Newsletter #14
January 7, 2024
RES Newsletter: January 7, 2024
A Note From Ms. C
Dear RES Community,
Welcome Back, and a very happy new year to everyone!
It has been a busy return from break this past week! Our classrooms have been buzzing with questions, giggles, talk about resolutions, learning about fair trade, and exploring ways that we can use sticks and natural materials to craft creative objects! While the outside temperatures are chilly, our students help to make the inside of the building cozy with their kind and caring words and actions.
As we move into January we get into the heart of the year. We look forward to connecting with families for January conferences to gain a deeper understanding about each student’s progress, and go over the report card which will be sent home on January 12. In addition to the regular wintery fun that students have during recesses each day, all students will begin cross country skiing on Mondays starting January 22nd and continuing through February. We are also in the process of planning a Lip Synch Night later on in the month.
Please see below for a list of upcoming important dates:
With gratitude,
Nuts N’Bolts
1/12: Progress Reports go home
1/15: No School
1/16: No School (conferences may be held on this day)
1/22: First Cross Country Skiing Day @ Rikert
Winter Conferences
Please note we will be holding parent-teacher conferences between January 16th and February 9th for families to meet with teachers to discuss their child's January report card. We are putting the finishing touches on a revised report card that will show student progress towards grade level standards and the IB Approaches to Learning. Report cards will be sent home on January 12th. We will be reaching out early this month to set up conference dates and times for all families. Thank you.
Dismissal Information
If you did not receive a form asking for confirmation about your family’s weekly dismissal plans, please let Meg or Erin know and we can resend. Thank you!
We are “streamlining” our dismissal procedure in the new year to help ensure that students are dismissed safely and swiftly to their caregivers each day. We will have an official dismissal plan on file for each family and use that plan unless a change is communicated to the office.
Changes to Dismissal/Pickup
If a last-minute change is needed, please let us know via thee avenues, only:
Sending a note in with your child to let us know of the change
Calling the office (802-388-2208)
The day is often unpredictable and notification directly to the office is the only way we can ensure that the information is received by whomever is helping with dismissal for that day. Thank you!
Pickup Location
It is important that we dismiss kiddos directly to a caregiver and it is often difficult to see who is outside, so we are asking that caregivers please come to the Bell Room to pick up their kiddos.
After buses leave, you are very welcome to drive up to the circle if needed.
ACSD schools are participating in the 802 Smiles Network, which promotes dental health programs in Vermont schools. This means your child is eligible for a free dental screening at school and may be eligible to receive preventive dental services at no cost to you.
All you have to do is to fill out the online consent forms by February 1st, 2024. We also have paper forms that will be sent home.
The registered dental hygienist can provide the following free services:
Dental Screening (simplified dental check-up)
Fluoride Varnish (brush-on liquid that can help prevent cavities)
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (brush-on combination of silver and fluoride that can help stop cavities from getting bigger)
Dental Cleanings (helps keep the mouth healthy and clean!)
Oral Health Education (teaches students how to brush, floss, maintain good oral health)
Dental Sealants (a thin layer of material placed on back teeth to prevent decay)
Our schools will be served by dental hygienist, Michael Messina. If you choose to participate, Michael will send you a follow-up letter after your child’s screening explaining the services provided, whether additional treatment is recommended, and help connect you to a dental professional, if needed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school’s dental hygienist, Michael Messina at or our school nurse.
Breakfast and Snack Clarification
There have been several changes this year, and while many of these changes are positive and helpful they can also come with some confusion. We are hoping this provides some clarifying information for folks with regards to breakfast, snack, and lunch at RES!
Please contact Meg with any questions, at any time! 🙂
Breakfast: School breakfast is served first-thing in the morning, at 8:00am. Any child is welcome to have breakfast, any day. This breakfast food is provided to the school through a government program and is free of charge for all students. We will not ask students to order breakfast in advance. Snack: Students are welcome to bring a snack from home to be enjoyed during the class’ daily morning snack time. A granola bar or small snack item is available for students during this time, (thank you FORS!) should they be in need of a quick bite, thanks to a generous donation of small food items from FORS. The breakfast food provided through the government program is not served during this time. Lunch: Students are welcome to bring a lunch from home, or to order school lunch. Lunch, just like breakfast, is funded through a government program and is free of charge. Students sign up for their lunch choice each morning, in the classroom.
Volunteers Still Needed for 4/5 Transportation to Rikert
Mondays: January 22nd, 29th, February 5th, 12th and March 4th.
K/1 and 2/3 classes are all set for drivers, but we are still in need of help driving the 4/5 class. If you are able to help, please let us know! Email us at or call at 388-2208.
For those who have already gone through the volunteer process, there is just the Volunteer Driver Checklist to fill out. The process is a bit more lengthy otherwise - it involves a Volunteer Form and fingerprinting, but can help walk you through the process and are so grateful for your help!