Panther News
Monday, October 24, 2022
Fall Conferences Information
Monday, October 24
- Normal class schedule
- No conferences
Tuesday, October 25
- Periods 1-3 - 10:30 a.m. release
- 11:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. - In-person or Zoom pre-scheduled conferences only
Wednesday, October 26
- Periods 4-6 - 10:30 a.m. release
- 11:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. - In-person or Zoom pre-scheduled conferences only
Thursday, October 27
- Periods 1-3 - 10:30 a.m. release
- 11:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and 4:40-7 p.;m. - In-person only conferences - Drop-in only
Friday, October 28
- Periods 4-6 - 10:30 a.m. release
- No conferences
Schedule conferences through Skyward/Family Access
- The ability to choose the conference method is new for Skyward/Family Access.
- The default is set to in-person
Steps for sign-up
- Select the conference time slot you want for the class.
- Save.
- Go to "View Scheduled Times."
- Choose "Method and Location."
- Change the method from "In-Person" to "Zoom."
- Save.
Picture Retake Day
Retake Picture day is Friday, November 4
Dorian will be at SHS from 8:30a.m.-1:00p.m. in the PAC (Black Box room).
There will be a sign-up sheet in the Athletic Office starting on Wednesday, October 24
Retake Picture Day is for those students who did not have their pictures taken at registration in August or on makeup day in October.
Retake Picture Day is also for students who purchased pictures and would like a retake.
You must bring your picture packet on November 4 in order to get a retake.
ASB cards with not be redone on Retake Picture Day.
Running Start students can come anytime between 9a.m.-12:30p.m.
Veteran's Day 2022
SHS would like to honor our active and retired military members in our annual Veteran's Day Tribute Slideshow. We would like to give you the opportunity to contribute photos of members that have served or are currently serving in the military so we can honor them in our upcoming slide show tribute.
Please send a photo(s) to ASB Public Relations Officer, Meghan Rice along with the following information:
- Name of Veteran
- Branch of Service and Rank
- Your Name and Relation
Please have your photos in by Wednesday, November 2 at 3 p.m. to Meghan.Rice@STUDENTSSD.ORG
Winter Sports Sign ups
Winter Sports Sign-up meetings are on Monday, October 31 during Panther Period in the following locations:
- Boys Swim/Dive - G188
- Girls Basketball - D205
- Boys Basketball - Aux Gym
- Boys & Girls Wrestling - Cafeteria
Upcoming Events
Speech & Debate
German Club
Book Club
Chinese Club
Your onigiri photo post provides 5 school meals to the children in areas of need! This is the Onigiri Action 2022. Join Chinese club on October 24 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in room A203. We will make onigiri together! Guests are welcomed!
FBLA Movie Night
Feeling spooky? Stop by the cafeteria 6:30pm on October 28 for a Hocus Pocus movie night hosted by FBLA! A $10 ticket buys you admission to the event, a mini pumpkin to paint and candy! Drinks and popcorn will be available for purchase throughout the evening. Tickets can be purchased at the bookkeeping office, or right at the door! Friends and family are welcome! Hope to see you there.
Visit our website for important information for our Seniors!
Important Dates to Remember
- November 11- Baby Ads Due. Click here for more info.
College Visits
College Visits are back! They will be during held during Panther Period or afterschool in the College & Career Center. During the college visits, the admissions representative will share information about majors their college offers, what campus life is like, what the application process is and any other questions students may have. All students are welcome to attend!
The full calendar of visits can be found here.
SHS Financial Aid Completion Night
Seniors, SHS will be hosting a Financial Aid Completion Night on November 3, from 6-8 p.m., in the SHS Library computer lab. Expert help from EvCC and Grand Canyon University will be on hand to assist families in completing their FAFSA or WASFA applications. Assistance for
Spanish-speaking families will be available. Please contact the College & Career Center with questions or to sign up. Come prepared with the following documents:
- Your driver’s license or state ID (students and parents)
- Your income information, including bank statements, W-2 or pay stub, and a past tax return. (students and parents)
- Additional financial information such as child support statements, TANF or welfare information, real estate, investments, family business or farm info.
