December 2023 - January 2024
Thoughts From Mrs. Shock...
Wow! It’s hard to believe that it is December already! During this hectic time of year, I try to remember to slow down and enjoy all that the season has to offer. Our students are so excited, and their excitement is infectious!
Please review this newsletter for updates on what is happening at Huron during the months of December and January.
Report cards will be available online for you to view in Power School Parent Portal beginning Wednesday, December 6th at 4:00 pm. What a great opportunity to talk with your child about their progress and to help them set goals for the upcoming trimester.
We are looking forward to our PTO Winter Blast event this Friday. Thank you to our PTO for all their hard work in putting this event together. They always plan such fun activities for our students.
Please remember to use caution in our parking lot. I ask that we are courteous and respectful to others as we are the ones who set the example for our children., they mimic us and what we do. Please only use the side parking lot, the front lot is for staff and buses only. If we all work together and are patient, we can keep the traffic flowing as smoothly as possible.
Take Care!
Kelly Shock
Huron Principal
Topic: Cyber Safety: Parenting in the Digital Age - Jan 10, 2024 12pm
Meeting ID: 818 1671 8635
Passcode: 040497
Topic: Cyber Safety: Parenting in the Digital Age - Jan 17, 2024 7:00pm
Meeting ID: 829 7485 1087
Passcode: 056218
PAWS Program (Positive Parents Working with Students)
Kroger Rewards
Huron Elementary partners with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Every time you shop with Kroger, our school benefits - it is easy fundraising and allows us to do additional things for our students. If you are willing, please share this information with family and friends too!
Thank you in advance for your support!