Dolphin Newsletter
Message from the principal...
Congratulations Dolphins! As of Monday, May 24th, our Dolphins got pledges for Clifford in the amount of over $26,000!!! What an amazing accomplishment for a fully virtual fundraiser. Our Coach Marucs, from PE+, hosted a virtual dance party on Wednesday and we had over 80 participants. Students had so much fun while also earning dollars for Clifford. Thank you to Sarah LaTorra for organizing this event to benefit our whole school community! Sarah has been working on bagging up prizes for the last few weeks, and they were delivered to students on campus by our amazing Yard Duty Silvia. We want to send a big thank you to all the friends and family that donated to our students to support Clifford School.
Ms. Curtis won the $100 for Redwood City Parks and Recreation.
Brendan Reilly from Ms. Kim's Kindergarten class is the winner of the $100 gift certificate for Redwood City Parks and Recreation.
Congratulations to all!
School Year 2021-2022
- MAZE Day is Monday, August 9, 2021 (AM/PM session times TBD)
- First day of school is Wednesday, August 18, 2021 (District Calendar)
Bell Schedule 2021-2022
Last Day of School for TK-5
Last Week of School for 6-8/Middle School
City Trees, Rotary Club and RCSD at Clifford
On May 22, members of local Rotary Clubs met at Clifford School in Redwood City to plant 30 native oak trees surrounding the staff parking lot, restoring meadows around the school where eucalyptus trees were removed to reduce fire risk. The Rotarians represented Peninsula Starlight, Belmont, Woodside/Portola Valley and San Carlos chapters. CityTrees, the Redwood City urban forestry volunteer organization, and the Redwood City School District (K-8) were also project partners.
The project is a result of a three way partnership between CityTrees, Rotary and RCSD. Funding came from a Rotary Club grant. CityTrees coordinated the tree locations and species selection, as well as providing planting tools and support. Volunteers from both organizations came together to plant the trees. The Redwood City School District dug the holes and will be responsible for ongoing care and maintenance of the trees. Jack Stephens, a founder of CityTrees and an active Rotarian remarked, “it is so rewarding to see Rotary Club members working together to fund and plant an oak grove at this beautiful Redwood City School campus”.
Trees will add to the beauty of the campus, capture rainwater, sequester carbon, reduce the temperature of the parking lot by blocking sunlight and provide habitat for wildlife. Oaks are favorite homes to Acorn Woodpecker, Western Scrub Jay, Yellow-billed Magpie, and California ground squirrel. These Valley Oak, Island Oak and Coast Live Oak trees will harmoniously fit into the Palomar Park setting at Clifford School. Oaks are an important part of the original natural landscape of Redwood City. The roots and leaf litter filter rain water allowing it to percolate more slowly, rather than run off. When the trees mature and create a shady canopy, the area could be used for outdoor teaching and school social events.
Trees are one of many improvements at Clifford ,including an Outdoor Learning Quad, new fire alarms, paving, ADA access, modernized bathrooms, a new kitchen, safety fencing and painting. As at other Redwood City schools, these repairs and upgrades have been funded by the community through Measure T. Some of the new trees will shade the parking area for the new EV charging infrastructure that was built at Clifford through grant funding by PG&E.
Don Dias, Bond Program Director for Redwood City School District says, “we welcome the partnership with CityTrees which enhances our school campuses. It reflects our commitment to providing students, staff, and the neighborhood with attractive, aesthetic, and nurturing green spaces along with the capital improvements we are making across many of our campuses”.
Principal Jude Noyes was also enthusiastic, “it was great to see some Clifford parents among the tree planters. Along with other school garden areas, these new oaks will provide students the opportunity to learn about water conservation, native plants, and composting. Cooler, greener school environments definitely promote learning and positive play among our students. We are excited to welcome all students back to campus to see and enjoy the campus modernizations and the oak trees".
Jack Stephens, a founder of CityTrees and an active Rotarian remarked, “it is so rewarding to see Rotary Club members working together to fund and plant an oak grove at this beautiful Redwood City School campus. The new Clifford oaks will provide positive health and well-being outcomes to students for years to come". Rotary and City Trees each invested 70 hours of work. As they completed the planting, RCSD watered all the trees to help them adapt to the upcoming Redwood City summer.
