Bridge Bulletin
October 28, 2022
Principal Chat
Thank you for another fabulous week with your kids!
The Utah Foster Care system had a FREE Community Give Away at Bridge last Friday. It was VERY well attended and there must have been 20,000 items that were given to community members for FREE! We offered to host another one this winter for them - stay tuned for dates and times!
Because winter is upon us and it's pretty cold outside, the lunch tables have been moved inside for the next few months. There were lots of sighs and sad faces from kids - most LOVE eating outside. Rena, our custodian, is looking at a cost-effective and alternative method for tent roofing since the Roy wind hates our tents.
Mark you calendars for the following days of NO SCHOOL
- November 21 - 25 (Thanksgiving Break)
- December 19 - January 1 (Christmas Break)
Upcoming Events (more information below in newsletter)
- HarvestFest (sponsored by CWC at Bridge) - October 29
- $5 Costume Dress Down Day Fundraiser at Bridge - October 31
- Yearbook Orders Now Open
Did you know that at the end of this newsletter is a WHO TO CONTACT list for names and the contact information of individuals responsible for specific areas at Bridge?
Please keep reading for more information about this past week and information for the upcoming week.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Lani Rounds
Visible Learning Trait - REFLECTION
Please talk to your child about the importance of being reflective and then recognize when they are reflective at home.
Our mission is personalized learning but also to teach kids to be accountable and take ownership of their own learning. Learning to be flexible is a trait they can use well beyond their time at Bridge.
Across the Street from Bridge on Midland Drive
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NEVER motion your children across the street. First, parking on that side of the road is dangerous in itself, but motioning a child to cross the street, unaccompanied by an adult, puts the child in imminent danger of being hit and injured, or worse. If you insist on parking on that side of the road, get out of your car, walk across the street and get your child. Then, after assuring it is safe, accompany your child across the street.
Small Group Instruction - ONE of our Cornerstones of Personalized Learning
Small Group instruction occurs twice daily for grades K, and 4 - 6 and through our P90 reading program, three times daily for grades 1 - 3. Students are grouped for reading and math based on their developmental level. During small group instruction students are exposed to the grade level core instruction and spend the majority of the time filling in gaps or accelerating learning, depending on the needs of the students in the group. Groups are fluid and teachers continually look at data to adjust the groups as needed. The picture in the upper corner is a 6th grade small group in action and below are pics from each of the other grades.
PPCD Time for Teachers
All teachers across the country WANT to personalize instruction for students, but the number one stumbling block is "time". This PPCD time is unique to Bridge Elementary and is a key element in our charter. We realize teachers cannot possibly analyze data and prepare 6 - 9 small group lessons each day without having adequate time. The PPCD time helps assure teachers have the time needed to personalize instruction for your child.
Bachauer Inspirato Piano Performance
The beautiful Steinway grand piano was delivered to our school on Thursday afternoon and set up in the library. Each grade level had an opportunity to listen and watch a 30 minute performance. This is a free program provided by the Gina Bachauer education foundation. This is ithe purpose of this amazing program:
For many children, their first encounter with classical piano music can be a life-changing experience. Increasingly, these introductions are made possible because of The Bachauer’s Music In Our Schools program.
This innovative program has made an impact on thousands of children across Utah by pairing world-class pianists with local schools. These premiere talents perform intimate concerts for the students upon a Steinway grand piano.
Updates to the policy require that students and teachers receive information about bullying and the prevention of bullying. Additionally, a bullying "point person" must be identified. Stacey Archuleta, our At-Risk Programs Coordinator, Stacey@BridgeCharter.org is the appointed individual at the school to bring your bullying concerns to in the event the issues have not been addressed by your child's teacher.
Teachers have received training information regarding bullying and students will have videos and discussions about bullying over the next little while.
The information below comes from stopbullying.gov This site also has a great number of resources for parents.
What Is Bullying?
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:
- An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
- Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.
Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
4th Grade Visitor
PBS Reading Marathon - November
Challenge your kids, preschool through sixth grade, to read 20 minutes each day during the month of November. There is no need register before beginning the Reading Marathon! Simply, use the link below to download your log and keep track of your reading minutes each day. At the end of November, return to the PBS webpage using the link below and input your minutes to receive your Adventure Pass!
How the Adventure Pass Works
- The Adventure Pass includes tickets and coupons to your favorite museums, zoos, and activities around town.
- The Adventure Pass is valid different months in 2023. Most are valid the whole year..
- Child must complete the Reading Marathon and be between preschool – 6th grade.
- Adults and other family members who do not have an Adventure Pass will pay regular admission prices.
- The Adventure Pass can only be used one time at each location.
Adventure Pass Partners!
Clark Planetarium
Discovery Gateway
Intermountain Therapy Animals
Natural History Museum of Utah
Ogden Nature Center
Red Butte Garden
Salt Lake City Public Library
Thanksgiving Point
Tracy Aviary
USU Prehistoric Museum in Price
Bean Life Science Museum
Hogle Zoo
Yearbook Orders
Code = BridgeES
Pre Pay code = BridgeYB23
Power Chess Spring Sign Up
Online Lunch Payments
When payments are made online we must complete several steps to get the payments moved to Aspire. We do this every Monday and Wednesday. After we run the online report it takes another day for the money to post to your student's Aspire account. Please allow 3 - 5 days from the day you make the online payment to the day the information posts in Aspire.
The link to make payments online is found on our website by selecting the MEALS icon.
- Cutting Watch Me Learn tickets (stop by the office)
- Pulling weeds in the rock areas and park strips (we have all the area in front of the school and up 4800 S along the school fence).
- Using rakes and shovels to redistribute the gravel from the bottom of the retention area in front of the school to the top area to cover the black landscape screen.
Once your family has logged 30 volunteer hours they will have a frog put into our Volunteer Pond in the foyer.
If you want to volunteer but do not have the time, you can donate $90 to cover the 30 hours. If you choose to donate, complete the volunteer form. You can donate in the office or by using our DONATE icon on the home page of our website.
Excuse an Absence
Title I
Bridge Elementary receives our Title I funding based on the percentage of students that qualify for free or reduced lunch. For this reason we encourage ALL families to apply for Free/Reduced lunch through Aspire to ensure every single student receives the services needed, including access to free or reduced meals if appropriate.
Title I provides avenues for parent input and participation. We do this through our surveys and the link to the form on our website which allows parents to submit questions and suggestions.
You can find more information about Title I as well as a form to ask questions or provide suggestions regarding Title I, on our website at:
Who to Contact for What
At-Risk Programs Coordinator - Stacey Archuleta - Stacey@BridgeCharter.org
- Morning Supervision and BASE
- Behavior including Bullying
- 504 Plans
Lead Secretary - Lalani Williams - Lwilliams@BridgeCharter.org
- Aspire
- Lottery
- Registration
School Nurse - Vicki Ross - Vicki@bridgecharter.org
Special Education
Diane Nelson Lead SpED Teacher - Diane@BridgeCharter.org
Julie Christensen SpED Director - Julie@BridgeCharter.org
ELL Coordinator - Nichol Lloyd - Nichol@BridgeCharter.org
Meal Issues - Jodi Jensen - Jodi@BridgeCharter.org
Classroom Teachers - see website - https://www.bridgecharter.org/teachers
- Daily activities for your child
- Student progress
- Questions about student schedule
About Bridge Elementary Charter
Email: info@bridgecharter.org
Website: bridgecharter.org
Location: 4824 Midland Drive, Roy, UT
Phone: (801)499-5180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BridgeCharter