SCCOE Accountability Newsletter
October 2019
LCAP Advisory Services
Visit the LCAP Advisory Services Page to access resources for LCAPs
Visit the AAN/SF Meeting Folder for previous meeting resources and information.
EVENTS: Scroll to the bottom to sign up for events.
LCAP Reboot Workshop: The Official Training on the New Template
Please make sure you and your team sign up for this day ASAP. This is a free workshop with lunch included. To sign up please go to http://santaclara.k12oms.org/201-174866
Inclusion Collaborative Warm Line
Assessment and Accountability/State and Federal Network Meeting Steering Committee
During our last meeting we asked if anyone would like to be part of the steering committee that helps plan these meetings and gives some guidance to the content. The commitment is not huge. We'd like to get on a Zoom call once a month to check in and review the topics for any upcoming meetings. If you are interested in being part of the steering committee, please email Chris Izor at cizor@sccoe.org.
ESSA Implementation Stakeholder Session: October 18, 2019
The next Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Implementation Stakeholder Session will be held on Friday, October 18, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.
General Federal Updates
Overview of the 2019 California School Dashboard Release
English Learner Progress Indicator Update
Please note that the agenda is subject to change.
Topic: ESSA Implementation Stakeholder Input Session
Date and Time: October 18, 2019 1:00 pm
Event number: 666 403 345
Event password: 168087
Event registration/address for attendees: https://cdeevents.webex.com/cdeevents/onstage/g.php?MTID=ea96f19cacf0ce279245abea62ffae9fa
If you have any questions regarding this meeting (prior to the meeting start time), please contact the ESSA Office by phone at 916-319-0843 or by email at essa@cde.ca.gov.
Event address for in-person attendees:1430 N Street, Suite 1101, Sacramento, CA 95814
RSVP: If you plan to attend in-person, please send an email containing your first and last name to essa@cde.ca.gov by October 11, 2019. In-person attendees must check-in at the security desk upon arrival.
Public Comment Period Open for New World Languages Framework
The draft of the 2020 World Languages Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve is now open for review and public comment, an important step for California to lead the way for comprehensive world languages education for all students. This framework provides guidance and support for instructional approaches intended to bring about optimal performance among students in world languages classrooms.
The new World Languages Framework is aligned with the most current documents that inform language and culture teaching communities. The framework is based on the innovative 2019 World Languages Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. The World Languages Standards and World Languages Framework can help schools bolster opportunities for all students through access to high-quality, well-articulated world languages programs.
The public will have until December 1, 2019, to review the draft World Languages Framework on the World Languages Framework web page. Comments may be submitted using the online survey or via email to WorldLanguage@cde.ca.gov. The public comments will be presented to the Instructional Quality Commission for review and possible inclusion into the final World Languages Framework in the spring of 2020.
Help Design New Statewide Professional Learning Programs
Help Design New Statewide Professional Learning Programs
Two new statewide professional learning programs were established by the 2019 State Budget. The 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA) will provide high-quality professional learning to principals and other school leaders. The Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG) will provide teachers and paraprofessionals high-quality professional learning opportunities in computer science; special education; positive school climate, including social-emotional learning and restorative justice; and the English Learner Roadmap.
The California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence are establishing a process to select providers of these professional learning opportunities and are seeking input from interested stakeholders regarding critical areas for professional learning, preferred structures, and solutions to common barriers to participation in professional learning.
Please ensure your voice is heard by participating in stakeholder surveys for both programs:
Both surveys will close on October 25.
Please visit the 21CSLA web page for more information. If you would like to be notified when new information becomes available, please join the 21CSLA listserv by sending a blank email message to join-21csla@mlist.cde.ca.gov.
Please visit the EWIG web page for more information. If you would like to be notified when new information becomes available, please join the EWIG listserv by sending a blank email message to join-ewig@mlist.cde.ca.gov.
Hamilton Education Program for Title I High Schools
Flyer: http://bit.ly/Title1Hamilton
*NOTE: Hamilton leaves the Bay Area in January
The Hamilton Education Program provides tens of thousands of high school students in Title I schools with the opportunity to engage in an innovative curriculum about the Founding Era and attend the musical Hamilton.
This national initiative features:
- A teacher-led curriculum that is grounded in original historic documents about the Founding Era
- A dedicated website that includes interviews with Lin-Manuel Miranda and other Hamilton cast members, an extensive collection of primary source documents, and interactive features aimed at exploring the life and times of Alexander Hamilton and the Founding Era
- A project that requires students to create original songs, poems, and dramatic scenes inspired by their analysis of primary source materials and lyrics from the musical
- A full-day experience for students and teachers that features student performances, a Q&A session with the Hamilton cast, and attendance at a Hamilton matinee
- An evaluation that measures the program’s impact on student learning
- A membership in the Institute’s Affiliate School Program which provides free American history resources, programs, and professional development
Email Hamilton@gilderlehrman.org or visit gilderlehrman.org/Hamilton to learn more and sign up.
