St. Bernard of Clairvaux
February 2023
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Location: 3345 Escada Drive, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Phone: (905) 542-9203
Twitter: @StBernardDPCDSB
The Respect Prayer
I know that I have much to learn
from other people
who reflect Your image and likeness
in different ways.
Inspire me to respect others fully
as my equals,
seeing and loving in them
what you see and love in them.
Adminstrator's Message
This month, as we focus on the virtue of Respect, we pause to acknowledge and express gratitude for:
OUR STUDENTS, for their enthusiasm, laughter and spirit, for following safety protocols, for understanding when switching to remote and back again, and for their continued hard work, determination and perseverance.
OUR PARENTS/GUARDIANS, for your courage and resilience and patience in changing directions at a moment's notice, for assisting your children in following our Catholic Code of Conduct, for supporting your children with their academic progress, for ensuring students arrive to school on time, with their screening form signed, for calling your child's absence, for continuing to respect our Kiss & Ride procedures and following our school driveway practices.
OUR TEACHING STAFF, for their endless dedication and hard work in support of student achievement and well-being, for their commitment, hard work, dedication, talents and efforts in ensuring that our students are learning in a safe, caring and inclusive Catholic environment, for the additional time and unending selfless efforts they dedicate to the students in teaching in-person, remotely and in a hybrid classroom.
OUR OFFICE STAFF, for always professionally addressing the daily needs of our students, families and staff, for showing genuine care and concern when students get hurt, for ensuring the safety of all of our students with regards to COVID protocols and screening, for answering many questions and concerns.
OUR CUSTODIAL STAFF, for their efforts to ensure that our school is safe, clean and looking great.
OUR TRUSTEE OF THE BOARD, Mrs. Brea Corbet, and OUR SUPERINTENDENT, Mrs. Martine Lewis, for their continued guidance and support.
OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL, for working tirelessly at providing valuable and positive enhancements for students and the school community.
OUR PARISH TEAM AND FATHER MARK, for their spiritual guidance and the celebrations that they share with us.
Trustee Message - Brea Corbet
Catholic School Council
Catholic School Council Update
The next meeting for our council is on Monday, February 6 at 6:30 pm in the library. All are welcome to attend.
Thank you to all families participating in our pizza days. A special thank you to the parent volunteers who help make this happen. It is greatly appreciated by staff and students.
Session 2 for pizza will run for 8 weeks beginning Friday, February 24 and ending Friday, April 28. Please use SchoolCash Online to purchase pepperoni or cheese pizza for your child/ren by Friday, February 10. Please note: during Lent all slices will be cheese only.
If you require gluten-free pizza, please contact the office directly.
A small number of slices will be available for purchase each Friday on a first come, first served basis.
Valentine's Day
Students must return the cookie form in order to receive a cookie on Valentine's Day. Please check with your child's teacher if you have not received a form.
If your child requires a gluten-free cookie, please contact the office.
Shrove Tuesday
Students must return the pancake form in order to participate in the pancake day. Please check with your child's teacher if you have not received a form.
If your child requires a gluten-free pancake option, please contact the office.
We are sincerely grateful for our school council and all volunteers for providing so many wonderful events for our school community. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the St. Bernard of Clairvaux family.
Upcoming Events
February 2 - Term 2 begins
February 2 - Grad Photos
February 2 - National Sweater Day
February 8 - Walk to School Day
February 9 - Extended French Virtual Information Night
February 10 - Pizza Orders due
February 14 - Valentine's Day Dance (and cookie day)
February 14 - Report Cards sent home
February 15 - Rosary Apostolate visits
February 15 - Flag Day
February 16 - interview evening
February 17 - PA day - interviews
February 20 - Family Day (no school)
February 21 - Shrove Tuesday
February 23 - Pink Shirt Day
February 24 - Pizza Session 2 starts
February 28 - Virtue Assembly @ 11:20
School Wide Initiatives and Events
Junior Girls and Boys Basketball
We would like to thank Mr. Rossit, Ms. Comi, and Mrs. Lopez for coaching this great group of students. Go Bears!
Valentine's Day Dance
Don't forget to return your cookie form to enjoy a cookie courtesy of our Catholic School Council after the dance.
Black History Month Announcements and Padlet
We will also engage classes in a Who Am I? padlet during morning announcements.
20 Days of Canadian Black History, Making Connections to Black Excellence
Students in grades 4 - 8 will watch a short video produced by Saidat and use journal prompts to encourage discussion and reflection.
In April, students will have the opportunity to explore music, movement and motivation to bring awareness on well-being, diversity, inclusion and Black Canadian History with Saidat.
Library Corner - Celebrating Black Excellence
Also, once a week, teachers from kindergarten to grade 8 will be reading a wide variety of identity affirming texts (provided by the school board) with their class. Students will engage in discussions and activities based on the texts. Each class will receive a new book each week to explore.
We look forward to continuing to have books available that represent and reflect the students at St. Bernard of Clairvaux.
National Sweater Day
Thursday, February 2, 2023 is National Sweater Day
Our planet is getting hotter. National Sweater Day is an
opportunity to raise awareness about climate change
and energy conservation, and show how together we
can be a part of the solution!
Since 2010, more than a million Canadians have shown their support for limiting global temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius by turning down their thermostats by the same amount (or more!) and wear their favourite sweater to stay warm.
