Cougar News
February 8th-12th, 2021
Dear Parents or Guardians,
As we approach Valentine’s Day, it is important to remind families and students that candy, desserts, baked goods (store bought/homemade), or other edible items are not to be sold or distributed during school hours. Students who do not adhere to this expectation are subject to disciplinary action for insubordination and all food items will be confiscated. Please discuss this expectation and possible consequences with your student(s).
Please know that taking this measure will help us maintain a safe environment for all students. You can help us protect your student(s) by requesting that they not eat anything given to them by another person, anything that they have not brought from your home or anything not in its original sealed package. Also, to reduce the interaction of front office staff with visitors, any valentine deliveries will not be accepted.
Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping all of our students safe at school!
- Dress up this week and make reading a priority.
- Grades- 3-5 have interim assessments... do your best!
- All Campbell Cougars are expected to participate in this week's Reading Activities
- Read with your child 20 min. EVERY night this week and beyond.
- Students receive a free book (donated by Landmark Christian School)
- Increase your I-Ready time
- Participate in AR
- Dress up, have fun
- All for the Love of Reading!
Activities this Week!
Tuesday 2/9- GREAT LEADERS ARE GREAT READERS!!! Dress up as a famous African American Leader- Read a book about that leader an share 3 facts with a buddy.
Wednesday 2/10-CURL UP WITH A GOOD BOOK! PAJAMA DAY! Bring in 2 of your favorite books and a stuffed animal to drop everything and read with Principal McDaniel!
Thursday 2/11- FAVORITE BOOKS AND GOOD LOOKS! DRESS TO IMPRESS! Read a book or article about someone who impressed you and made a positive impact on the world around you.
Friday 2/12- NO SCHOOL!! But, you can finish a book you started. Read as much as you can today. Write about what you liked best about this week celebrating reading!
Students in grades 3-5 take district Interim Assessments this week!
- Students will take tests to show if they have mastered the grade level content being taught.
- Be sure students are focused and do their best
- Parents ensure your child is at school on time (in person or remote)
- Take this and any assessment seriously!
Extended Learning Details...
Extended Learning
- The Extended Learning Window will close February 5th for 3rd – 5th grade students
- The next Super Saturday Academy will be held on Saturday, Feb. 6th at 8:30 a.m.
- Math and Reading Instruction to address learning gaps
- Wednesday & Thursdays (starting Jan. 20)
- Face to Face and Remote
- 2:30-4:30
- Click Here to Register
- For More information Contact Ms. Tyson, CST, - tysonjl@fultonschools.org 470-254-9132
If you registered for extended Learning...
- Be sure your child remains after school if they are face to face
- Ensure students log in for class ON TIME
- MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD ATTENDS - We are putting resources in place to support students, this includes teachers staying afterschool and working on Saturday's to provide needed support. Please be sure you do your part in getting students online or to sessions scheduled during the week or on Saturdays.
- We are here for the success of all Students... Help us make it happen!
Free Books just " FOR THE LOVE OF READING!"
- Students in Remote Learning pick up
- Monday @ 9:00AM and 1:00PM
- Tuesday @ 9:00AM and 1:00PM
- Masks required for pickup in the front office
Monday, Feb 8, 2021, 09:00 AM
91 Elder Street, Fairburn, GA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Support our Cougars with just $10.00!
We are raising money towards teacher support and appreciation! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Help us out by purchasing a Slice the Price Card!
- The card only costs $10.00! Use it just once and it more than pays for itself!
- Every time you buy a large pizza at menu price, you get a large pizza FREE!
- Great for parties! Get double the large pizzas no matter how many you order!
- UNLIMITED uses through 12/31/2021.
- Students who sell the most cards win prizes
- Use the order forms sent home this week or the link to our Campbell online store
- Cards purchased will be shipped directly to customers.
- Check out this quick video that explains our fundraiser! https://slicethepricecard.com/day1
- This fundraiser ends on 2/11/2021... So get yours Today!
Help Support our Campbell Community
- PTA Fundraiser--Happening Now through 2/11/2021
- Help us reach our goal of $3000.00
- Learn more by watching this Video
Student Prizes
- Sell as many cards as you can
- Win fun prizes
- Learn more about our fundraiser by watching this Video
Slice the Price Pizza Card
Reporting Portal has translation now...
What Parents Need to Know about how students are graded and counted present for instruction!
Be online, Be engaged, Complete Assignments... Be Counted! Pay attention to reminders below:
- Student attendance is monitored.
- A student's minutes online, assignment completion and participation, are important aspects of being engaged in learning and being counted as present.
- Please ensure that your students are in class on time and are engaging in Literacy, Math, and other content areas to be counted present for the day.
- Students that fail to return for classes will be documented as "skipping". This will result in a referral to our student support team.
- Parents should provide written documentation for early check-out for medical appointments in both face to face and remote settings. (documents can be emailed to the front office at hallsr@fultonschools.org )
Introducing-- the COVID NINE-TEEN Project! An international Project to support students (not an FCS activity)
Teens mentor elementary school students to keep them motivated and active during quarantine, as well as taking stress off parents by providing daily activity sessions and one-on-one tutoring. (This is not a Fulton County Schools Project... teens are from all over the world)
Monday - Friday: 2:00 - 5:00 PM PST
Saturday - Sunday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PST
Monday - Friday: 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST & 5:00 - 6:00 PM PST
Saturday - Sunday: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST & 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST
- Explore the 50+ student-led sessions we are providing this week.
