Navigating the First Week
March 18, 2020
Dear Parents,
I know that we are all trying to navigate these uncertain times. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding as we continue to move through this temporary shut-down. Please know that we are working hard behind the scenes to make sure our students’ and families’ needs are met, both academically and social emotionally.
Elementary Prek-5 Grade Parents
I recognize that many of you are looking for more work for your students to do during the day so I would like to explain how we will continue to move forward at this time. When we found out on Thursday that this shut-down was a possibility, the coaches, staff, and I jumped into action to begin building out matrices for students to utilize. Please know the original matrix that we had created was intended for 1 e-learning day, not a week. We quickly made some adjustments so that students would have some daily activities for the first week and then began developing a Week 2 plan. You will find that the Week 2 matrix has more activities in it and provides “additional” resources for families to utilize if they choose. You will have access to the week 2 matrix starting Sunday, March 22nd at 8:00am. Please know that we are not putting all resources into the Week 2 matrix because we want to make sure that if this carries out longer than anticipated that we have more resources to provide in the weeks to come.
Hadley Parents
Students will continue to receive their assignments daily through Google Classroom with additional resources to support student learning. Specialists are behind the scenes supporting teachers so if you need additional direction or alternative modifications please communicate with your child’s teacher via email and they will loop in the specialist. This also applies if your child is struggling with a project or assignment; please communicate so we can adjust.
Additional Resources
If you are looking for additional resources for the rest of this week please consider using the following:
K-8 Khan Academy
K-8 Freckle
Non-Tech Options
In addition, D41 will be launching read-alouds each day through the district website. You will find the read- alouds on the E-learning Assignments webpage on the district website starting Thursday.
Additional Communication
Teachers will continue to be available to answer any questions and/or support your needs. In addition to the academic work being provided to your student, you may also be receiving video messages or emails to your students from their teachers to keep them connected and engaged with your student. In addition, Principals will be sending you communication and optional “challenge” activities during the week as well in order to keep our families connected to the school and provide fun brain breaks for our students.
Thank you for your continued understanding as we navigate these unprecedented times. We want to ensure you that our goal is to keep our efforts consistent across the buildings so that all students receive the same opportunities. I assure you that no matter how long this goes on, our staff is committed to ensuring that our students receive all the skills necessary and we are already working on plans to do so. We will get through this together. We are D41 Strong and our students will continue to learn and grow. Please reach out if I can support you in any way.
Dr. Katie McCluskey
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching, Learning and Accountability
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Twitter: @glenellynd41