George Ranch H.S.
Sunday Longhorn News 3-28-2021
Connect With Us!
Website: https://lcisd.org/campuses/georgeranchhs/home
Location: 8181 FM 762 Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-223-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreGRHS/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @WeAreGRHS
A Message From Heather Patterson, GRHS Principal
Happy Sunday Longhorns,
We are midway through the 5th six weeks and another break is just a short dance away! We will be closed on Thursday and Friday of this week in observance of Easter. With this six weeks being short, there are only 2 weeks left, so if you have been procrastinating, jump back in there and get caught up so that you are not failing of surprised when is closes.
6th Six Weeks Instructional Model CHANGE is due April 2nd! (ONLY have to do something if you are CHANGING models)
I wanted to revisit the DRESS CODE EXPECTATIONS one more time as it is getting warmer outside and I am seeing more shorts, skirts, and crop tops. I feel I am VERY generous, so please adhere to the few rules that I have. (I have included the visual again, just in case you needed a reminder). You may not like the rules, but they are still rules I appreciate you respecting them, as they are non-negotiable. Thanks for your support!
- T-shirts cannot cover your shorts, or that means your shorts are too short.
- Shorts and skirts should be at least 3-4 inches from your inseam (remember you are going up and down stairs)
- There should be NO mid drift skin showing between the BOTTOM of your shirt and TOP of your pant/short. Example: If you lift your arm to wave to someone and any skin shows, it's too short because the second you sit down at a desk it will be showing skin when you lean over to write.
Congrats to our Lariettes and Belles on a VERY successful Nationals competition this weekend in Galveston! I was able to watch this MAGIC in person, and was blown away at the talented ladies that left it all on the floor! Check out the AHHH-some results and a few candid shots below!
Congrats to all our 21-22 Cheerleaders, they were recognized with Sashes on Friday!
As with Spring Break last week and the Easter Holiday coming up where our Longhorn families are finally being able to see extended family and friends, it will be even MORE important that you are following the mask (properly worn of over the nose and mouth) and other safety protocols that we have had in place all year for INSIDE our buildings. I appreciate your support and help in keeping our campus running as smooth as possible so that our Longhorns can enjoy the extra curricular activities and special events that we are planning to close out the year with.
Lamar CISD is NOT adjusting any of its COVID-19 inside safety protocols, including the requirement to wear face coverings INSIDE all facilities. Keep being smart and stay safe by adhering to the face to face expectations by properly wearing those masks, sanitizing regularly, and following social distancing protocols to the best of our ability. We can't completely control COVID, but we can definitely slow the spread down, and that is A LOT! Any student refusing to follow the rules will be given disciplinary consequences, which will in turn affect their semester exam exemptions. Let's all do our part to keep GR the PLACE to be... especially for those of us CHOOSING to stay face to face.
Thank you so much to all our parents and students reaching out to your Assistant Principal for questions and assistance. Please CONTINUE to email your (or your student's) Assistant Principal , as they can assist you the quickest.
Admin contact info:
Chris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Quantas Floyd Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) qfloyd@lcisd.org
GRHS Counselors: (by alpha split)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou)stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Marci Macha Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) mamacha@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Included in this edition of our GRHS Longhorn News:
- 6th Six Weeks Instructional Model Change Due April 2nd!
- Spring Dress Code Reminders (tighten back up)
- 3 Day Week- Easter Break Thursday/Friday April 1st-2nd)
- Air Force Informational Zoom Meeting - April 8th
- AP Exams Registration/Testing Information (time sensitive)
- SENIORS (Save the dates/info email coming Wednesday from Mrs. P)
- COLLEGE WEAR WEDNESDAY- Rep Your Favorite College Shirt With our GR Staff and TWEET is out using our Hashtag #WeAreGR
- Order Your Yearbook TODAY- LESS THAN 100 LEFT!
- Make sure and visit the Counselor and Career Corner WEEKLY in Canvas- LOTS of INFO!