Students are encouraged to wear their favourite sweater on Thursday to help raise awareness to climate change!
Families can also participate at home by turning down the thermostat and wearing your favourite sweaters.
Bullying Awareness and Prevention
Celebrating Pink Shirt Day
Graduation Photos
Our Catholic Faith
St. Josephine Bakhita Parish
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 pm
Sunday Mass: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm
Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mass 7:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday Mass 7:30 am
Saturday Mass 9:00 am
Location: 3200 Thomas Street, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Phone: (905) 826-1143
Our Virtue of the Month - RESPECT
God wants us to treat all people with the respect they deserve.
A respectful person ....
- sees God's presence in themselves and others
- uses a positive tone of voice and body language
- avoids gossip, searing, name-calling, put-downs, and inappropriate gestures
- says 'Excuse me,' 'Please,' 'Thank you'
We all deserve to be treated respectfully by others. However, in order to be respected, it is important to RESPECT ourselves. Everyone has a right to go to a school where they feel safe and included. We should expect to be treated with respect by everyone we meet - our brothers and sisters in Jesus. Mutual respect is the way we live in harmony with one another. Respect for others, their property and the environment is our responsibility.
Let us now pray for the virtue of respect so that everyone we meet will feel like we are their brother or sister in Christ. AMEN.
Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations
- I use my gifts and talents given to me by God
- I always do my best
- I build on my strengths and weaknesses
- I set goals
- I accept change
- I am proud of the good things I do
- I am thankful for the gifts of others
Because I am a learner for life, I can reach for my dreams, by living my life like Jesus.
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Sacraments - First Reconciliation and First Communion
First Reconciliation Dates
The First Reconciliation celebration for our students will take place the week of March 6-10 starting at 4:00 pm.
First Communion
First Communion for our students will be on Saturday, May 13.
Confirmation for our students will be on Tuesday, May 2.
School Reminders
Term 1 Report Cards, FDK Communication of Learning
First term report cards and FDK communication of learning will be emailed to your child's school email account as of Tuesday, February 14.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Interviews with teachers, DECE's, ERW's, French, Planning Time staff will occur on the evening of Thursday, February 16 and throughout the day on Friday, February 17. Please note that there will be no school for students on Friday, February 17.
Term 2
The second term for students begins on Thursday, February 2.
Interview Sign Up
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher.
Family Day
Math at Home
Math at Home
Are you looking for ways to engage your family in math activities at home? Connect learning between school and home with the Board's Math@Home newsletters.
This month the focus is on mental math. Have fun trying out the suggested activities at home.
Thrive Newsletter
Kiss and Ride
Please Do
- Children are to be dropped off or picked up, using the drop off lane between the hours of 8:30 - 8:45 am and 3:15 - 3:30 pm. Due to the high volume of cars, especially in the morning, and dependent on the weather, please consider arriving early.
- As cars enter the school driveway, please proceed in a slow and cautious manner, around the parking lot. The drop off and pick up lane is directly in front of the kindergarten yard. Students are not dropped off or picked up in front of the school. This lane is reserved for buses only.
- Please drive up to the very top of the kiss and ride lane to drop off and pick up your children to facilitate a steady flow of traffic.
- Children are to exit the car in a safe and careful manner with their backpacks ready to avoid a long wait time in the drop off lane. Children are to exit the vehicle on the right side of the car, onto the landing, for safety purposes and proceed to their door.
- Cars are to exit the driveway in a slow and cautious manner and must turn right in order to ease the flow of traffic.
- Cars may park in the parking lot in available spaces only.
Please Don't
- Cars are not to enter the Kiss & Ride drop-off lane with any speed - they must proceed in a very slow and cautious manner.
- Do not park or leave your vehicle unattended in the Kiss & Ride lanes.
- Cars are not to stop at the turn point of the driveway and let children out - this is a very dangerous and unsafe practice. It also causes a back log of cars.
- Please do not attempt to move into the drop-off lane from the drive thru lane.
- Under no circumstances are cars to access the bus lane or park in the bus lane; if you need to leave your car, please use the parking lot.
- Please do not double park your car in the parking lot. For the safety of all, please use empty parking spots, or park on the street.
We thank you for your continued support in making our kiss & ride a safe and effective process.
March Break
Registering Your Child for School
First Time Bus Riders
Parents/guardians are encouraged to participate by bringing your kindergarten children and elementary age siblings to a one-hour safety session between the hours of 9:00 am and 12:00 noon. Bus rides and a school bus safety video are part of this informative, fun safety program.
More information is available on the STOPR website (see link below) and click on the safety tab. You can also check out the First Time Rider Safety Booklet for Parents and Students ( linked below).
Appropriate Dress - Cold Weather
Please note that in the event of an emergency evacuation, students will not have the opportunity to put their boots on.
Thank you for your support in this matter.
Winter Weather - Extreme Cold
Board policy state the amount of time outdoors should be reduced for children (grade 8 and under) when the temperature is -20 degrees Celsius or colder. When the temperature or equivalent wind chill temperature is minus 25 degrees Celsius or lower children shall be kept indoors.
With the exceptions of these occasions, all children will go out for recess and the lunch break. We remind all students to dress appropriately for the weather.
Extra Clothes for the Winter Season
Snow and Ice Safety
Inclement Weather - Bus Cancellations
Please note: we are in zone 1.