Lyons Ledger | Issue 2
January 2023

LES Student Council Presents to Board of Education
The Lyons Elementary School 2022-2023 Student Council Officers presented at the Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, January 10th. Officers Ella Prizel (President), Lydia Briggs (Vice President), Paige Crandon (Secretary), and Wyatt Zulauf (Treasurer) spoke of the Council’s mission, core values, and selection process. The LES Student Council Officers also shared their plans for future events and fundraisers, as well as what the Council has led in the past.
To learn more about the LES Student Council, visit their webpage.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, Jan. 24: Midterms Begin for MS/HS. Please view the schedule below and at lyonscsd.org.
- Sectional competitions are coming up next month. View all Lyons Athletics schedules on the Section V website.
- Monday, Feb. 20 through Friday, Feb. 24: Presidents' Week Recess. No school.
View the district calendar at lyonscsd.org.
Middle/High School January Midterm/Regents Testing Schedule
Please follow the link below for the 2023 Middle/High School January Midterm/Regents Testing Schedule.
Instructional Coaches’ Corner
The first 20 weeks of school have brought many opportunities for professional learning with our teachers at the elementary, middle, and high schools. Staff have reflected on trauma sensitive practices and how they connect to increasing literacy skills. One focus area has been around vocabulary instruction. Staff across the district have been using a variety of instructional strategies to infuse vocabulary in their classrooms. The instructional coaches have also been collaborating with teachers in classrooms to support the delivery of engaging and rigorous lessons throughout the district. In addition, coaches have been supporting new hires to Lyons Central School District.
MS Students Compete in Academic Challenge Bowl
On January 4th, the Lyons Academic Challenge Bowl team of two brand new players beat Clyde-Savannah 140-80 and lost a close game to Marcus Whitman 120-100. Josh DiCesare scored a total of 40 points and Mason Gage scored a total of 70 points, including TWO powers. Mason answered so quickly, he earned 5 extra points per question! Mrs. Clancy is VERY proud of Josh and Mason.
The Academic Challenge Bowl is a program of NY MasterMinds. Middle School students compete in the ACB, while MasterMinds competitions are at the JV and Varsity levels. Questions may range in topic from literature to history, geography, sciences, math (including computational math), computer science, pop culture, sports, world religions, mythology (Roman, Greek, Norse, Egyptian), economics, and more.
The Academic Challenge Bowl team's next meet is on February 1st at Sodus.
Merit, Honor, and High Honor Roll Students Recognized
Students with exceptional academic records at Lyons MS/HS were recognized in December for making the Merit, Honor, and High Honor rolls. The scholars enjoyed treats in the LGI and were honored with certificates of achievement. Congratulations, all!
A Message from Katrina Henderson, MS/HS Principal
MS/HS After School: Needle Felting Workshop
On December 14th, students in the L.Y.O.N.S. After School Program tried their hand at needle felting. Artist Crissy McGinness of "The Art Studio 126 Main" in Penn Yan taught the workshop, organized by Mrs. Maura Brooks. The gnomes and other felted pieces turned out great!
Leadership & Community Class Visits Sheriff, Donates to Lyons Food Pantry
Members of the Lyons Leadership and Community class took a field trip to the Wayne County Office of the Sheriff in early January. The field trip was part of the class’ guest speaker series and was hosted by Wayne County Undersheriff Tammy Ryndock. Students learned about DWI and sobriety protocols and were also presented with tools and experiences from the leader of the Emergency Threat Response Team. The class also witnessed a mini demonstration by one of the Wayne County K-9 units and were given tours of the 911 center and jail.
The final segment of the experience was a lunch and Q & A session with Sheriff Milby and Undersheriff Ryndock. The students learned that many leaders across various departments in the Office of the Sheriff are Lyons alumni.
On the way home from the visit, the class dropped off donations of non-perishable food items to the Lyons Food Pantry. The goods had been donated by families who attended their Kids Night Out event in December, and additional items were generously donated by the Lyons Central School District Transportation Department.
Click below to view the Facebook album.
Did You Know?
Student field trip opportunities have increased District-wide. Art students in grades 9-12 had an opportunity to visit the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester on January 18th. On January 20th, FACS students will take a trip to the New York Kitchen in Canandaigua.
December Athletes of the Month
Click below to read more about the December Athletes of the Month.
Class Highlight: Animal Science
Mr. Dailey's Animal Science students are learning what it takes to care for livestock by practicing two types of injections on oranges. Mrs. Lubberts even took a shot at it!
Family and Consumer Science Students Deliver Monsters to LES
Mrs. Brooks’ FACS students delivered their secret monster sewing projects to excited first graders at LES on Thursday, December 22nd. The special delivery was the perfect way to kick off winter break. One middle schooler said that this challenge was their favorite project ever, and told the first grader who received their monster, “I had so much fun making this for you.” Witnesses even spotted a few monsters dancing to tunes in the audience at the LES Winter Concert that evening!
Great job, FACS students! Read more about this project on page 5 of the December District Newsletter.
LES, MS students place 4th and 6th in 20th Annual Mathalon
Congratulations to our two Lyons teams — Crunchwrap Supreme and The Pride — for coming in 4th and 6th places out of a total of 9 regional teams at the 20th Annual Middle School Mathalon! Way to go, LY Pride.
Read more about the Mathalon on page 4 of the December District Newsletter.
A Message from Christine Taylor, LES Principal
Happy New Year 2023! It’s a “Winter Wonderland'' at Lyons Elementary School and so many amazing academic and social activities are taking place. Our December door decorating contest produced many creative displays. Grade level assemblies this month focused on positive and supportive student interactions. Ms. Passero, Mr. Blask, and Ms. Sepulveda delivered informative and interactive presentations for all students. Ms. Heather Randell, our newly appointed interim assistant principal, will join the grade level assembly development and delivery team moving forward.
The Lyons Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association (LES PTA) continues to reimagine the association. They are encouraging more teachers, families, and community members to submit membership forms and join the LES PTA. More information about the events for students and families will be coming home soon. Be on the lookout!
Band and chorus continue to impress us at LES. Mrs. Barrigar recently took over Ms. Taylor’s instrumental lessons and concert band rehearsals. She has been working hard to develop our LES musicians and enrich their musical talents. We are so lucky to have these enrichment opportunities grow from year-to-year.
Mid-year local assessments in Mathematics and English Language Arts will take place during the months of January and February. These assessments will provide a current level of performance for all students, as well as give LES teachers the individualized information they need to support each student’s path to academic growth and proficiency. Families will receive iReady reports and Marking Period 2 Report Cards in February. Students will bring report cards home on Friday, February 3rd. Please reach out to your child’s teacher for specific student information or to set up a mid-year conference if desired.
LES Students Celebrate MLK Day
On Friday, January 13th, students and staff at Lyons Elementary School celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with an afternoon assembly. The event included singing throughout, with the LES Chorus both performing as well as leading sing-alongs with the audience. Highlights also included a poetry reading, a Reader’s Theater, and a presentation of awards for the MLK Contest.
This year's MLK Contest asked students to create posters and poems answering either what freedom means to them or how they help others. Two winners in each category were announced at the assembly. Congratulations to the following winners:
"What Freedom Means to Me"
Morgan Metcalf
Mackenzie Kesel
"How I Help Others"
Abraham Thurston & Emily Thurston (tie)
Amayah Turner
Honorable Mentions
Kingston Scott
Marleigh Stone
Juni Gonzales
The assembly was live-streamed and the recording can be viewed on YouTube.