- Virtual Learner Info - Synchronous days Zoom calendar
- Transcript and VOE Requests Procedures
- CLUB information
- Sports/Fine Arts Coach/Director Updates (Submitted by Coaches and Directors)
Secondary Instructional Model Change for 6th Six Weeks- Deadline April 2nd!
The Learning Model Change Form for secondary students for the sixth six weeks is available in Skyward Family Access. The deadline for requesting a change in learning model for the sixth six weeks is Friday, Apr. 2. No changes in learning model will be accepted after Apr. 2, as the District must plan for master schedules, classroom space, virtual instruction and how to best meet the needs of our students.
Parents who would like to change their student’s learning model can use these instructions to access and submit the form in Skyward.
**If there is no change for your student, you do not need to submit the form.
It is also important to note:
- It is our intent to minimize classroom shifts as much as possible, however, the need to balance class sizes and schedules with two different instructional models will likely require some students to have a different teacher for the sixth grading period, even if they haven’t changed learning models.
- Campuses will contact families with students transitioning from virtual to on-campus instruction to communicate safety protocols and ensure a safe return to campus.
- All campuses will contact parents about next steps after the Apr. 2 deadline.
Overview of On-Campus Instruction:
- All parents are expected to screen students for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending them to school.
- While the COVID-19 Risk Level is red, orange or yellow, face coverings are required for all students when in common spaces, hallways, on buses and during arrival and dismissal. Students in grades 4th-12th are also required to wear face coverings in the classroom.
- While in the classroom, students will be socially distanced as much as instructionally possible.
Overview of Virtual Instruction:
- Virtual instruction will require students to participate in asynchronous (online without real-time interaction) and synchronous (real-time) online learning.
- Each day, students will engage in daily lessons, activities and assignments in all classes to be marked present.
- Each virtual student will likely need their own device and access to high-speed internet at home.
If you have questions regarding the Learning Model Change form, please contact your child's Assistant Principal.
Click here for more information on Lamar CISD’s on-campus and virtual instruction, COVID-19 disease mitigation and more.
Dress Code Reminder!
2021-2022 Instructional Calendar!
Click the PDF Below for a printable calendar!
AIR FORCE Informational Session
The Unites States Air Force will be hosting a US Air and Space Force "TOTAL FORCE" presentation via ZOOM on April 8, 2021 at 3:30 p.m. This presentation will provide students and overview of all the different options the United States Air Force has to offer.
Representatives from Air Force Active Duty, Space Force, USAF Special Warfare, the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve , Air Force ROTC and the Air Force Academy will be attending the presentation to provide an introduction into what they offer and how to join. This marks the first time all representatives will be together in one place for families to get information directly from the subject matter experts.
Please note that registration is REQUIRED to attend the event, click the link below to sign up.
It's College Wear Wednesday!
If you registered to take an AP exam this spring please log into your AP Classroom and Total Registration accounts to make sure the exams match. Please contact Mrs. Reeves if there is any discrepancy. creeves@lcisd.org
In 2021 all AP Exams, will be offered on-campus, in Admin Window 1 (May 3-17). All LCISD students, virtual and face-to-face, have the opportunity to test, on-campus, in Admin Window 1.
However, if a student is unable to come to campus or would like to request a digital at-home AP Exam, in Admin Window 2, May 18-28 (for eligible courses*) the student must complete the Digital Exam Request form, by April 1st.
*College Board is not offering digital exams, in Admin Window 2, for Calculus AB and BC, Chinese Language, French Language and Culture, Music Theory, Physics I, Physics C, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture, and Statistics.
*IMPORTANT: If a student requires paper-pencil testing, on-campus, in Window 2, for exams not available digitally, they MUST contact their campus AP Coordinator ASAP. Carin Reeves - creeves@lcisd.org
If a student requires exception testing, June 1-11 (in Admin Window 3), at-home, digital ONLY exams (for eligible courses**) they must request exceptional testing via the Digital Request form and receive approval from their AP Coordinator. Carin Reeves - creeves@lcisd.org
**College Board is not offering digital exams, in Window 3, for Chinese Language and Culture, French Language and Culture, Music Theory, Spanish Language and Culture and Spanish Literature and Culture.
