Kellond Elementary
August 5, 2020
Letter from the Principal
Hello Kellond Families,
For the past thirty years, I have had the joy of preparing for a new school year as an educator and even though this year looks vastly different, it is still with joy that I, alongside staff, plan for our children and community. Together, we have an opportunity to stretch our learning in innovative ways while continuing to increase learning excellence. Our teachers and staff have been working harder than ever with new tools to create lessons that will engage and challenge. During this time, we have been ever mindful of the need to ensure that learning is as equitable as our diversity demands. Kellond has the honor of being recognized as an "A" school, a tribute to our continuous strive for excellence in academics, yet we are also known for our community of caring and collaboration. Although students may not be sitting in our classrooms on the first day of school, they are ever present in our thoughts and minds as we consider how to best meet their needs for the future. I look forward to seeing your smiles in a Zoom soon.
Ms. Meneguin
We are here to support and assist in any way we can this school year.
Visit our Kellond Website
for school information and links to district information.
Together, our amazing community will make this a great year in so many ways!
Getting Started
Meet & Greet
Our teachers are eager to welcome you to their virtual classrooms for this school year. Since we cannot hold a traditional meet and greet, we are holding it virtually on August 6, 2020. Please see the times, based on grade level, with links to log on and meet your child’s teacher.
A few points to know before you join us for the meet and greet:
• To keep this process smooth, we ask that you keep your microphone muted for the entire call. You may pose questions or write comments in the chat box in Zoom.
• This meeting is intended to be a brief overview and to help you prepare for the first day of school. Please refrain from asking personal questions about your child.
See the attached handout Meet and Greet for Zoom links.
Kindergarten 4:00-4:20pm
1st Grade 4:25- 4:45pm
2nd Grade 4:50-5:10pm
3rd Grade 5:15-5:35pm
4th Grade 5:40-6:00pm
5th Grade 6:05-6:25pm
EXED Team 6:30-6:50pm
First Days Schedules for Classes
Technology Support
Our support team has been very busy across the district ensuring that all of our students have access to our learning programs starting next week. If you are in need of a loaner device or internet support, please make sure you completed the questions in ParentVue and then make an appointment for pick up at our campus. Your child's teacher can assist with many of your navigating needs, or you can call our offices for support at 520-584-5100. There is also a wealth of information at
And directions for logging into the Chromebook are at
Grab and Go Meals
TUSD Grab & Go Meal Bus Routes Effective August 10, 2020
During remote learning, breakfast & lunch are provided Monday-Friday at bus stops below. Foods will be provided cold/frozen to be heated up at home (heating instructions provided). Free meals provided to all enrolled students at 60 CEP schools. For students enrolled at non CEP schools, free or reduced meals provided based on student eligibility (eligibility determined by household meal benefit application or directly certified for free meals).
Stops near our school include:
Arcadia 1 Grab & Go Meals Bus Route
10:21-10:31AM Roberts-Naylor bus bay on Sylvane St
10:36-10:46AM Myers-Ganoung bus bay on Rosemont Ave
11:01-11:11AM Borman bus bay on Lightning Dr
11:23-11:33AM Erickson bus bay on Elson Ave
11:38-11:48AM Wheeler bus bay on Calle Castor
11:53-12:03PM Palo Verde bus bay on Avenida Vega
Arcadia 2 Grab & Go Meals Bus Route
10:22-10:32AM Bonillas bus bay on Swan Rd
10:37-10:47AM Vail bus bay on 16th St
10:58-11:08AM Booth Fickett bus bay on Calle Arturo
11:12-11:22AM Hudlow bus bay on Port Ou Prince St
11:30-11:40AM Sewell bus bay on Chantilly Dr
11:44-11:54AM Meredith bus bay on N Magnolia Ave
12:02-12:12PM Whitmore bus bay on Glenn St
Parent Teacher Organization
See attached flyer from your friendly PTO.
Kellond PTO Facebook
Amazon and Fry's Fundraisers
Amazon Smile:
Search for Kellond and select Kellond Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization as your charity! Once you’ve added Kellond PTO as your charity, make sure you shop through so Kellond can get a percentage!
Fry’s Community Rewards:
● Visit
● Click “register” in the upper right hand corner and follow the instructions to create an account ● Sign in and link your Fry’s VIP card with the code TW386 or by searching for Kellond.
Attend a PTO Meeting
Getting Connected to PTO - Remind App
K-2nd: @Kellondk2 | 3rd-5th: @Kellond35 | K-5th: @Kellondk5
Principal Brenda Meneguin
Ms. Meneguin is the proud mother of two sons who are currently in college. Given all of her education, it is being a parent that has had the greatest impact on her understanding and compassion for children.
Ms. Meneguin will often be engaging with students and staff during the school day. Please feel free to contact the front office for a meeting or call back at her earliest availability. You may also email her at
Kellond Elementary School
Location: 6606 East Lehigh Drive, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: (520) 584-5100