MSHSL Updates
November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023, MSHSL Board of Director's Meeting
The Minnesota State High School League's Board of Directors met today. Below is information from the meeting.
- Board of Director's Release | November 30, 2023
- Board of Director's Meeting Synopsis | November 30 2023
Managing Coaches on MSHSL Website
Here are some steps to take if a coach is not showing up on your Coaches Education Report OR does not have access to the Activity-Specific Online Rules Module/Resources on their Dashboard.
First, make sure the coach is on your Members List:
Adding-Removing School Members
Next, use your Coach Roster tool on your School Admin Dashboard to assign coaches to their activities:
Using the Coach Roster to Assign Coaches and Advisors
Coach Roster Instructions VIDEO
These instructions are also included on the School Admin Website Guide under Coaches and Advisors:
Debate and One Act Play
A reminder that all Debate and One Act Play teams that plan to compete in the postseason (subsections, sections, state) must be registered with the Minnesota State High School League.
To ensure that your teams are registered, view your school page on the MSHSL website and look for those activities listed in the winter section.
To register for additional activities, use the link Activity Add/Drop Form from the Membership Resources button in the MSHSL Program Management area of your dashboard.
Required Online Rules Module for One Act Play Coaches
An annual online rules module module has been created for One Act Play Coaches and is now available.
To view this required module, your coaches must have an account, be affiliated with (be on the Members List) for your school, and be assigned as a One Act Play Coach using the Coach Roster.
Please let your One Act Play Coaches know that this online rules module is now available.