More about CityTrees: CityTrees is a volunteer group, formed in May of 2000, to promote and support urban forestry efforts in Redwood City. CityTrees works with the City of Redwood City Public Works Department to plant and maintain trees along Redwood City’s streets, at schools, and on other publicly owned property to support tree equity, fight climate change and promote wellness for all residents. Since forming, CityTrees has planted 3,483 trees in the greater Redwood City area. To volunteer or donate, please go to www.citytrees.org. As COVID restrictions ease, CityTrees is resuming community based tree plantings and welcomes volunteers.
Reminder to Return Tech Devices
Please remember to have all of your technology ready to turn in on the last day of school, June 10, 2021. You must have your device, charger and your hotspot if one was issued to you. Students who are still in distance learning can turn in their devices on the afternoon of June 10 before 4:00, or to the Clifford office on June 11th. "
Important information for middle school students in Cohort Tuesday/Friday. These students' last day on campus will be June 8th. However, they will still need to login to classes on June 9 (asynch) & 10, so they may turn in district devices on the the 10th or 11th at Clifford office.
Textbook Return
Please return all school textbooks to your classroom teachers by June 10th. For students in distance learning, please bring all textbooks to Clifford by Friday, June 10th where you will find a box labeled out in front of the office with "Textbook Return" on it spread out by grade level for K-5 and by content for 6-8.
Please see textbook reference so you know what to look for:
Envision Math Textbook- Grades 3-5
CPM Math Textbook- Grades 6-8
McGraw Hill Social Studies Textbook- Grades K-5
TCI Social Studies Textbook- Grades 6-8
FOSS Science- Grades K-5
CPO Science- Grades 6-8
Benchmark Textbook- Grades K-5
Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.
8th Grade Graduation June 9, 2021 @ 10:00
We are very much looking forward to celebrating with our families, staff, and students an in person graduation ceremony on June 9, 2021 at 10:00 AM on the lower blacktop! We will have caps and gowns for your students! We also plan on a small gift for each graduate. We are currently accepting registration for the event via an online Google form located here. Please register in advance as this is your "ticket" into the event. (staff do not need to register). Families of graduates can register 2 people per household (not including the graduate) to the event. Students who reside in more than 1 household may register 2 additional guests. Infants under two do not need a ticket and do not need to be registered. We look forward to this exciting celebration!
Please save this link to fill out our wellness survey on the day of the event. One submission per person including the students.
Important Guidelines:
**IMPORTANT DETAILS - Please read through the following to adhere to the protocols and procedures for this event. Please RSVP no later than 6/4/2021 for ample time to create seating assignments.
A Health Survey Form is required to attend. Each family member and student will need to provide. Please complete ahead of time and be prepared to have the confirmation of completion at the gate upon entry to the event.Temperature checks will also be conducted.
- The ceremony will take place on the Clifford blacktop.
- Attendance is limited to 2 guests per household.
- Entrance will be open at the walking gate nearest the library, follow the balloons.
- Guests will be verified and checked in first at the black gate.
- Guests will proceed to the blacktop and will be ushered to your seats.
- Seating will be randomly assigned and reserved, so no need to arrive early.
- The gate will open beginning at 9:00 am.
- Face coverings will be worn by support staff, attendees, and students for the entire ceremony (SMC Guidelines).
- Maintain at least six feet of distance with non-family members.
- Balloons or large signs which may block the view of other guests will not be allowed on the blacktop.
- Attendees may clap, but should avoid yelling, singing, or other behaviors that are known to cause further spread of the COVID-19 virus.
- Dismissal of guests and students will be conducted by row.
- We kindly ask that all guests and students exit campus as soon as possible upon ceremony completion. We will take a photo of your student on the stage with their diploma. We will not have a photo station. We will email photos of your child to your email address on the registration form.
- There will be no in and outs.
- Food will not be provided due to curent COVID restrictions.
- We appreciate you following the direction of support staff while entering and exiting the venue.
Redwood City Parks & Rec Summer Camps
Info & Support for RCSD Families
Each week, new opportunities are shared within our community to support and engage families in the Redwood City School District. Here are just a few:
Clifford School
Jude Noyes- Principal
Tiffany Parish- Assistant Principal
Email: jnoyes@rcsdk8.net
Location: 225 Clifford Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2402