ELA STAAR EOC is right around the corner. We will be testing all students enrolled in English 1 on April 6, 2021 and all students enrolled in English 2 on April 8, 2021. All testing will take place on campus at George Ranch High School. This testing will take place during the 5th Six Weeks. ALL students enrolled in English 1 or English 2 will be required to take and pass the ELA STAAR EOC in order to graduate.
VIRTUAL Students: Please use the link below to inform us if you will be coming on campus to take your ELA STAAR EOC. Please complete the link so we have a response on every student. This link MUST be completed by Friday, March 26, 2021 at 4:00pm.
ON CAMPUS Students: You will automatically be registered to take the ELA STAAR EOC.
If you have specific questions regarding the ELA STAAR EOC, please contact our testing coordinator, Kyra Thomas kthomas@lcisd.org.
Summer Job Opportunity at Sweetwater Pools! Sweetwater Pools is hosting a virtual job fair (via ZOOM) on April 7th at 5:00 p.m. Students If you are interested in attending the job fair, please see the Canvas Notification from Mrs. Ford on the Counselor/CCF Page!
Skeeters Summer Job Opportunity!
The Sugar Land Skeeters are ramping up for the 2021 baseball season and are seeking hard working individuals to join their game day SWAT Team. The Sugar Land Skeeters are a minor league baseball team based in Sugar Land, Texas and are now the AAA Affiliate of the Houston Astros. The game day staff members interact with fans and are the face of the organization, so they are looking for outgoing, confident, and enthusiastic individuals.
This is a unique summer job (May – September) for any student 16 years or older. It is also a great opportunity for students to gain experience, network in the community, and build a sports resume. A further description of the job is listed below.
Job Description:
We are seeking outgoing and well-spoken individuals to contribute to our family-friendly atmosphere and experiences for our fans at Sugar Land Skeeters home games. As a member of the SWAT Team, you will have a visible role as an ambassador of the Skeeters brand and add a more personal touch to games and community events. SWAT Team runs our in-between inning promotions, interacts with fans and dances on the dugouts (restrictions permitting).
Job Summary/Responsibilities:
· Find participants for all on-field/in-between inning games
· Assist in execution of all on-field/in-between inning games
· Greet fans as they enter the ballpark and assist with any inquiries throughout the game
· Dance on the dugout and engage the crowd during 7th inning stretch
If you are interested in applying, please fill out the attached application and submit the forms to sweir@sugarlandskeeters.com by this Friday, March 26.
If you have more questions check your Counselor/CCF Canvas page for her announcement!
2021 GRHS Yearbook Design Below!
LESS THAN 100 LEFT! ORDER YOUR 2020-2021 Yearbook TODAY!
SENIOR PROM - Friday, May 14th (8-PM-10PM) Seniors...I will be sending an email on Wednesday with more details about what will be included in your ticket price of $25!
Class of 2021 GRHS Graduation - Save the Date!
GRHS GRADUATION - Saturday, May 22, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
*Rain Make Up May 23, 2021 @ 9:30 am
Ticket distribution plan and more details coming as we get closer to Graduation!
Time to Order All Things GRAD...Including Cap and Gown and OPTIONAL Yearbook Ads!
Seniors and parents that STILL NEED TO ORDER your graduation and cap and gown seethe links below to Balfour’s grad catalogs that contain everything you need for the class of 2021.
CAP AND GOWNS that were ordered by the March 1st date will have a pick up date of April 15th (ONLY, if you ordered by the March 1st deadline)
If you still need to order you must do that online. Keep in mind that You must have CURRENT CAP AND GOWN SET (as BALFOUR rotates fabrics every couple of years and last year 2020 was a new fabric)
Yearbooks are now for sale on the Balfour Website. https://www.balfour.com/texas/richmond/george-ranch-high-school
SENIORS ONLY- OPTIONAL purchase of AD SPACE space in this year's yearbook. Contact the yearbook staff at georgeranchyearbook@gmail.com for ad submission requirements. In the subject line of your email, please include student name and order number (find order # on the receipt received at your email at the completion of this order).
