Welcome Back to School!
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakatuhu
Dear BHA Community,
BHA Admin
Covid Testing
Student Council (AG)
The student council hopes that everyone enjoyed their break. All students will have free doughnuts between 7:45 and 8:10 AM on Tuesday 01/03/2023.
When you arrive on Tuesday, check out the new Courtyard Student Center activity items that the student council has acquired.
Spelling Bee Winners
Congratulations to the following middle school Classroom Spelling Bee winners!
6th Grade:
1st Place (a tie) - Fuaad Dodi, Duaa Ouznali
2nd Place - Rawan Mohammed
7th Grade:
1st Place - Zaid Shaikh
2nd Place - Ayah Ajanovic
3rd Place - Muhammad Behnawa
Runner-up - Adam Khan
8th Grade:
1st Place - Zainab Sharifi
2nd Place - Malik Mansour
3rd Place - Haris Nawabi
Runner-up - Ali Essa
School Wide Bee
The three winning students from each grade will advance to the school wide bee on Tuesday, January 10 (unless they were not interested in moving onto the county bee; in that case, a 4th place runner-up will compete instead.)
One winner will emerge from the school wide bee to compete in the San Diego County Bee in March, insha’Allah, as the Bright Horizon Academy representative!
Uniform Policy Compliance - Middle and High School
Jazakum Allahu khairan to all students in the correct uniform. BHA students must have a clean uniform, combed hair and an overall tidy and clean appearance (with no holes, rips, or stains), and are required to follow the BHA uniform guidelines.
Only plain navy, gray, or burgundy sweaters are allowed on top of the shirt/uniform during the winter months or cold school days. Any other sweaters are NOT allowed and will be considered out of uniform. Outer jackets or rain-proof shells are only allowed outdoors on top of the sweater.
Samples of not allowed items and/or attire include:
Jeans or capris
Hats, head accessories
Crocs, flip-flops, open-toe or heel footwear, and high heels
Nail polish and make-up (including eyeliner)
Shirts and sweaters with pictures, logos, writing, and/or name brands
Students deemed Out-of-Uniform will be addressed in the following manner:
Verbal warning
Written notice home (Documented in Jupiter Ed)
Non-uniform item will be confiscated until the end of the school year
Student sent home
Pick-up and Drop-off Procedure at AG Campus
Starting 7:45 AM
- 4th/5th in the back
- middle/high school in the front
Pick up time:
- 2:45 PM for 4th and 5th
- 3:00 PM for middle and high school
Please be mindful of the traffic laws; stop at the STOP sign.
Make sure to not block the intersection of Princess View Drive and Fontaine Street at any time!
For both Drop-off and Pick-up: drive to the back of the school. Elementary parents may park up against the far left side facing the bank in order to walk their students over. The middle and high students should turn and come back to the front parking lot to stop and drop off/pick up along the fence.
DO NOT park anywhere in the front, including the parking spots to keep students safe from cars backing out; students should emerge from the cars and head directly onto the campus.
Parents who need to come into the office may park in the teacher section behind the classes.
If early and the gate is not open, parallel park on Fontaine Street until 7:45 AM. Then walk your child to the gate or turn around and drive in. Do not park in front of the gate as it blocks staff access.
For pick-up, remind your students to come out quickly and look for you so you are not holding up traffic while waiting.
All middle and high school students are directed to exit the big gate in the courtyard and should be picked up only from the front, not the back.
Jazakum Allahu khairan for your continued support and cooperation.
Tardiness - Middle and High School
Regular and punctual attendance at school is the primary responsibility of the parent and the student.
Students should be in the school building by 8:00 AM to attend the daily morning circle which starts at 8:05 AM sharp.
Students who arrive after 8:15 AM will be considered tardy.
Students arriving at school after 8:15 AM MUST report to the office for a tardy slip before proceeding to the classroom.
Tardies will be addressed as follows starting 01/03/2023:
-3rd & 4thTardy -Participation and classwork points can be deducted. All the classwork and material missed will be the students’ responsibility.
- 5th Tardy - Conference scheduled with parents
- 6th Tardy - Student will be assigned community service during recesses/ lunches
-7th Tardy - Student will be suspended one day
The above guidelines will also apply to the students who are late to their classes during the school day.
End of Semester Finals
AG Hot Lunch Menu
Tuition Reminder
Gentle reminder that tuition is due for the month of January.
CC Campus Updates
Immunization Records: Urgent
Emails to submit up-to-date immunization cards along with how to request official medical exemptions have been sent to TK-1st grades' parents.
Emails were also sent to parents of the students for whom we do not have immunization cards on file, or the student’s name is not visible on the record.
Please make sure the child’s name is visible on the immunization card and send it to CC-admin@issdweb.org or hand it to the office staff at CC campus.
This is time sensitive and we request you to respond to the emails at your earliest.
After-School Charges
Invoices for the after-school charges for November and December will be emailed on Monday 1/2/23.
Jackets and Uniforms
Jackets and uniform jumpers are available for purchase at AG and CC campus (all available sizes) in the main office; the prices range from $35 - $40 depending on the size.
January Lunch Menu Updates
For Tuesdays and Thursdays lunches please pay in advance on Tuesday 1/3/23. There will be total 9 hot lunches in January, $5 per lunch. Whether you want to pay the full month or part of it, add a note with the payment mentioning which days you are paying for and hand it to your student’s teacher.
Sr. Fatima (the sister who cooks the lunches) will be informed and she will make sure every student’s request is satisfied inshaAllah. If you decide to pay on the same day of the lunch, you can pay it in the morning at the main office.
The Monday and Wednesday lunches can be paid to your teacher on the same day in the morning of that day.
Check the flyer below for the menu for the month of January.