RTSD Library Resources for Teachers
Login & Password Information for Teachers
Destiny Discover - Online Catalog: Search for books, ebooks, websites, and all library materials. Log in to place a hold, create a list, see materials checked out to you, or view as a guest. Students can login with Clever.
Username: Library ID (contact your librarian if you don't know your ID)
Password: your last name (lower case)
OverDrive/Sora ebooks and audiobooks: (tutorial) Click +Add Library to access all of Delco Public Library ebooks & audiobooks with your school login via Public Library Connect.
Username: First Initial+Last Name (mwetzel)
Password: Your Computer Password
Username: First initial+last name+last 2 #'s of ID
Password: Computer Password
MackinVia ebooks and audiobooks: (tutorial)
Username: Library ID (contact your librarian if you don't know your ID) or Student ID#
Password: your last name (lower case)
(NEW!) MackinVia Professional Collection
User ID: radnorprof
Password: radnorprof
Click Login in the upper right-hand corner. Click Register. Create your own username and password. Click Save. Search for a book, and click Check out. Click Open now.
Flipster Digital Magazines: Click the Flipster logo from the RHS Library homepage and access current and past issues of magazines such as InStyle, People, New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, Time, and more. (tutorial)
Username: rhsdl
Password: RHSD22!
Britannica: Discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research.
Username: ithanes
Password: learn
BrainPOP: Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology.
Username: ithanel
Password: brainpop
Username: ithan
Password: eschool
CultureGrams: Daily life and culture for the U.S. and the World.
Username: ithan
Password: books
EbscoHost: Everything you need to do homework.
Username: ithanes
Password: rtsdeh
PebbleGo: PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities, it boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas.
Username: ithan
Password: eschool
PebbleGo Next: The PebbleGo Next family of databases helps students in Grades 3-5 learn about key concepts related to Social Studies, Biographies, Science, States, and American Indians. Robust articles, all supported by read-aloud audio and connected to curriculum, include critical thinking questions to help students connect to larger ideas.
Username: ithan
Password: eschool
WorldBook: Encyclopedias, maps, diagrams, and more.
Username: radnor
Password: rtsdwbo
Britannica: Discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research.
Username: resdl
Password: resdl
BrainPOPJr. Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology.
Username: radnorel
Password: bplearn
Username: radnor
Password: school
CultureGrams: Daily life and culture for the U.S. and the World.
Username: RESDL
Password: RESDL
EbscoHost: Everything you need to do homework.
Username: RESDL
Password: RES@2020
PebbleGo: PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities, it boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas.
Username: radnor
Password: school
PebbleGo Next: The PebbleGo Next family of databases helps students in Grades 3-5 learn about key concepts related to Social Studies, Biographies, Science, States, and American Indians. Robust articles, all supported by read-aloud audio and connected to curriculum, include critical thinking questions to help students connect to larger ideas.
Username: radnor
Password: school
WorldBook: Encyclopedias, maps, diagrams, and more.
Username: RESDL
Password: RESDL
Britannica: Discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research.
Username: waynees
Password: waynees
BrainPOPJr. Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology.
Username: wayneel
Password: bplearn
Username: wayne
Password: read
CultureGrams: Daily life and culture for the U.S. and the World.
Username: wayneespa
Password: wayneespa
EbscoHost: Everything you need to do homework.
Username: wesradnor
PebbleGo: PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities, it boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas.
Username: wayne
Password: school
PebbleGo Next: The PebbleGo Next family of databases helps students in Grades 3-5 learn about key concepts related to Social Studies, Biographies, Science, States, and American Indians. Robust articles, all supported by read-aloud audio and connected to curriculum, include critical thinking questions to help students connect to larger ideas.
Username: wayne
Password: school
WorldBook: Encyclopedias, maps, diagrams, and more.
Username: radnor
Password: rtsdwbo
To access the RMS Library subscription databases you may use the links and passwords below OR you can login to Destiny Discover and click on the database icons.
Britannica School: Discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research.
Username: rmsdl
Password: rmsdl
Country Reports: County Reports delivers unique content on culture, countries and travel from around the world.
Username: rmsdl
Password: rmsdl
Culturegrams: Provides researchers with concise, reliable, and up-to-date cultural content.
Username: rmsdl
Password: rmsdl
Discovery Education Video Streaming
Click Sign in With Clever. Or open Clever and click on the Discovery Education icon.
Gale in Context - High School: Despite the name, this is for middle school students, Gale In Context combines the best of Gale's reference content with age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and much more. Categories cover a range of the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, U.S. and world history, literature, and many more.
Username: rmsdl
Password: rmsdl
World Book Online: Encyclopedias, maps, diagrams, and more.
Username: rmsdl
Password: rmsdlRHS Library Research: All Gale, ProQuest, Newsbank databases, including access to major newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and more. Research LibGuides: Content and project-specific research portals.
Username: RHSDL
Password: RHSDL
EBSCO Databases & Flipster Digital Magazines: Click the Flipster logo from our Library homepage and access current and past issues of magazines such as InStyle, People, New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, Time, and more.
Username: rhsdl
Password: RHSD23!
Discovery Education Video Streaming
Click Sign in With Clever.
Salem Press eReference Books: RHSDL
Username: radnorhslibrary@gmail.com & Password: Radnorlibraries1!
Username: radnorhslibrary@gmail.com & Password: Radnorlibraries!
Swank K12 Streaming provides streaming access to feature films and documentaries for educational use. You can easily find and stream movies in the classroom, or you can assign to students for viewing outside of class. Think of it as our shelves of DVDs, but online!
Teacher Portal URL: https://digitalcampus.swankmp.net/rshs377311 These Video Tutorials will help you get started and walk you through the streaming platform. They will also provide a visual of what you will have access to- specifically how to search, request and assign movie. I also made a tutorial for you.
Discovery Education Video Streaming
Click Sign in With Clever.
Paramount +: 60 Minutes, Live Streaming News, Smithsonian Channel, Comedy Central, and more. Username: radnorhslibrary@gmail.com & Password: Radnorlibraries!
Noodletools: Take notes, cite resources, organize and synthesize your information.
Click on Microsoft 365 and use your 365 login credentials