CTE and CCMR News
A Publication of ESC Region 11 • February 2022
ESC Region 11 CTE
A Note from Lisa
Hello CTE Friends,
As we roll into the bipolar weather month of February, hold onto your hats! Winter in Texas seems to always hold a little something for everyone, 75 degrees and sunny, below freezing and frigid, with everything in between.
This is the month we nationally celebrate CTE. Be sure to use all avenues to highlight your programs, staff, students, and amazing accomplishments! We want the world to know what Career and Technical Education does for students and your local communities.
This is also when we are busy recruiting students for 2022-2023. A great teacher is the best enticement to any program. Word of mouth from current students spreads fast. Are you ensuring what spreads is positive because your classes are welcoming, career-focused, student-centered, and inclusive? If you are not sure, the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment was designed to assist you with evaluating your programs through multiple lenses and to engage stakeholders to provide input. Don't think of the CLNA as another thing on a to-do list, embrace it as an integral part of your continuous improvement plan!
Stay warm and safe!
Best regards,
February To-Do List
- Celebrate CTE Month!
- Evaluate data from first semester
- Implement plan for CTE Month
- Recruit students for 2022-2023
- Professional Development at CTAT State conference
CTE Coffee & Conversation
CTE Leadership Professional Learning Network
This is a virtual collaborative meeting for CTE Leaders. Future meeting registrations will be available soon.
- Tuesday, 3/8/2022 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Register
Helpful Information Straight from TEA!
Virtual Conference | Part II: March 24, 2022
Gather your local education agency (LEA) teams back together for part two of the Texas Collaboration Institute!
Texas Transition has teamed up with the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C). With national speakers, facilitated training, and a focus on district team building and collaboration, it is sure not to disappoint! LEA teams comprised of Special Education (SPED), Career & Technical Education (CTE), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), and the addition of High School Counselors continue the discussion on partnerships that change the results and lives of students with disabilities. Mark your calendars for this follow-up to the October 28th event. Didn't get a chance to participate in October? No problem, we'll catch you up!
Register for the Spring event on March 24, 2022.
Comprehensive Counseling
Have you looked to see how CCMR and CTE align to Counseling Best Practices?
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment
Closes 5/13/2022
Who completes the CLNA?
Any LEA that intends to apply for 2022-2023 Perkins Funds must have a current approved CLNA on file with TEA.
How do I know if I file solely or as an SSA Member?
- If your Perkins Entitlements are over $15,000, you may file solely or choose to join an SSA.
- If your Perkins Entitlements are under $15,000, you must join an SSA in order to apply.
LMI Data is scheduled to release on February 7, 2022, for use in completing the CLNA.
CLNA Work Session at the ESC
Scholarship Season
ESC Region 11 CTE Website Scholarship Page
TexQuest - College & Career Readiness
TexQuest: Let's Have a Conversation about College & Career Readiness -- Virtual
Do you need resources to help students prepare for exams and explore careers? Do you know where to find tutorials and flashcards to help students excel in a specific subject? Well, look no further than LearningExpress! This resource, provided through TexQuest, has all this and more. In this two-hour session, we will tour the many centers in LearningExpress. We'll talk about the My Center Dashboard, how to take practice tests, search for occupations, and more. Participants will have ample time for hands-on practice throughout the session.
March 3, 2020
CTAT Winter Conference
ESC Region 11 CTE Website
ESC Region 11 Resources
Other Resources
- CTAT Resources
- Connect CTAT Online Forum
- Resource Google Doc by Pathway
- Texas CTE powered by TEA
ESC Region 11 CTE
Administrator Coach for CTE and CCMR
Email: lharrison@esc11.net
Website: https://www.esc11.net/CTE
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 740-7527
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ESC11CTE/
Twitter: @ESC11CTE