The Gator Gazette
Friday, March 10
Message from the SWAMP
A few reminders for the upcoming week!
Orders for Purdys are due Sunday, March 12. Don't miss out on getting your orders in! If you would like to register your student for the Marmot Ski trip you must do so by Thursday, March 16 (please note that your student must have attended one of the previous Rabbit Hill Ski trips). Our Open House is Thursday, March 16 fro 7-8:30. We will be selling Gator Gear and Kernels Popcorn!
Looking Ahead.....
15th - Grade 9 Immunizations
16th - Open House 7-8:30pm
17th - Healthy Hunger lunch - Mary Brown's
21st - Parent/Teacher Interviews
22nd - Parent/Teacher Interviews
24th - Parent/Teacher Interview in Lieu day, No School
27th to 31st - Spring Break No School
- 3rd - Classes resume
- 5th - Early Dismissal
- 7th - Good Friday - No School
- 10th - Easter Monday - No School
- 11th - PD Day - No School
- 14th - Marmot Ski Trip
- 14th - Healthy Hunger lunch - Chopped
- 21st - Healthy Hunger lunch - Boston Pizza
- 28th - Healthy Hunger lunch - Edo
Gator Pep Rally
Our students and teachers participated in a Pep Rally on Tuesday for our Senior Boys Basketball Team.
Congrats Senior Boys Basketball
Rabbit Hill Ski Trip March 9
Supply and Demand
Purdys Easter Chocolates
Marmot April 14, 2023
Registration is Open!
Grade 9’s - High School registration forms need to be returned before MARCH 23rd to make sure you get to pick your options.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on March 21st and 22nd from 5pm - 8pm. Interviews will be in person appointments only. The online booking schedule will open at 9am on Friday, March 3rd. Because there are a limited number of appointments available, we are asking families to please book appointments with your students Core teachers only.
Please check the closing dates for the booking schedule so you don’t miss your opportunity to book. Appointment times can go quickly so please book early. For full instructions as well as a link to the appointment booking page, please visit our website at
We will also be selling Gator Gear from the office on both evenings, please note we can only accept cash or cheque in the office.
Alberta Education Assurance Survey
Calling all Indigenous Artists!
Check out this contest! Speak with Ms. Priddle for more info. The theme is "Bridging the Gaps" and the deadline to submit entries is May 1st.
Healthy Hunger Lunches
New Lunches have been added!
If your child is away and has ordered hot lunch, please email or call the office by 11:00 a.m. to direct your child’s hot lunch. It can be given to a sibling/another student or can be picked up in the office starting at 12:30.
Save the date!
Kernels Popcorn!
If a student needs to leave early, the office MUST hear from a parent/guardian. Please email or call the office and we will allow the student to sign out & meet you outside (or walk home).
If a student will arrive late, they are to sign in at the office. If we have been informed the student will be late, that will be an excused late. Without hearing from a parent, the student would be marked as unexcused.
If you have any questions, please ask the office.
Gator Gear!
Lorne Akins Junior High School for Grades 7 to 9
Location: 4 Fairview Boulevard, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-460-3728
Twitter: @lorneakins
Jennifer Suriano
Assistant Principal