Service Cord Update
Due to the impacts of COVID, the district has revised the service cord requirement. The graduating classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, will now have a 100-hour Service Cord requirement.
Please adhere to the following upcoming deadlines:
April 15 (Seniors Only)- Senior year service hours completed during Thanksgiving break through April 15th must be submitted by April 15th. All service hours must be verified in Schoolinks no later than April 15th. Any hours submitted or verified after April 15th WILL NOT be considered.
May 1- All hours completed during the Thanksgiving break through April 30th must be submitted no later than May 1st.
Please make sure that you are checking to make sure that your service hours have been verified by your supervisor in SchooLinks. Mrs. Ford will not be able to approve any service hours that haven't been verified.
Counselor & College Career CANVAS Resource Page! Click link below! The place for all things - including scholarship opportunities!
GRHS Virtual Learning Plan (PDF) Click below!
Canvas Support and Tech Support!
Parents needing support with CANVAS, please click the link below:
For parents needing support with TECHNOLOGY, please click the link below:
See Any BAND Student to Purchase!
ONLY 3 PEOPLE allowed in the front office at one time due to proper SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS. MASKS are always required, even if dropping something off. If the office is full, please wait until someone walks out and you are buzzed in. We appreciate your patience in advance!
2020-2021 Bell Schedule
2020-2021 Instructional Calendar
Have a New Driver? Need a VOE? We have you covered, even remotely!
If you are needing a VOE, we are able to help you remotely by clicking this button above! Please allow 24 hour (business day) turn around on all requests.
Please allow 24 hour (business day) turn around on all requests.
Early Pick Up & Early Dismissal for Registered Drivers!
If you need to pick up your student early from school for any reason, please follow these procedures prior to 3:20 pm
- Students are not released after 3:20pm
- Call (832) 223-4234 to request your student and WAIT IN YOUR CAR
- You will be asked to provide student identification information
- Your student will be called out of class to the SSW (student service window) to sign out & go straight to your car
If your student is a registered GRHS driver and needs to leave school for any reason, please follow these procedures:
- Email Ms. Duran at iduran@lcisd.org TWO hours in advance of the time you need to leave
- Your student may pick up their pass from the SSW (student service window) and sign out prior to leaving
GRHS Admin Team Support
Our Admin Team is ready and willing to help! We are available (via email) during regular school business hours (8:00am-4:00pm) and will be promptly getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's Assistant Principal (alpha split by last name) for student specific concerns or assistance.
Heather Patterson - Principal hpatterson@lcisd.org
Brian Forshee - Associate Principal bforshee@lcisd.orgChris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Quantas Floyd Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) qfloyd@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - GRHS Campus Athletic Coordinator ncavallo@lcisd.org
Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar Squad!
Our GRHS Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar are available during regular school business hours (8:00am-4:00pm). The best way to contact them is via email and they will be getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours. From schedule questions, college questions, transcript requests, to any student concern our GRHS team is here to assist you and your child. Feel free to email them with any questions or concerns. (Alpha Split by Student LAST Name for Counselors)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou)stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Marci Macha Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) mamacha@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Lauren Ford - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- lauren.ford@lcisd.org
Jean Abboud -George Ranch Registrar - jabboud@lcisd.org
Congrats 2021-2022 GRHS Cheerleaders! #SashDay
Law Students Analyzing Hair Fibers
Follow Us on Twitter! @WeAreGRHS
Please find the latest Coaches Sports Updates (all info is submitted and provided by individual coaches each week)
Congratulations Boys Longhorn Soccer on a historical season (FIRST TIME IN GR HISTORY MAKING PLAYOFFS) and a hard fought game against Katy Seven Lakes! We are proud of you!
One Last Shoutout to Our Seniors For Playing Your Last HS Game With All Your HEART! We are proud of you!
The varsity tennis team competed in Katy this week!
Sebastian Johnson and Kyle Giries were the consolation winners in B boys doubles. While Gabby Champion and Maddie Sams placed second overall in B girls doubles.
