Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 24 June 2021
You are the light of the world
Let Jesus shine through you to others
Matthew 5 13-16
2021 Important Dates
Week 10
Fri 25 Jun: Whole School Mass
Sun 27 Jun: First Eucharist Yr 4
Week 11
Fri 2nd Jul: Dance concert
Fri 2nd Jul: End of Term 2
Term 3
Week 1
Mon 19th July: Term 3 commences
Tue 20th July: Confirmation Parent-Child Workshop
Wed 21st July: Yr 6 Parish Mass 9am
Fri 23rd July: Whole School Mass
Sat 24th July: Yr 6 Commitment and Family Mass
Week 2
Thur 29th July: Interschool Cross Country
Fri 30th July: Yr 6 Confirmation Retreat
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
First Holy Communion
Good luck to all our year 4 First Communion Candidates as they celebrate their First Eucharist on Sunday morning at 8.30 in our Parish Church. There will be a small celebration in the back of the Church to conclude the celebration after Mass.
Thank you to Mrs. Delane, Mr. Danaher and Mrs. Meyer on preparing the candidates for this important Sacrament.
Dance Extravaganza
Our year 3-6 Dance Extravaganza is being held on the final Friday afternoon of term on Friday 2 July commencing at 2.00 pm in our school hall. It looks spectacular. Please note the new start time. The choir will be seven minutes and dancers will be twenty–eight minutes.
Congratulations to our dynamic dance teacher, Mrs. Ellie Haynes on providing our students with this creative opportunity to perform in front of a huge crowd. It is looking like standing room only in the hall for late comers on Friday afternoon. The dress rehearsal on Tuesday looked absolutely fantastic.
The classes not involved in this dance extravaganza will perform at our end of year concert in term 4 on Tuesday 7th December.
Our choir will perform first in this new and exciting era for our school.
Canteen Term 3
During term 3 Misty Hearne (Michael Lenihan's mum) will be our canteen manageress. As you would be all aware, we have been struggling for volunteer helpers so that we can keep the canteen in operation for families. The class reps will be distributing information regarding future plans of the canteen. Our school canteen just breaks even financially with one manageress and volunteer helpers. In the past Sara has completed a huge number of voluntary hours to allow our canteen to survive. If every family could help once for the year, our canteen will survive.
There will be no canteen in week one in term three and it will now be operating on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.
Choir Performances
Our school choir had a busy time on Saturday. In between netball, football, soccer and hockey commitments, our choir performed at the RAC promotion in Hannay Lane on Saturday morning. The choir looked great in our winter uniform and sung even better. Brilliant work by our very giving and talented music teacher, Mrs. Sherborne accompanied by Mr.Torrese and the 25 strong choir. In their spare time, the choir also performed at the Reconciliation Thanksgiving Mass at the 6pm Parish Church.
(Editor thinks the parents deserve a gold star for the logistical gymnastics that took place to have the students in Hannay Lane and in our school uniform by 9.30am on a Saturday morning.)
Cross Country
Term 3 Dates
- Commences on Monday 19 July
- Interschool cross country Thursday 29 July
- Confirmation Sunday 1 August
- Mission Markets Friday 13 August
- Open Evening Wednesday 25 August
- Athletics Thursday 26 August
- Pupil Free Day Friday 27 August
- OLC’s Got Talent Friday 10 September
- Final Day Friday 24 September
Dunsborough Historical Society
2021 Bookweek
Did you know
- Local year 4 Dunsborough Theologian Stellan, skilfully pointed out to his dad that he was not a Roman Catholic but rather an Australian Catholic!
- Ned Duffield (1) does not like Crunchie bars.
- Elliott, Alexandra, Violet and Michael from 5H help Mr. Lee with year one reading at 9.30am each day.
- A farmer in north-west Victoria paid $35,200 for a working kelpie named ‘Hoover’. ‘Hoover’ has a special way with animals and he can work with either cattle or sheep.
- Payton (1) made a tetrahedron, that was the easy part. She then had to pronounce its name!
- The hall roof started leaking on Monday morning. Mrs.O’Leary cleaned up the mess and Mr. Robert came to the rescue once again.
- Matilda (PP) and Archer’s(2) dad has caught a great big bag of fish! (A number of OLC staff are currently cleaning out their fridges awaiting Craig to arrive home)
- Some unnamed year 3 students collected their school bags from Mr. Lee's office at 10.46am on Monday. It may have had something to do with certain bags not being placed on hooks.
- Dylan Holding (1) has earnt a “B” in one aspect of his English.
- Bees dance to communicate, how beezar, how beezar, how beezar.
- Sofie McGarry (1) is excellent at reading and reads with expression.
- Watching everyone encourage each other during the cross country
- Watching those students that were always going to come near the tail of the field compete in the OLC cross country. They didn’t stay home and fake sickness they just carried on through an awkward situation and became a good deal mentally tougher because of the experience. (Well done to parents too)
Choir News
It was wonderful to have so many students from our choir in attendance at Hannay Lane last Saturday morning. We were privileged to be asked to perform two songs for the Busselton Shire, who were launching a Revitalisation Project in the lane. It certainly was a proud moment for me witnessing them all sing their little hearts out in our community! The students presented beautifully in their school uniforms and represented OLC with flying colours! To top off the day, we had so many of our choir come along to support the Reconciliation candidates at mass that evening. We are so lucky to have an outstanding level of commitment from our choir and their parents.
