Columbia Heights Public Schools
CHPS Update | September 7, 2023
We are so glad to have all of our students back for the school year!
Back To School links on the CHPS website will remain live throughout the month in case uniform orders, school supplies, transportation opt-in, educational benefits, and more are needed as students are getting back into the schedule of the school year.
Reminders About Drop-off, Pick-up and Parking
- Only park in visitor parking spots, staff spots are reserved and needed for CHPS staff. If the spot is empty, the staff member may be at another location and will still need access to it at any point from 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- CHHS students who drive to school may only park in the Student Parking Lot
- Visitor parking spots are for visiting parents/guardians (short term)
- To keep from creating long lines for drop off, please do not park in the drop off lane and exit your car, the "U" at each school is for quick drop off and pick up. If you need to enter the school, please park in a visitor parking spot
- Do not park in front of the school during the day and leave your car. Buses run throughout the day for programs and need to move safely through the lots. Please park your car in a visitor parking spot if you plan to exit your vehicle.
- School Bus laws still apply in school parking lots/pick up areas. Buses may have students entering/exiting, so please use caution when driving near buses and do not pass them in the "pick-up/drop-off" area.
- Parking in the Family Center lot is only for participants in Family Center programs.
September 8th is World Physical Therapy Day!
Thank you to our CHPS PT, Kelsey Mickschl!
Fall 2023 Community Connections Catalog
Auditions for CHHS Musical - Cinderella
Auditions will take place on September 25 and 26 from 3:15-5:15 p.m. in the PAC. Audition packets will be available for pickup in the Activities Office or from Mr. Hollermann (Room 139) next week.
Any questions about the musical or auditions can be directed to Mr. Hollermann, CHHS Choir Teacher HollermN@colheights.k12.mn.us
New MyStop Bus App
American Indian Parent Advisory Council - First Meeting
The first AIPAC meeting will take place on September 20th at Ramsdell Park for a picnic at 6:00 p.m. to meet with Yolanda Dorr-Slowey, the new American Indian Education Mentor. Following dates for the rest of the year will be announced soon and can be found on the American Indian Education webpage of the CHPS website.
CHHS Activity Fair for High School Students
If it rains, the Activities fair will be on Wednesday, September 13.
Vaccination Clinics - Sept. 14 and 28
There will be immunizations clinics on September 14th, 3:00-7:00 p.m. and September 28th, 3:00-7:00 p.m.
Both clinics will be in the Community Room at the Family Center and will be free of charge. Childhood vaccinations which are needed for school will be offered.
You must sign up for the clinic two weeks prior to the date of the clinic. Appointments for the September 14 clinic must have been completed by 6:00 p.m., August 31, and appointments for the September 28 clinic must be completed by September 14.
Families will need to pick up the registration form from the school or download it from the link below and fill out the registration form with their information. Forms must be filled out and either turned in in-person to your child's school nurse, OR you can take a picture of the form and email it to SpriggsK@colheights.k12.mn.us in order to attend the clinics.
If you have any questions please contact the nurse at your school.
Follow this link to download the registration sheet (English and Spanish forms)
Public Immunization Clinic - Anoka County Public Health
The Clinics are by appointment only - Call 763-324-4240.
"Low Cost Vaccinations Available for: Children on a Minnesota Health Care Program, Uninsured/underinsured children (through age 18), and uninsured/underinsured adults (age 19 and up)."
Thursday appointments will take place at The Blaine Human Service Center of Anoka County (1201-89th Avenue NE, Room 315, Blaine, MN).
- Thursdays, 3:00-6:00 p.m.: September 28th, October 26th and November 16th
Tuesday appointments will take place at the Anoka County Government Center (2100 Third Avenue, Suite 600, Anoka, MN).
- Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00 p.m.: September 12th, October 10th and December 12th
Fees: $10 per shot for qualifying clients is requested (cash and checks only - no cards)
Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian OR have proper written content. Please bring all immunization records with you to the clinic.
MN Flyers is opening a program at Columbia Heights and is offering a free trial week (Mon/Tue/Thu, Sep 18/19/21).
- Grades K-12 are welcome.
- Minimum requirement is the ability to swim 25 yards (one length) of freestyle and backstroke.
- To register for the free trial and/or for additional information/questions contact Coach Scott.
Adventure Club Job Opportunities
- North Park School for Innovation Adv Club Supervisor: Hours are 1:30-6 pm M-F; Pay: $18.78 to $21.98 per hour dependent upon education and experience; Apply Here Today!
- North Park School for Innovation Adv Club Assistant: Hours are 2:00-5:45 pm M-F; Pay: $13.34 - $15.52 / hour dependent upon education and experience; Apply Here Today!
- Valley View Aide: This position is for high schoolers (ages 16-18) to assist Adventure Club Assistants and Supervisors in childcare activities, communicating with and for children, and related work as apparent or assigned. Schedule: Monday - Friday after school 2:00pm - 5:30pm; Pay: $11.00 / hour Apply Here Today!
This is a great way to work at our schools and can be combined with Lunch or Recess Monitor positions to increase work hours and qualify for benefits!
Please contact Community Ed Coordinator, Jodi Gadient, with any questions about the positions at 763-528-4512 or GadientJ@colheights.k12.mn.us
Internet/Technology Agreement
- CHHS - 763-528-4600
- CA - 763-528-4700
- Highland - 763-528-4400
- NPSfI - 763-528-4300
- Valley View - 763-528-4200
2023 CHPS Operating Levy & Capital Projects Levy Referendums: Strong Schools, Supportive Communities
There are two referendum questions that will be onthe November 7 ballot. There is a "revoke and replace" of an Operating Levy and there is a renewal of an expiring Capital Project Levy.
