Hubbard Woods Update
October 17, 2022
Principal Update
Dear Hubbard Woods Families,
Today, Hubbard Woods will celebrate the culmination of Hispanic Heritage Month with Basho, a musician, teacher, and YouTuber, whose educational music videos we access to support our Spanish language learning.
October is Fire Safety Month. Last week, we practiced our fire drill and then had a presentation by our Winnetka Fire Department. They reminded the students of the importance of having a home fire exit plan as well as working smoke detectors. Thank you, Fire Department!
Please note that we will be hosting our Ghost Walk for grades 1-4 beginning at 1:15 PM on 10/31. (1:00 was announced previously, but it will be 1:15.) Kindergarten will take place at 9:00 AM. Families can watch our parade from outside of the track on the blacktop of our playground. We will circle the track so that everyone can see us! More details next week!
This week, the District will focus on unity. This supports our observance of National Bullying Prevention Month. Please see below for how to participate!
Beth Carmody
Elementary Principal Update
Cooler weather is on the horizon, and our students are fully immersed in the classroom community and curriculum. We wanted to use this week’s joint newsletter to highlight some key curricular concepts.
At the start of the year, staff began gathering data on students’ levels of performance to inform instruction. This includes math and literacy screeners, MAP testing for third and fourth grade, instructional reading levels, and curricular pre-assessments. These tools are used in concert to help teachers select materials, create instructional groupings, and identify approaches (pacing, revisiting concepts, etc.) that may be needed or modified.
In order to ensure teachers and teams have time to implement their plans, all of our elementary schools have included What I Need (WIN) time in the school day this year. During WIN, students will receive instruction targeted to their specific learning path. WIN will be made available to students at a consistent time each week, which allows for greater scheduling and collaboration with support staff such as literacy/math facilitators, interventionists, and student services (speech, social work, etc.).
Our teachers are accustomed to making adjustments to their instruction throughout the year. It is beneficial for our district as a whole to review our curriculum at large at regular intervals to ensure materials, goals, and our district’s mission are in alignment. This school year, our district will begin the review cycle process of our language arts curriculum, as shared in Dr. Kelly Tess’s entry plan during last month’s board meeting. This entails ensuring best practices are revisited, the latest research explored, student data trends reviewed, and a comprehensive plan from kindergarten through eighth grade developed.
Teachers communicate curricular topics in their newsletters. Please reach out if you have any additional questions. We are proud of the instruction we offer our students, and we are eager to continually improve our curriculum and practices.
Beth Carmody, Hubbard Woods
Joshua Swanner, Greeley
Luke Livingston, Crow Island
District Updates
2022 Downsized Capital Improvement Plan: Referendum
As a member of The Winnetka Public School community, we want to ensure you remain informed about the improvements to all five schools as part of the 2022 Downsized Capital Improvement Plan: Referendum, which was adopted as a resolution by the School Board on August 16th and will be on the ballot November 8th. You are invited to attend any of our remaining informational sessions, in person or via Zoom. Please see the image below for details, or visit our website at If you are unable to participate in an informational session, you may also view the screencast of the presentation here. A final mailing with additional information will be sent to the entire community later this month as well.
Fall Winnetka Parents Institute Schedule
The District is offering an array of upcoming educational sessions for families and community members. Click here for session dates and more information. Fall sessions include SEL-related topics and technology tips for parents regarding maneuvering the ever-changing landscape of technology, social media, and phones.
Service Opportunity from the Volunteer Center
The Volunteer Center is hosting its 20th Annual Make A Difference Day that will help 18 nonprofits' clients in critical need. North Shore residents are invited to "upcycle" their new and gently used goods at this one day annual collection drive. The event is Saturday, Oct. 22 from 9am - noon at Winnetka's Indian Hill train station parking lot.
Safely drive thru and drop off! If you have any of the essential items the nonprofits have requested like clothing, food, toys, games, books, DVDs, CDs, vinyl, musical instruments and much more! Please sort, bag and label them with the corresponding nonprofit and bring them over! The list of items requested from each nonprofit can be found here on the VC's website. Only the items on the list will be accepted. Nonprofit reps will be there to receive the essential donations. Volunteers will take them from your vehicle and the nonprofits will drive off with them at the end of the morning.
We also are in need of volunteers from middle school aged youth through adults, to help us take the donations to the corresponding nonprofit and/or help sort the items. Please email if you or your family or service group would like to help or if you have any questions. Contact
Parent Education Sessions from District Partner Family Action Network (FAN):
For upcoming events, access FAN’s website here.
Follow us on Social Media!
Please follow the District via the following social media platforms in order to see day-to-day happenings and more.
Facebook and Twitter: @Winnetka36
Instagram: @WinnetkaPublicSchools
Commemorative Bricks at Carleton Washburne School
Due to wear and tear from exposure to the elements, the bricks formerly on display at the Northwest corner of the Washburne campus were removed for safety reasons. If you or a family member previously purchased a commemorative brick (names are reflected in this list) and would like to retrieve the brick, you may do so between now and November 11, 2022. Simply visit the location on the map below.
Important Dates to Remember
- Tuesday, October 25: Picture Day Re-Take 8-10:30 AM
- Monday, October 31: Ghost Walk, K-9:00 AM, 1st-4th-1:15 PM
- Tuesday, November 1: No School/Teacher Institute Day
- Tuesday, November 8: No School/ Election Day
Hubbard Woods School
8:30am | Doors open
8:37am | School promptly begins
2:10pm | Kindergarten dismissal
2:45pm | Early Release (MONDAYS ONLY)- Kindergarten Stay and Play/Bridge Care and all 1st-4th students
3:15pm | Tuesdays through Fridays Grades 1-4 & Stay and Play/Bridge Care Dismissal
Location: 1110 Chatfield Road, Winnetka, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 446-0920