2023-2024 FASFA and WASFA Now Open!
Seniors, the best place to start when you are looking for money for college, tech school or trade school, is by filling out the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA, for undocumented and select non-citizens). The information from these applications will be shared with the colleges you apply to and will determine your eligibility for financial aid.
For more financial aid information, visit the College & Career Center webpage.
Scholarship Opportunity: VFW
The VFW Department of Washington is providing high school students from across the country with the unique opportunity to express themselves through a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay. The theme is “Why is the Veteran Important?” The national first place winner receives a $30,000 scholarship. The first placed winner from each state wins a $1,000 scholarship. Click here to access the 2022-2023 Voice of Democracy entry form, rules and eligibility requirements. All applications must be turned in to the local VFW president, Chris Cote, by October 31. Questions? Contact the College & Career Center.
2022-2023 WSU Regents Scholars Program
If you are currently a senior and plan on attending Washington State University next fall, please consider applying for the WSU Regents Scholarship ($4000 scholarship for four years, totally $16,000). Snohomish High School can nominate two high-achieving and motivated high school seniors for this scholarship. Eligible students must have a 3.6 GPA or above. Other Regents Scholarship criteria can be found here. These recipients will then compete for the Distinguished Regents Scholars Award, which provides full tuition and mandatory fees for up to 18 credits per semester, for four years. Please contact Mrs. Stapleton in the College & Career Center if you would like to be considered for the nominations.
Deliveries to Campus
Join our team!
Visit www.sno.wednet.edu/jobs or call 360-563-7233 today!
Current high-need school and district openings include:
- Paraeducators/Educational Assistants
- Psychologists, Occupational/Physical Therapists and Speech Language Pathologists
- Elementary and Secondary Teachers
- Administrative Assistants and Office Support
- Custodians
- Maintenance Workers, Plumbers, and Carpenters
- School Bus Drivers and Substitute Bus Drivers
- Substitute Teachers/Guest Teachers
- Substitute Paraeducators
- Kitchen Staff
- Swim Instructors
- Lifeguards
Snohomish School District positions
- If you would like to be considered for employment in the Snohomish School District, please login to submit a new application through our Frontline application tool.
- Please feel free to contact us in Human Resource Services at 360-563-7233 with any questions.
Snohomish Aquatic Center positions - If you would like to be considered for employment at the Snohomish Aquatic Center, please click here.
- Please feel free to contact Chris Bensen, Snohomish Aquatic Center Supervisor, at 360-563-1986 or 360-568-8030, with any questions.
Chartwells K-12/Compass Group (district's food service provider) positions - If you would like to be considered for employment with Chartwells K-12/Compass Group (district's food service provider), please click here.
- Please feel free to contact Marty Grasa, Chartwells K-12/Compass Group Manager, at 360-563-7357 with any questions.
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Snohomish School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator and ADA – Darryl Pernat, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7285, darryl.pernat@sno.wednet.edu; Section 504 Coordinator and Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying – Shawn Stevenson, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7282, shawn.stevenson@sno.wednet.edu.
Snohomish High School
Snohomish High School
Nate DuChesne, Principal
1316 Fifth Street
Snohomish, WA 98290
Phone: 360-563-4000
Attendance Line: 360-563-4005
Fax: 360-563-4195
Registrar: 360-563-4059
Nicholas Allen, Assistant Principal
Anne Tompkins, Assistant Principal
Stephen Ver Hoeven, Assistant Principal
Mark Perry, Athletic Director
Sherri Pickett, Administrative Assistant
Kelsey Chaplin, Main Office Secretary
Jennifer Harris, Registrar
Kristy Snow, Bookkeeper
Kory Hanke, Attendance
Website: www.sno.wednet.edu/shs
Location: 1316 5th Street, Snohomish, WA, USA
Phone: 360-563-4000