Email: metropolitanandreiinfo@dpcdsb.org
Website: https://www.dpcdsb.org/ANDRE
Location: 515 Mississauga Valley Blvd Mississauga ON , L5A 3G6
Phone: 905.270.4151
Twitter: @MetroDPCDSB
Our School Parish is Sts. Peter & Paul Parish (905) 273-6630. peterandpaul@archtoronto.org. Click for website. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeterPaulChurchInSauga/
Stefano Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 4) - 416-508-5543
Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7) - 905-270-0536
Principal - M. DiNunzio
Vice-Principals - A. Brunette & Lori De Witte (shared)
Administrative Assistant - J. Speziale
Superintendent Mississauga East Family of Schools - Dulcie Belchior 905-890-1221
School Council Chair - K. Lepore
Please follow our School Council on Twitter @MetroAndreiCSC
In the Month of September, we focus on the Virtue of Faith
FAITH is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting that God is with us. FAITH believes the incredible, sees the invisible and receives the impossible. A faithful person believes that God's plan for us includes the right to be safe, cared for and included, especially at school. Our faith, helps us to remember the importance of God in our lives, and calls us to deepen our relationship with God, when things are going well and when they are not.
From the perspective of the Catholic Graduate Expectations, a person of faith…
- Knows the saving story of our Christian faith
- Speaks the language of life
- Prays and worships God
Reorganization and School Staff
We had to re-organize our school to meet ensure we have 20 students in Grades 1 to 2/3. We have a new Grade 3 class and had to move students between other classes, as well the Grade 5/6 was dissolved to create a Grade 6 class. Parents/guardians of student who are moving were contacted today and a letter went home with the student.
Below please find a document that describes combined classes. The common belief many years ago suggested that a student placed in a combined grade was either struggling or was very strong. This is not the case. As with ALL classes, classes are balanced as much as possible to include girls and boys and a variety of learning styles and abilities.
Here is our school organization:
Monegro/Birosz - FDK
Ellery/Agban - FDK
Lysyuk/Martins - FDK
Freedman - 1
Maradin - 1/2
Urac -1/2
Nunes (Alves)- 2
Hand- 2/3
Sanelli - 3
Janevska - 3 (note Room # is 202)
Guiyab - 3/4
Palattao - 4
Katsouleas (Sturzenbecher) - 4/5
Spadafina - 5
Chan - 6
Santaluce - 6
Osborne - 7
Zingaro - 7
Deighan - 8
Poli - 8
School Hours
8:15 am - Students in Grades 1 to 8 may enter the building and Kinders meet in Kinder yard
8:30 am school begins
9:53 am - 10:08 a.m. Recess
11:31 a.m.-12:31 p.m. Lunch
12:31 PM classes begin
1:55-2:10 p.m. Recess
3:00 pm - Dismissal
Coming soon....
Open House BBQ
We are excited to have an in-person Open House again this year on Thursday, September 21, 2023. Fire House Grill will be outside for families. $6 each - hotdog, hamburger, chicken burger, veggie burger (gluten free buns available). The school will sell pop and chips $1 each as a fundraiser (funds will go towards our music program and events at the school)
BBQ from 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Classroom visits from 6:00 to 7 pm
PA Day
Monday September 18, 203 is a Professional Activity Day. Students do not attend school on this day. Teachers will
be involved in professional development.
Save the Dates - Picture Day
Orange Shirt Day - September 29th
September 30th is National Day For Truth and Reconciliation: DPCDSB will be celebrating this day on September 29th
September 30th, also known as Orange Shirt Day, is a day that recognizes the harm that Canada’s residential school system inflicted on Indigenous children and their families, and the ongoing trauma that remains today. This national day serves to honour and support truth and reconciliation and the healing journeys of those impacted by these injustices. It is a day to remember and honour the life of every child.
“The Terry Fox Marathon of Hope”: Metropolitan Andrei is on the move!!!
Every year, we are excited to hear Terry Fox’s message of hope and inspiration. In that spirit, on Thursday, October 5th we will do our own as a school community. Our rain date is Thursday, October 10th. We are asking that students and staff where white and red to show our support for Terry.
The Metropolitan Andrei Catholic School community has a generous history donating to the Terry Fox Foundation to support cancer research. We are asking all students to bring in a “Toonie ($2) for Terry” on October 5th. A reminder to all students that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board does not allow door to door solicitation.
