Campbell HS Counselor Newsletter
August 2022
Welcome Back Indians!
Welcome Back
The Admin Team
Art Class
College Corner
Fun Stuff!
Campbell ISD does not offer the SAT on campus. If your student needs to sign up for the SAT test visit http://collegboard.org. I am happy to help with the application.
Dual Credit classes start on Monday, August 29th.
Seniors received a copy of their transcript. Parents/Guardians, please look over it and ensure the information is correct. Return the letter that was sent home by Tuesday, August 30th.
September Event Calendar
Take a mindfulness break. Be in the moment. Take some deep breaths. Check out the video above for 5 coping skills to deal with stress.
Grown Up's, you can also set up a parent portal to check your child's grade. Contact the front office for your access code.
Brandy Clifton
Email: bclifton@campbellisd.org
Website: https://www.campbellisd.org/Page/47#calendar1380/20220826/month
Phone: 903-246-9305