GR vs Clements
Blaine Belitz pitched a solid game with Alexis Humphries aiding in one inning. SJ Housel and Humphries lead the batters, hitting 1.000 each, while most of the team practiced patient pitch selection. Well done, Longhorns!!!
Karrlaun Deas, Kennedy Marlow, and Mariah Garner all contributed on offense batting .500 while Kate Dolan lead the team batting .677. Nora Thompson pitched a solid game taking home the win.
GR vs Dulles
Fighting hard, the Longhorns were victorious over Dulles High School. Seleste Compian, Mariah Garner, Jessica Johnston and Kyleigh Smith helped batting .667 a piece while Kate Dolan lead the pack batting 1.000. Zaria Turner pitched a full game with 11 strike outs.
Varsity Tournament Play Highlights:
Varsity vs Austin
Ben Lea and Reese Beheler each had an RBI in a 7-2 loss to Austin.
Varsity vs. Ridgepoint
Diego Vinton only gave up 2 runs in 7 innings and Drew Psyk scored the lone run as Ridge Point won 2-1.
JV and Freshman Play:
Freshman vs Austin
The George Ranch 9th grade baseball team extended their win streak to 10 games on Monday, beating Austin High School 9 to 8. Defensively, Trent Richards, David Austin and Garrett Randolph pitched 6 innings to get the win. Offensively, the Longhorns were led by John Braswell, Carson Mixon, Noah Vinton and Trevion Aikens with a combined 5 hits, 1 homerun and 5 runs batted in. The longhorns will travel Friday evening to Ridge Point High School @4:30 in District play.
JV vs. Austin
The Longhorns were led by pitcher Alex Evensen, who pitched a complete game (0 ER), and Brandon Mays who hit a three run homer that blew the game open, in their 9-1 victory over district foe Austin High School.
Freshman vs. Ridgepoint
The George Ranch 9th grade baseball team lost a tough battle against Ridge Point High School 8 to 5. Defensively, Trevion Aikens, Jackson Refiel and William Surratt pitched 6 innings. Offensively, the Longhorns were led by John Braswell, Brady Duque and Trent Richards with a combined 6 hits, 3 runs batted in.
JV vs. Ridgepoint
Grant Reynolds and Brandon Mays had a hit a piece in the Longhorns 15-0 loss to Ridge Point Friday Night.
The Girls JV B Track team got a chance to compete with the best of LCISD on Wednesday 3/10. The Lady Longhorns put up some strong performances all around, and even set some season best to top it off!
The Ladies that placed are: Blessing Ogbu 4th place 200-meter dash, Eshunti Murrell 6th place 100-meter dash, Emily Flores 1st place 400-meter dash, Isabelle Hernandez 5th place 100-meter dash, Liliana Diaz 2nd place 3200-meter run, Liliana Diaz 2nd place 1600-meter run, Isabelle Keast 6th place 3200m run, Isabelle Keast 5th place 1600m run, Kira John 5th place shot put, Emorie Proctor 2nd place shot put
Hightower JV Relays The Girls JV – A track team travelled to Hall stadium for a little district preview. Fort bend county got a sneak peak at what these ladies are all about, and that is winning! The Girls competed phenomenally and had a variety of personal and season best results. Keep up the great work ladies, all of Fort Bend ISD will be nervous when our bus rolls into the parking lot.