The students in Grades 3 to 8 will be participating in a walk around the Metropolitan Andrei School community. Students in grades 1 and 2 will walk a shorter community route with their teachers and an older student buddy. The students in Kindergarten will be walking in the large field adjacent to the school, escorted by teachers and DECEs.
The link to our school’s fundraising page is listed below. You can use a credit card and it is entirely secure. If you indicate the name of the student, your pledge will be included in schools total amount of pledges. The student name will not appear online. Income tax receipts will also be issued for those donations over $20 when you make your donation online.
Terry Fox Marathon of Hope - Metropolitan Andrei Donation Page
We are looking forward to this special event! Please assist your child to dress appropriately for this outdoor activity and provide them with a drink and snack to be consumed afterwards.
Thank you for helping us keep Terry’s dream alive. In the words of Terry Fox, “With everyone’s help, cancer can be beaten!”
Fresh From the Farm Fundraiser
A fresh take on school fundraising
Since 2013 Fresh from the Farm school fundraising has connected over 2,200 schools with Ontario farmers and enabled them to raise over $1.9 million for school initiatives by selling over 4.3 million pounds of Ontario grown fruits and vegetables
14lb Vegetable Bundle $22.00 (less than $1.6/lb)
- 5 lb bag White Potatoes
- 3 lb bag Sweet Potatoes
- 3 lb bag Yellow Onions
- 3 lb bag Orange Carrots
8lb Apple Bundle $24.00 (less than $3.00/lb)
Ambrosia apples are a beautiful bright pinkish red and light yellow coloured apple. They are crisp and juicy with a distinct sweet aroma and sweet low acid flavour. Excellent for eating fresh.
Coming soon to School Cash Online (see below for details on how to register)
Food Drive
Most Needed Items:
Canned fish and meat
Peanut butter
Canned fruit
Canned vegetables
Pasta Sauce
Cooking Oil
Pizza Days coming in October - more information to come!
Catholic School Council
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Our Catholic School Councils provides an opportunity for parents and guardians to discern how their gifts and talents might serve the school community. As per the Ontario Regulation 612/00 and 298, the purpose of a school council is, through the active participation of the parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.
In addition to the purpose of school councils as identified in the regulation, the mission of the Catholic School Councils in the DPCDSB, is to promote, the vision, values and sacramental life of Catholic practices for the Catholic communities we serve.
If you’re interested in holding a position and/or becoming a member on the Metropolitan Andrei Catholic School Council, please check your email (sent Sept. 13) for the nomination form and roles and responsibilities.
Positive School Climate
As well, when faced with a problem we encourage student to use their WITS - Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out or Seek help.
For more information about WITS Program: https://witsprogram.ca/what-is-the-wits-program-english/
Students and Families who identify as First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is providing an opportunity for students to self-identify their First Nation, Métis and/or Inuit ancestry in a voluntary and confidential manner. This program will allow the Board to provide expanded supports, events and opportunities to First Nation, Inuit and Métis students. Indigenous students and families will have access to culture and language programs, funding opportunities through potential scholarships and bursaries, and monthly programming for students and families. Relevant information will be sent directly to students and families about upcoming cultural events and opportunities which help to build community and a sense of Indigenous pride in DPCDSB.
Watch what Indigenous students and family members have to say about their experience:
For more information and how to self-identify please visit: https://www3.dpcdsb.org/students/indigenous-self-identification
Reporting Absence or Lates:
Please call 1-844-435-3440 or use one of the three methods listed below.
Please remember:
- Arrival time AM 8:30 and PM 12:30
- Students must attend full sessions, unless parent has indicated a reason they must leave
- Students who are not logged in at indicated times or that leave during a teaching session will require a phone call home for safety issues
- Students should consistently be attending class with their cameras on, unless specifically directed by their teacher to do otherwise
School starts at 8:30am (12:30pm). If your child is NOT PRESENT when attendance is taken (typically within the first 10 minutes of school) they are marked ABSENT.
School CashOnline
Don't Forget to Get yourself set up on School CashOnline as we no longer accept cash payment.
You will need your child’s name and date of birth. Use of student number is optional.
Should you encounter any difficulties, you can use the parent help desk at 1 (866) 961-1803 or the support link on the school cash online website.
PAY WITH: Credit Card or e-Cheque
1. Create Your Profile:
Go to https://dpcdsb.schoolcashonline.com/ and click on "Get Started Today".
2. Confirm Your Email:
Check your inbox for the email confirmation and click on the link inside. Sign in with your new login details.