Many thanks to Carolyn Ryder from the Busselton Shire who invited us to take part, as well as the sponsorship from RAC, in providing the children with a yummy lunch from Wild and Woods (and coffee and cakes from Yallingup Coffee Shop to keep the adults refreshed). Mr Torrese saved the day getting us connected to the PA system and supported us with his phenominal skills on the guitar! I would also like to say a HUGE thank you to the very talented Lee Veitch (Jake and Coco’s Mum), who has been assisting with choir rehearsals this term.
Amy Sherborne
Music Teacher
Bunbury Eisteddfod
Last Thursday and Saturday Year 6H student Lara Murray performed across five categories at the Bunbury Eisteddfod. Lara placed in all of her entries including classical, solo, folk song, musical theatre and contemporary. The absolute highlight for her was receiving first place in the contemporary solo/self-accompanied song 'Cover Me in Sunshine', which Lara sung and played on her ukulele. Congratulations Lara! What incredible talent you have!
Rental Help
Cross Country Results
- Yr 1 Girls: 1st Emma Le Goueff 2nd Lea Murray
- Yr 1 Boys: 1st Fletcher Brierty 2nd Liam Hutton
- Yr 2 Girls: 1st Maddie Hoar 2nd Scarlett Lawrence
- Yr 2 Boys: 1st James Conn 2nd Archer Saunders
- Yr 3 Girls: 1st Sienna Bidesi 2nd Ayva Marsden
- Yr 3 Boys: 1st Jett Devereux 2nd Jobe Sherry
- Yr 4 Girls: 1st Sofia Colombo-Smart 2nd Scarlett McNeil
- Yr 4 Boys: 1st James Hutton 2nd Xavier Ricciardone
- Yr 5 Girls: 1st Milla Devereux 2nd Miah Adams
- Yr 5 Boys: 1st Liam Vernon 2nd Joel Peterson
- Yr 6 Girls: 1st Kirra Chandler 2nd Rose Rawling
- Yr 6 Boys: 1st Zayne Bate 2nd Mahley Garcia
RE Updates
Sacrament of First Eucharist - First Holy Communion
This Sunday the Year 4 students will receive their First Eucharist (or First Holy Communion) at the 8.30am parish mass. The word 'communion' means to be united with; Catholics believe that in Holy Communion we are united in a special way with Jesus Christ.
At his last supper, Jesus said of the bread that he shared among his followers, "Take and eat, this is my body." When we receive Holy Communion, Catholics believe that in a mysterious way we are sharing in the body and blood of Christ. For our children First Eucharist is a special occasion - a further step in becoming one with Christ and united with the People of God. I would like to express sincere thanks to Mrs. Delane and Mr. Danaher for their beautiful nurturing of their students as they have been preparing for this special day. Thank you also to Fr. Francis for listening to the Year 4’s Reconciliations today as part of their preparation before First Eucharist. Please keep the Year 4 students in your prayers as they experience this next step in their faith journey.
Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Congratulations to our Year 3 Students who received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation last week. A big thank you to Fr. Francis for facilitating such a beautiful occasion. The students were beautifully prepared by Mr. McSevich and Miss Lombardi and we were very proud of the manner in which they participated. It was lovely to hear one child express how happy she was following Reconciliation because she was “free to begin again”.
Many families have recently approached me with questions around having their children Baptised into the Catholic faith. Baptism is welcome at any age and can take place during a weekday or on a weekend. Should you like to proceed with arranging for your child to be Baptised, please call Fr. Francis on 9755 3944.
End of Term Whole School Mass
Tomorrow morning, we will be celebrating a whole school mass on the theme of “Appreciation”, which has been our focus school value this term. We will be thanking God for creation and showing appreciation for the beautiful environment we live in. Many thanks to Mrs. Wendelin, Miss Lombardi and Mrs Ricciardone for helping to plan the mass and to the students in their classes who will play a role in the liturgy. Parents are more than welcome to attend the mass in the school hall at 10.00am.
Can You Spare a Dollar for Our Parish?
Our Parish church and presbytery is in desperate need of upgrade. With low attendances at church, and the only source of income being collections at masses, the financial situation is becoming critical. If you are able to help out with plumbing or building labour for a bathroom renovation, or can alternatively make a donation to the church to help with the upkeep, Fr. Francis would be most appreciative. Thank you for your consideration.
Happy Holidays
Wishing you a relaxing and rejuvenating break. To those travelling, stay safe!
God Bless!
Mrs. Amie Meyer APRE.
Sporting Schools Program
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Term three I will be offering Specialised Coaching Sessions for the years 3 to 6 with the Sporting Schools Program. The program will be held on Wednesday mornings at 8am to 8.30am (running club). Also Thursday afternoons at 3:05pm– 4pm. This will commence once school resumes on Week 1.
Only students in years 3-6 are eligible to attend. There are a limited number of positions in the program (which I must stick to). You may indicate which day you prefer but this will depend upon the spaces available for each day.
This term I will be continuing Running Club on the Wednesday mornings and Games as well as modified Football and Soccer on the Thursday afternoons. The students will need to bring appropriate sport outfits and an afternoon snack on Thursday.
Positions will be filled on a first in basis, so please return the notes to the front office as soon as possible.
The Program will be supervised by Mrs Sinclair and is FREE.
Program details
Wednesday 8am – 8.30am
Thursday 3:05pm – 4pm
News from the P&F
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/