RVHS Newsletter
Friday, January 21st, 2022,
Message From The Principal
Hello Eagle families,
Students are now set in their class schedules. Credit #1 will end on Friday, February 4th. Now is the time to get on a positive roll.
On Monday morning, we will recognize our Credit Crunchers from last semester (those students who earned 5 credits in each of their classes) with a pancake breakfast during 4th period.
Attendance has been a challenge this semester. We encourage students to follow the district COVID guidelines and protocols, and to stay home when appropriate. However, students who are not recommended to stay home by the protocol need to attend.
Think different. Be different.
Tim Dignan
Counseling News
Ms. Kristen Rice has returned to the Ranch and will serve as the counselor for all of our seniors and most of our juniors. We are in the process of acquiring additional counselor support to assist her.
This is now the official link to report your student as COVID Positive or COVID Exposed. CLICK HERE.
For the TVUSD COVID Quarantine Information and Protocol, please CLICK HERE. For assistance interpreting this document, please call the Health Office at 951-695-7320 x205.
To report a Negative Test for Modified Quarantine, please CLICK HERE.
Please, do NOT report on Let'sTalk or call the Attendance Office or Health Office. Your absence will be cleared through this form.
The links above can be found on the RVHS website.
Stay healthy,
The RVHS Staff
Happy Birthday
Trinity Gothe -- 1/23
Janelle Decena -- 1/25
Joel Huerta Tafoya -- 1/25
Samara Manjarrez -- 1/27
Ervin Tomas Lopez --1/27
Mrs. Cunningham -- 1/29
Staff "Shout Out"
Mr. Krefft- Mr. Krefft is so much more than just a teacher. He always does more than what he’s expected to, he goes above and beyond to teach his students everything he can about what he knows. Krefft is extremely knowledgeable and makes the classroom an enjoyable place to be. He’s the kind of teacher that makes a big impact on you and whose lessons stick with you for the rest of your life. He’s always honest with his students and wants the best for us. I will always remember what Mr. Krefft has taught me. Major shout out to him!
Mrs. Shanahan- Thank you for being so easy going and kind.
Students Of The Week
Please make sure your student is bringing a mask to wear at school.
Keep your student at home if you are waiting on test results.
Students who are ill will be evaluated in the Transition Room
Frequent handwashing and use of sanitizer is strongly encouraged throughout the day.
TVUSD Bus Passes
RTA Bus Passes
For information about free passes for students to use the RTA bus system, please click here
Lisa Sindermann
Assistant Principal Tim Mann
Email: lsindermann@tvusd.us
Website: https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/RVHS
Location: 32225 Pio Pico Road, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: 951-695-7320
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rancho-Vista-High-School-570246826805043