3. Add a Student
Click "Add Student" and fill in the required fields with your child’s details:
1. School Board name
2. Select a school
3. Legal First Name
4. Legal Last Name
5. Birth Date (Month/Day/Year)
You may continue to leave voicemail as it will be checked regularly. 905-270-4151
You may email our general mailbox: mailto:metropolitanandreiinfo@dpcdsb.org
Please note that we will attempt to respond to any inquiries that are received in a timely manner. At this time, we cannot predict the volume, so thank you in advance for being patient as you await a response.
When appropriate, the email will be directed to your child’s teacher. You can help us direct your question appropriately by including the following:
Student’s name
Teacher’s name
A brief description of the request/need.
PLASP operates before and after school programs, in this school, for children up to 12 years of age. Please contact PLASP at (905) 276-9322 Ext. 202 for more information .
Emergency Contact Information - Verification Forms - home September 19
It is important that we are able to contact someone in the case of an emergency. Please complete the emergency student verification sheets that will be sent home electronically the first weeks of school. Remember that those people you list as contacts are automatically given permission to pick up your child from school. They are needed in case we cannot contact you. It makes sense to have a relative, neighbor, or friend who lives close to the school and is available during the day to pick up your child in case of illness, concussion, or changes of clothes that inevitably happen. If your child is sick, there must be someone available to pick them up if you are unable to leave work.
Transportation and Kiss & Ride - see our last newsletter
Please see our last newsletter for information about Transportation and Kiss & Ride.
Please be aware that there are students in our school with a
severe life-threatening food allergy (anaphylaxis) to NUTs and PEANUTs.
This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain allergens
and can result in death within minutes.
In order to ensure the safety and well-being of all pupils, we request that you NOT send any lunches or snacks that contain peanuts and/or tree nuts, including peanut butter substitute products.
We ask that you do not send in food products for the whole class to celebrate birthdays or social occasions. A donation of a book or game to the classroom is a safe alternative to
food products and will be enjoyed so much longer by the children.
If you have any questions, please talk to your child’s teacher or the school staff. We look forward to your co-operation in making this a safe year for all of our pupils.
If your child has a medical condition, please ensure that the school is aware of it by contacting the office of any changes to existing medications/conditions as well as any NEW medical conditions. Forms can be sent home electronically.
Please remember to check the expiry dates of all medication before bringing them to school.
Concussion and Head Injuries
Personal Electronic Devices
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs): As part of our efforts to promote and maintain a positive Catholic climate in our schools, the Board maintains a policy regarding Personal Electronic Devises (PEDs) on school property. Our general recommendation is that students do not bring Personal Electronic Devices to school. These are valuable items, and there is the risk they may get lost or be damaged at school. Not having these devices at school also better enables a student to avoid any potential distractions from their school work. We understand, however, that some families prefer their child to have a device in order to facilitate communication after school. If you do wish for your child to bring a device to school, please know that all PEDs must be kept out of sight, turned off, and not used within school premises or during school-sanctioned activities, unless specifically allowed for an academic activity by the teacher. Parents should always call the school office if they need to communicate with their child, and students should always use the office phone if they need to communicate with a parent during the school day. If a teacher is allowing PEDs for a classroom activity, a note will go home, and PED use will be voluntary.
Toys and Valuables
Students should not bring toys, valuables or items of importance to school. The school cannot assume responsibility for valuables brought to school.
Student Insurance
As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board annually provides parents with information about cost-effective student accident insurance coverage via student courier. Although enrolment with ’insure my kids’ is voluntary, the Board encourages parents to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage especially if your child participates in sports, excursions/field trips, or if parents do not
have dental and medical insurance coverage. Enrolment in writing is required. There are two options for enrolment: 1) Complete the traditional form and mail it in or 2) Apply on line at www.insuremykids.com Parents alone have the right to insure their children.
Information from the School Board (Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board)
Direction of School Support
Catholic ratepayers must declare themselves to be Catholic and an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter on their municipal property tax designation to cast a vote for Catholic school trustees in the municipal election on October 24, 2022.
How do I find out if I'm registered as an English Catholic School supporter?
- Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice
- Check your Voter Information Card
- Visit voterlookup.ca to check the accuracy of your direction of school support
- Contact the DPCDSB Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24512 or admissions@dpcdsb.org.
To register as an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter or change your school support designation:
- Contact the DPCDSB Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24512 or admissions@dpcdsb.org.
For more information, visit the DPCDSB Direction of School Support webpage.