Girls Results – 1st place overall team 3200 - Clara Bodnar – 2nd place - Alex Martinez – 4th place 4X100 – 2nd place • *Relay members: Ashleigh Akaluso. Jacquelyn Alvarez, Trinity Pretlow, Joan Osho 800 - Kianna Stamps – 2nd place - Hannah Namutebi – 3rd place 100 meter hurdles - Andrea Gutierez – 1st place - Raina Thomas – 3rd place - Hazel Nabo – 4th place 100 - Trinity Pretlow – 2nd place 4x200 – 3rd place • Relay members: Jacquelyn Alvarez, Gracyn Coffman, Joan Osho, Victoria Obasuyi 400 - Anagha Surendran – 3rd place - Akira Brown – 6th place 300 meter hurdles - Ella Ngo – 1st place - Andrea Gutierez – 2nd place - Hazel Nabo – 4th place 200 - Ashleigh Akaluso - 2nd place - Trinity Pretlow – 4th place 1600 - Haley Pounders – 2nd place - Alex Martinez – 4th place 4x400 – 2nd place • Relay members: Raina Thomas, Ela Ngo, Kianna Stamps, Hannah Namutebi Long jump - Sally Evbuomwan – 4th place Shot Put - Kyler Hervey – 2nd place - Kassandra Kee – 6th place Discus - Kassandra Kee – 1st place - Kyler Hervey – 2nd place Triple Jump - Ashly Akaru - 3rd place - Sally Evbuomwan – 4th place High Jump - Raina Thomas – 1st place - Taliyah McDaniels – 2nd place Pole Vault - Chloe Moxcygemba – 1st place - Ashlyn Gunn – 2nd place - Annabelle Lanik – 3rd place
Summer Creek – Generation Park Relays
The Girl Track travelled to the best meet in all of the Houston area on Friday the 12th of March. Summer Creek High School invited only the best of the best to compete on their turf, and the results did not disappoint. The Stop watches were melting because these times were so fast!
Girls Results – 2nd place overall team 3200 - Lexi Harkrider– 1st place -Madison Haldiman – 2nd place 4X100 – 5th place • *Relay members: Gabriella Ayiteyfio, Journie Franklin, Shanaje Cummings, Alexis Tilford-Rutherford 800 - Ava Curtis – 1st place - Chrystal Oswake – 6th place 100 - Gabriella Ayiteyfio – 3rd place 4x200 – 4th place • Relay members: Journie Franklin, Kalen Goodman, Shanaje Cummings, Sam Smith 400 - Madi Gentles – 4th place 1600 - Lexi Harkrider – 1st place - Madison Haldiman – 2nd place 4x400 – 5th place • Relay members: Madi Gentles, Vanessa John – Miller, Britton Bielitz, Ava Curtis Long jump - Alexis Tilford-Rutherford – 1st place Discus - Bethany Hoskins – 6th place Triple Jump - Alexis Tilford-Rutherford – 2nd place - Genesis Griffin – 3rd place - Kalen Goodman – 6th place High Jump - Gabriella Ayiteyfio – 3rd place Pole Vault - Taylor Reeves – 1st place *New School Record of 11’9” - Olivia Raymond – 3rd place Skylar Herrera Continued to both grow and show some serious consistency. She threw the shot put 13’2”. Her 100 meter time was a personal best of 24.18 seconds, and her 400 meter time held strong at 2:07.20 Great work out there ladies!
Clear Falls Knights Relays:
The Girls Varsity Track team headed down south this spring break. But it wasn’t to the beach, instead it was to Clear Falls high school, where the Ladies melted yet another track.
Girls Results – 1st place overall team 3200 - Madison Haldiman – 1st place - Lexi Harkrider – 2nd place 4X100 – 1st place • *Relay members: Gabriella Ayiteyfio, Journie Franklin, Alexis Tilford-Rutherford, Shanaje Cummings. 800 - Ava Curtis – 4th place *New school record2:19.90* 100 meter hurdles - Andrea Gutierez – 6th place 100 - Gabriella Ayiteyfio – 1st place - Alexis Tilford – Rutherford – 3rd place 4x200 – 1st place • Relay members: Madi Gentles, Shanaje Cummings, Kalen Goodman, Genesis Griffin. 400 - Ava Curtis – 5th place 200 - Gabriella Ayiteyfio – 4th place 1600 - Lexi Harkrider – 3rd place - Madison Haldiman – 5th place 4x400 – 4th place • Relay members: Madi Gentles, Journie Franklin, Sam Smith, Kalen Goodman. Long jump - Alexis Tilford-Rutherford – 1st place - Genesis Griffin – 3rd place Shot Put - Erika Gipson – 3rd place Discus - Bethany Hoskins – 1st place - Ava Ward – 6th place Triple Jump - Genesis Griffin – 1st place - Kalen Goodman – 2nd place High Jump - Gabriella Ayiteyfio – 2nd place - Raina Thomas – 4th place Pole Vault - Taylor Reeves – 2nd place Skylar Herrera continued to put up some seriously strong and consist numbers with a 12’11” shot put throw, a 1:53.79 400-meter time, and a consistent 100 meter time. The entire coaching staff is incredibly proud of each and every one of you ladies. Keep this energy up heading into the district meet.
