NMPED Calendar Rule Change
Proposed School Calendar Requirements
Overview of the Proposed Changes
Deming Public Schools and school districts across the state are facing a significant challenge from the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED). Without approval from the New Mexico Legislature, NMPED is proposing a rule change that would contradict current law passed during the last legislative session. This proposal includes:
- Require all school districts to have a minimum of 180 instructional days. This would not include professional development/home visits/etc.
- The proposed changes remove governing authority provided in law to our local school boards and prevent our State's smaller districts and charter schools from offering a 4-day week school calendar.
The New Mexico Secretary of Education has stated that schools are underperforming and accountability for results are being prioritized (see letter attached and click HERE for the press release). Aside from the lack of research to support additional calendar days, there may also be unintended consequences, which may include:
- Extending staff contract days, resulting in earlier start dates and later end dates.
- Significant increase in costs (staff, utilities, transportation, etc.).
- Add to the challenges of providing staff for sites.
Deming Public Schools prides itself on shaping the calendar with input from all stakeholders. If these proposed rule changes are adopted, local voice and authority of our elected school board members will be significantly limited.
On Monday, December 4th at 4:00 p.m., Superintendent Vicki Chávez will hold a virtual listening session. Please join us in discussing your thoughts and ask questions on this rule change. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE MEETING. Your voice helps us understand and advocate for local needs - PLEASE JOIN US and/or send your feedback to the DPS Board of Education Liaison, Charles Turner, at charles.turner@demingps.org.
You can also email NMPED at:
Please specify that you are contacting them regarding 6.10.5 NMAC, School Calendar Requirements.
The proposed rule can be read HERE