Discovery Update
February 3, 2020
A Message From the Principal
Do you read with your child everyday? If not, it would be a great time to start. This one habit builds strong readers. It is well proven that practice reading is critical for developing readers. Just 10 minutes a day can make a world of difference. I was dismayed to find that teachers report only 79% of kindergartners and 68% of first graders turned in Read and Lead minutes last month. Read and Lead is an at home reading program that encourages at least 10 minutes of reading daily. The students can read to a brother, sister, aunt, uncle or anyone who will listen for 10 minutes a day. Students log their reading time and turn it in to earn prizes and special events at school. They can read anything they chose, but we also send home books at their reading level. Please make it a goal to engage in daily reading with your child and you will always be happy you did. If you have questions about how to get started or get a recording form please contact your child's teacher.
We have officially begun the second half of the school year. We just completed our school wide DIBELS reading assessment and first grade STAR Math assessment. In addition we have completed our first report card period. If you have questions about either the assessment results or the report card, please contact your child’s teacher.
We have planned many exciting events for students this month, including 100 Day Celebrations, Literacy Festival, and our Great Kindness Challenge. Please join us for the district wide Science and Technology Showcase on Thursday, February 6th at Columbia Middle School from 6:00-8:00.
In closing I want to wish you all a fantastic February! I am looking forward to the events ahead.
Upcoming Events For February
February 4 Skate Night Pattison's West
February 6 Science and Technology Showcase at Columbia Junior High 6:00 - 8:00
February 10 Late Start Monday (Doors open at 10:05)
February 13 - Regular School day
February 14 - 17 No school Mid winter break
February 20 Family Fun Game Night at Discovery 5:30 - 7:00
February 24 Late Start Monday (Doors open at 10:05)
Kindergarten Information Night
- Explanation of kindergarten program offered in 2020-2021
- Question and answer sessions
- Introduction to current kindergarten teachers
- Meet your PTO ((Parent Teacher Organization) members
- Pick up a registration packet
*** This evening is for adults only. Before school begins we will have an orientation for students and their families.
Kindergarten Registration Event
Our kindergarten registration event is planned for March 17 from 6:30 - 7:30 Students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2020 to be eligible for kindergarten. Please bring your completed registration packet you received the previous week at Kindergarten Information Night.
Items needed for registration are: bring these with you:
· Copy of student’s birth certificate
· Complete immunization records
· Emergency names and contact numbers
· Proof of residency within the Fife school district (a copy of mortgage/lease agreement or utility bill showing the physical address will work.)
*** For more information please call 517-1200 ***
Fife School District
Annual Technology and Science Showcase
featuring science and technology projects
by students from kindergarten to 12th grade.
This is a great opportunity to come out
and see the fine work students
are doing in Fife schools.
Discovery’s Area
will be in the little gym.
Science Theme: Bugs! Bugs! Bugs
It is an activity based, hands-on set-up!
While attending, enter our drawing.
2 winners from each grade level -
will receive a science theme prize at school on Friday
Updated School Calendar
A Message From Our Counselor
Be sure to check out our new and improved counseling website at! Here, you'll find information about small groups, individual services, and classroom lessons. There's also a resource page that provides community information, follow-up activities for lessons, and helpful resources to support social-emotional learning at home!
Important Reminders
- Please check to make sure your child's lunch account is up to date and has funds in it.
- If your child is late to school you must come into the office and sign your child in.
- We always have adults outside before school as soon as we open to greet the children. If there is no school adult outside it means that we have started the school day and you need to come sign your child in or you are here too early and parents need to wait until adults are outside before leaving your children. We have incidents where children have been dropped off and school is not open yet so they are walking up to a locked door and parents are driving off. Please us keep the students safe. We open the doors at 9:05 on Tuesdays through Fridays and at 10:05 on late start Mondays. If you come earlier than these times you are welcome to walk your child in the main doors and wait in the foyer until school starts.
Discovery Primary School
Website: www.fifeschools/discovery
Location: 1205 19th Avenue, Milton, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1200