Tompkins Falcons Relays -3/27/2021
The Varsity Girls Track and Field team travelled to Katy Tompkins to compete in the Falcon relays. The ladies fought hard but narrowly missed the team title, taking home a 2nd place finish in a very competitive meet.
The Distance duo of Lexi Harkrider and Madison Haldiman represented the ranch very well, with Madison placing 2nd and 6th in the 3200 and 1600, and Lexi placing 4th in both the 3200 and 1600. Ava Curtis continued her speeding streak with a 4th place finish in a loaded field for the 800 meters. Fresh 100 meter hurdler Andrea Gutierez De Velasco ran her best time of the season, securing 5th place. Madi Gentles also laid down a season best time in the 100 meters securing a 5th place finish for her. Shanaje’ Cummings ran her first 400 meter race of the season. The freshman speedster did not disappoint either as she ran a very respectable time, securing another 5th place finish. Senior Ruth Oguntope lead the 300 hurdles group with her 6th place finish. Senior Gabriella Ayiteyfio and freshman Journie Franklin placed 4th and 6th respectively in the 200 meters. Both the 4X400 (Madi Gentles, Kalen Goodman, Chrystal Osakwe, Ava Curtis) meter relay and the 4X200 (Journie Franklin, Kalen Goodman, Gabriella Ayiteyfio, Alexis Tilford-Rutherford) meter relay took 2nd place, with the 4X100 (Journie Franklin, Sam Smith, Genesis Griffin, Shanaje’ Cummings) meter relay placing 3rd. For the field events, the Discus dream team of Bethany Hoskins and Ava Ward placed 3rd and 4th, while their shot put sister Erika Gipson placed 4th. Jumpers Alexis Tilford-Rutherford and Genesis Griffin continued their jumping dominance with Alexis taking 1st in both long and triple jump, and Genesis placing 4th in long and 2nd in triple. Gabriella Ayiteyfio had to go into a jump off to secure the win in the girl’s high jump, while freshman Raina Thomas held on for 5th. Taylor Reeves continued to show consistency with her 4th place finish in the Pole Vault. Skylar Herrera had a fantastic outing as well, recording a consistent shot put throw of 12’1”, and two racing PR’s. in the 100 meters Skylar finished in 23.86, a personal best time. In the 400 meters Skylar had her best performance to date with a time of 1:36.23, smashing her previous record by almost 10 seconds! The Ladies will compete for a district title next. Racing will take place at Hall Stadium on April 6th, 8th, and 9th. Good luck ladies, we are all very proud of all of your hard work and accomplishments!
GR Varsity @ Tompkins Classic
The varsity boys track and field team participated in the Tompkins Classic on Saturday March the 27th. The varsity boys scored in 11 of the 18 events to earn them 5th place as a team. With wins in the 4x200 m Relay, 200m dash (Kyjah Savery), and 300m dash (Shane Gardner); great performances were had even with some runners banged up. Adding to the point totals were 3rd place finishes in the 4x100 m Relay, 2 top 5 finishes in the 100m dash (Daniel Ejim 3rd and Davion Jenkins 5th), two 3rd place finishes in the 400m dash (Cameron Chretie) and 110m hurdles (Shane Gardner), and 3rd and 4th place finishes in the triple jump (Stephen Woods-3rd, Kyle Kiser-4th). Overall, it was a good showing for the fellas, who will take full advantage of the next week to rest and get healthy as their next meet isn’t until the week of April 6-9 for districts at Hall Stadium in FBISD. Go Longhorns!!!