- Sign up for the activities by clicking the button below.
- Don't forget that our Late Sign Up Policy, where you must sign up for your session(s) by 9 PM PST the night before the session for your submission to be recorded, is in motion!
An email with the Zoom link will be sent 2 hours prior to the start of the session.
All supplies needed for the activity will be added onto our website prior to the session.
- You may now only sign your child up for ONE HOUR per day.
- Signing up for one hour does not guarantee your child a full hour due to high demand and time constraints.
- Our Late Sign Up Policy still applies (you must sign up by 9:00 PM PST the night before the session for it to be recorded).
- You will be sent 2 Zoom links.
- You can choose either, but if you have a tutor preference, be sure to check the daily schedule attached to the email to see who will be in each session. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be matched with the specific tutor of your choice.
- Additionally, if the Zoom session your child is in becomes full, you may be asked to use the second link you were provided and switch to the other session.
For each day of this week, we have listed one featured activity. This is only a handful of the hundreds of other incredible activities we have to offer!
For each day of this week, we have listed one featured activity. This is only a handful of the hundreds of other incredible activities we have to offer!
Trivia Games!
2/8 at 3:00 - 3:30 PM PT
Students will learn about new topics through fun facts and will test their knowledge with trivia games.
Taught by Azylynne H., Mikayla P., and Shelby L.
Intro to Psychology
2/9 at 3:00 - 3:30 PM PT
In this activity, kids will be able to learn all about psychology! They will learn about the brain, how it works, dreams, memories and so much more!
Taught by Aurora T. and Vernika G.
Intro to ASL
2/10 at 2:30 - 3:00 PM PT
Kids who join this class will learn sign language about things they like! Students learn about animals, colors, and more!
Taught by Maddi T. and Sarah D.
Fill in the Blank Stories
2/11 at 4:00 - 4:30 PM PT
Use your creativity and imagination to create your own stories!
Taught by Emma H., Kira P., and Jessica L.
Drawing for Beginners
2/12 at 4:00 - 4:30 PM PT
Kids will learn how to express themselves through studying different drawing styles like abstract art, perspective drawings, sketches, etc. Concepts will be introduced through a step by step process and tips will be given on ways to improve their masterpieces.
Taught by Amira W.
Intro to Volleyball: Setting
2/13 at 12:00 - 12:30 PM PT
Kids will develop the skills and passion for volleyball with individualized challenges.
Taught by Adrianna R. and Isabella R.
Travel With Us: Island Edition
2/14 at 12:00 - 12:30 PM PT
This geography based live session will be full of fun facts about different countries, games, and a fun learning experience!
Taught by Eliana J. and Sophie S.
Hardship Transfer Applications Open Now!
Hardship Transfer Deadline: March 1, 2021
Hardship Transfer applications are available beginning Jan. 1 for parents who wish to apply for a 2020-21 hardship transfer or to renew a current hardship to another Fulton elementary, middle or high school. Parents will use an online form to enter and submit their information.
Get more info and access the application here.
Important things to note:
- Student hardships are only available for residents within the Fulton County School district. Employee hardships are the exception.
- Transportation to and from the transfer school is not provided by Fulton County Schools.
- Transfers for siblings ARE NOT guaran-teed with any of the transfer options.
- Student hardship transfers must be renewed each year.
- Transfer applications are for the upcoming school year.
Hardship Transfer Guidelines
Students who have missed schools in excess of the following number of days will be automatically denied a hardship transfer. Students currently attending a school on an approved hardship, but failing to maintain a satisfactory attendance record will be subject to revocation of the existing transfer.
- Student has been tardy to school 15 or more times;
- Student has been absent from school 5 or more days, unexcused.
- If absences are excused or medical but exceed 5 days, parents must provide written explanation of why the absences occurred.
Students who have not maintained satisfactory behavior in school are not granted permission to transfer under hardship policy. Students currently attending a school on an approved hardship, but failing to maintain satisfactory behavior will be subject to revocation of the existing transfer.
- Elementary school students who have been involved in 5 or more incidents;
- Elementary school students who have received more than 3 days Out of School Suspension;
- Middle or High school students who have received more than 5 days Out of School Suspension or In-School Suspension.
between Jan 1 - Mar 1 each year.
Carpool will close at 7:40 for teachers to begin instruction. Students are counted Students participating remotely will be counted tardy when logging in after 7:40AM for class or absent if they are not present, participating in instruction and submitting assignments. Students will be referred for Skipping class when they fail to return for instruction they are scheduled for.
Meal Kits will still be available for virtual learners & community members
To accommodate lunch service for face-to-face students, the hours of Curbside Pick-Up have been updated.
• Curbside Pick-Up will be open Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30 .
• Families need to pre-order grab & go meal kits each week. Grab & go meal Kits need to be pre-ordered online by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m.
CLICK HERE for the online pre-order form.
. • Pick-up a FREE & go meal kit from any Fulton County School near you. • Children do not have to be present to receive a FREE grab & go meal kit. • A student’s ID number is not needed to receive a FREE grab & go meal kit.
• To maximize social distancing, drivers are not to leave their vehicles; however, walk-ups are allowed.
Campbell Elementary...."More Than a School"
Email: campbellnewsletter@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/campbelles
Location: 91 Elder Street, Fairburn, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-3430