You can also get more info from our SCCOE History/Social Science Team: Olivia_Santillan@sccoe.org or Laura_Guajardo@sccoe.org
CAASFEP Professional Development Institute Registration is Open
Celebrate LGBTQ History Month With These Resources
From Teaching Tolerance: LGBTQ history is American history, and all of our students deserve to know that. This October, we hope you’ll join us in celebrating LGBTQ History Month. Here are a few of our favorite resources for learning and teaching about the contributions of LGBTQ people, including lessons, posters, articles and our podcast, Queer America, devoted exclusively to recovering this understudied history.
Local Dashboard Indicators Deadline is November 1
Reminder: The deadline for submission of the local indicators to the Dashboard is November 1, 2019. LEAs that do not complete and upload the local indicators by November 1 will default to Not Met (or Not Met for Two or More Years if this is the second straight year of not uploading the local indicators).
Prior to submitting the local indicators to the Dashboard LEAs must report the results at a regularly scheduled public meeting of the local governing board. As a best practice for stakeholder engagement, LEA’s are encouraged to provide the local indicator information to the governing board as an agenda item for public comment rather than as a consent item on the agenda.
CDE hosted a Tuesday @ 2 Webinar reading the Local Indicators on September 24th. The presentation was not posted but a recording of the presentation can be hound here. For complete details of the local indicators’ prompts and reflection tools and narratives, please see the data collection sheet below.
2019 California School Dashboard Updates and Rollout
California School Dashboard Navigator
Computer-based Summative ELPAC Training Tests and DFAs Are Here
The Practice and Training Test Resources web page on the ELPAC website contains links to the training tests and Training Test Directions for Administration (DFAs) that will help LEAs, test examiners, and students become familiar with the new computer-based platform for the Summative ELPAC that launches in February 2020.
The computer-based ELPAC training test gives students, parents/guardians and families, teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders an opportunity to become familiar with the computer-based ELPAC. The training tests provide information about:
- the types of test questions,
- how the questions are presented to students, and
- how students will navigate the computer-based platform and provide responses to test questions.
Please note: The training test will not include answer keys; practice tests will be available in November 2019.
The computer-based ELPAC Training Test DFAs provide instructions and scripts for administering the online training tests.
Summative ELPAC Post-Test Webcast
Learn More About Smarter Balanced Assessments with the Smarter Content Explorer
- Sample test items
- Standard and target alignments
- Depth of knowledge levels
- Evidence statements
- Guidance for selecting appropriate stimuli
- Task models
In addition, users can access assessment blueprints, accessibility guidelines, scoring rubrics, and construct relevant vocabulary. This extensive search capability helps users learn how the Smarter Balanced tests measure college- and career-readiness, how test questions are designed to provide evidence of what students know and can do, and how the test items are structured and scored.
Smarter Balanced Digital Library Connections Playlists for Focused Interim Assessment Blocks
- 42 new focused Connections Playlists
- 126 new instructional resources
Focused IABs are designed to measure smaller bundles of content to give teachers a better understanding of students’ knowledge and academic performance and provide teachers with precise next steps for instruction. Each of the focused IABs has playlists of instructional resources, designed by educators for educators. Check out the Connections Playlist flyer.
California Student Data Day Conference October 14
- Learn from national and local experts
- Hear success stories from districts making a difference
- Explore powerful data tools to improve student achievement
- Sessions include topics for: Superintendents, School and District Administrators/Leadership Teams, Teacher Leaders, and Counselors
October 14, 2019
California Student Data Day
October 16-18, 2019
California Assessment Conference - Oakland, CA
October 24, 2019
AAN/S&F Lunch & Learn Network Meeting - Session 2
November 6, 2019
LCAP 101 - Session 2
November 21, 2019
AAN/S&F Lunch & Learn Network Meeting - Session 3
December 11, 2019
New CAASPP Coordinator Training
December 17, 2019
New ELPAC Coordinator Training
January 7, 2020
LCAP Reboot
January 23, 2020
AAN/S&F Lunch & Learn Network Meeting - Session 4
February 26, 2020
LCAP Writing Session
March 25, 2020
LCAP Writing Session
March 26, 2020
AAN/S&F Lunch & Learn Network Meeting - Session 5
April 23, 2020
AAN/S&F Lunch & Learn Network Meeting - Session 6
April 27, 2020
LCAP Writing Session
May 14, 2020
LCAP Writing Session
May 21, 2020
AAN/S&F Lunch & Learn Network Meeting - Session 7
LCAP Advisory Services
Email: cizor@sccoe.org
Website: www.sccoe.org
Location: Santa Clara County Office of Education, Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: (408) 453-6500