- Operating Levies support student learning by funding teachers and staff, classroom materials, student transportation and school operations.
- Capital Projects Levies are used for maintaining safety and security, providing district and student technology, and building maintenance. This is a levy renewal.
- CHPS operating levy amount hasn't increased in 18 yrs. The amount of $308.93 annually per student was approved for the 2005 Operating Levy and was renewed for the 2014 Operating Levy.
- In 2023, taxes on an average priced home decreased by $4.25 per month because of an expiring CHPS bond levy.
- If the operating levy passes, the monthly tax increase for property owners for this levy would be $12 per month. This is a total tax increase of $7.75 per month from 2022 on an average priced home.
Registration is still open for Fall ECFE classes!
For information about our Early Childhood Programs - Mini Adventures, ECFE, PreK 3, and Preschool Screening, call Kari Sawyer 763.528.4518, find information online, or stop in to the Family Center to apply!
Activities Update
Home Game Logistics: We hope to have you and your family support our Hylander Teams this year. Here’s what you need to know:
MSHSL and Columbia Heights Behavior Expectations
- Lead by positive example and demonstrate respect and support for others
- Refrain from using profanity or ethnic, racial, religious, ability or gender-based comments, posts or messages directed at participants, coaches, officials, spectators or team representatives
- Honor each contest and all involved including participants, coaches, officials, spectators and team representatives
- Hold high standards for self, engage positively and demonstrate sportsmanship
- No Bags, No re-entry, No outside food, No animals allowed (Service pets only with documentation), No bikes, skateboards, etc.
CA Home Games are free for everyone
Regular-Season CHHS Games
- free for all CHPS students and staff (until 9th grade all CHPS students must be with an adult)
- $6/adults, $4/seniors and non-CHPS students
- Concessions available at Football, Volleyball, Soccer (currently cash only)
The Heights Bowling team has open registration! Contact Tom Geenhalgh for more information: heightscoachtom@aol.com
You are invited to our Fall 2023 Hylander Family Days and CHHS Homecoming: Come check out Hylander Fall Sports during Homecoming Week. Free admission for Early Childhood Programs, Highland, North Park School for Innovation, Valley View, Columbia Academy students! $6 tickets for adults
Register Now for Fall Activities
Practice starts September 11th for:
- 6th-12th grade: Robotics
- 7th-12th grade: Adapted Soccer
- 6th-8th grade: Soccer (Boys and Girls), Girls Volleyball
Sports Physical for all Athletics
Every athlete participating in school-year sports must have a physical on file with the Activities Office. Student Athletes cannot register for the upcoming season without a sports physical on file. Sports physicals are valid for three years. 23-24 Sports Physical Form
More information can be found at the CHPS Activities Website or contact the Activities Office at 763-528-4511
Teachers On Call Hiring Events
Join the exciting team of substitutes for our district!
Are you ready for a rewarding and fulfilling career? Look no further! Teachers On Call – our substitute staffing service, is thrilled to invite you to their exclusive virtual events where you can discover incredible opportunities as a substitute teacher or paraprofessional in our school district!
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, join them for a fun-filled session with the recruiters Jillian and Amber. They'll share invaluable insights, answer your questions, and guide you on your journey to becoming a substitute. It's time to take that leap and make a difference – we need you now more than ever!
Don't miss out on this chance to change lives! Register now for the upcoming virtual events and embark on an exciting new chapter as part of our incredible team of substitutes. We can't wait to meet you!
Metro MN residents register here! https://calendly.com/jilr608/virtual-substitute-info-session
Employment at CHPS
Come and join the Hylander Family! CHPS has many positions open on our website! Check it out and become a member of the team!
CHPS is still hiring many positions for the 2023-2024 school year! High School Social Studies Teacher, Middle School Art Teacher, elementary teachers, Secondary EL Teachers, High School Math Teacher, High School Tech Ed Teacher, Adventure Club Supervisor and Assistants, Mini Adventures Child Care Assistants, EL Education Assistants(EA), EAs district wide, Lunch/Recess Monitors at all three elementaries, multiple activities coaches, custodians, Kitchen Manager at NPSfI, School Psychologist, Social Workers, Special Education Teachers and more!
Please join us in working with our students and colleagues this coming school year!
Columbia Heights Public Library
Library Cards:
- Get your first library card free with your photo ID and proof of current address
- Columbia Heights Public Library is fine free!
Corporate Library Cards:
- Teachers, media specialists, daycare providersc, and home school teachers who live within the boundaries of Columbia Heights and have a personal card in good standing are eligible.
- Corporate cards are permitted a 45-day loan period to allow for classroom use.
Subject Requests:
- Give us a callor email and we can collect materials on specific subjects or specific titles/authors. At lease one week notice is appreciated.
Class Assignments:
- Let us know if your student(s) has a big assignment coming up. We'll do our best to have resources and books ready for them.
For More Information:
- Phone 763-706-3690
- Email epope@columbiaheightsmn.gov
- Website columbiaheightsmn.gov
- Address 3939 Central Ave NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421
- Hours Monday-Thursday open 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Friday open 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Saturday open 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., and closed on Sundays
CH Recreation and Library Offerings
There are many wonderful activities for students through our CH Rec Dept and Library!
Please go to the CH Recreation website or call their office at 763-706-3730.
Click Here for the Columbia Heights Library Website.
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About Us
Instagram: @chpsisd13
All Belong, All Succeed
Email: News@colheights.k12.mn.us
Website: https://www.colheights.k12.mn.us/
Location: 1440 49th Avenue Northeast, Columbia Heights, MN, USA
Phone: 763-528-4500
Facebook: facebook.com/chpsisd13
Twitter: @CHPSisd13