Hazelbrook Community Newsletter
Boletín de la comunidad de Hazelbrook
January 27, 2023
January 9–February 23: Winter ASAs
February 2- Crumbl Cookie Day
February 2- End of 2nd Quarter
February 3 - NO School - Teacher Grading Day
February 7- PSO meeting 6pm (virtual). Link to be posted prior to the event.
Miss a Past Newsletter?
Mensaje del director
Saludos familias de HMS,
Ha sido otra semana ocupada aquí en Hazelbrook a medida que nos acercamos al final del semestre. Los maestros pueden tener diferentes plazos para tareas atrasadas, reevaluaciones y más, así que asegúrese de comunicarse con ellos si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre las calificaciones de su hijo.
Mientras continuamos creciendo como comunidad de cuidado, me preocupan los discursos de odio y los incidentes de prejuicio de los que escucho pero que no se informan. Esta semana colocamos carteles con un código QR para animar a los estudiantes a denunciar esto cuando suceda.
Cuando recibimos un informe de prejuicio o discurso de odio, nuestra prioridad se centra en apoyar a la víctima, educar al estudiante que usó el lenguaje y sanar. Esto comienza cuando recibimos un informe a través de Hawk Report, la línea de información de SafeOregon o una nota escrita. Luego nos acercamos a la víctima para asegurarnos de que se sienta segura y apoyada. Aprendemos con qué frecuencia sucede esto y verificamos si tienen un adulto de confianza aquí en la escuela a la que sienten que pueden ir con confianza. Después de esto, investigamos hablando con personas que pueden haber escuchado algo para saber cuánto daño se hizo dentro de la comunidad. A partir de ahí, hacemos un mapeo de identidad con el estudiante que causó el daño y hablamos sobre el impacto. Nuestro objetivo es reunir a los estudiantes para la restauración y la sanación, aunque esto depende de las personas con las que estemos trabajando.
Los prejuicios y el discurso de odio dañan a la comunidad, una comunidad que me importa mucho. Si esto continúa después de la educación, avanzamos hacia una disciplina progresiva.
A continuación se muestra una imagen del cartel. Apreciaría mucho su ayuda para animar a sus estudiantes a que lo usen para informar si escuchan o ven algo para ayudar a que nuestra comunidad realmente se preocupe por los demás.
Cuidense bien,
Lisa Dailey, Directora
Principal's Message
Greetings HMS Families,
It has been another busy week here at Hazelbrook as we near the end of the semester. Teachers may have different deadlines for late assignments, reassessments, and such so please be sure to reach out to them if you have any questions or concerns about your child's grades.
As we continue to grow as a community of care, I am concerned about hate speech and incidents of bias that I am hearing about but are not being reported. This week we put up posters with a QR code to encourage students to report this when it happens.
When we receive a report of bias or hate speech, our priority centers around supporting the victim, educating the student who used the language, and healing. This begins when we receive a report either through our Hawk Report, SafeOregon tip line, or a written note. We then reach out to the victim to assure they feel safe and supported. We learn how frequently this happens and we check to see if they have a trusted adult here at the school they feel they can go to. After this we investigate by speaking with individuals who may have overheard something to learn how much harm was done within the community. From there we do some identity mapping with the student who caused harm and talk about impact. Our goal is to bring the students together for restoration and healing, though this is dependent on the individuals we are working with.
Bias and hate speech harms the community, a community that I care very much about. If these continue after education has happened, we move towards progressive discipline.
Below is a picture of the poster. I would greatly appreciate your help to encourage your students to use it to report if they hear or see something to help make our community one that really cares for one another.
Take good care,
Lisa Dailey, Principal
News & Updates
Community Meeting
NHC Tualatin High School-Based Health Center
More information about the clinic is available on their website.
Immunization Exclusion Day
Día de Exclusión de Vacunación
Seeking Amazing Educators
Nominate an educator today! This spring, Pamplin Media Group will honor educators from all of our Oregon communities who deserve to be recognized for their dedication, professionalism and work in classrooms, schools and in their communities.
If you know someone who goes above and beyond to inspire and serve, whether in or out of the classroom, nominate them today.
Who can be an Amazing Educator? Anyone who works or volunteers in a public school, private school, community college or university located in one of the communities served by Pamplin Media Group can be nominated for this award.
To nominate, all you need to do is send us your name and contact info, the person you are nominating and why you believe that person is an Amazing Educator, along with their contact information.
Here is the link to submit a nomination: https://pamplinamazingeducators.com/
Deadline is Wednesday, January, 31st.
Buscamos Educadores Increíbles
¡Nomine a un educador hoy mismo! Esta primavera, Pamplin Media Group honrarán a educadores de todas nuestras comunidades de Oregón que merecen ser reconocidos por su dedicación, profesionalidad y trabajo en las aulas, escuelas y en sus comunidades. Si conoce a alguien que va más allá para inspirar y servir, ya sea dentro o fuera del aula, nomínelo hoy.
¿Quién puede ser un Educador Sorprendente? Cualquier persona que trabaje o sea voluntaria en una escuela pública, privada, colegio comunitario o universidad situada en una de las comunidades atendidas por Pamplin Media Group puede ser nominada para este premio.
Para nominar, todo lo que tienes que hacer es enviarnos tu nombre e información de contacto, la persona que estás nominando y por qué crees que esa persona es un Educador Asombroso, junto con su información de contacto. La fecha límite es el martes 31 de enero.
Tualatin Library Teen Room
Tualatin Public Library welcomes YOU to the Teen Room! Located in the back of the library, the Teen Room is a space reserved for students in grades 6-12. (The only adults allowed to stay in the room are library staff.) Why hang out in the Teen Room? Because it has a lot of stuff for you! Art supplies. Board games. Maker stuff. Computers. Space. And on weekends and school’s out days—video gaming! The Teen Room has an Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, and Wii U for your use. Lots of games are available for you to play. In addition to all of this awesomeness, every Friday night is Teen Movie Night. After the library closes on Fridays, the Teen Room stays open for you to hang out and watch a movie (6-8:30pm). Questions? Email Aimee at ameuchel@tualatin.gov.
Statewide Testing Information
Upcoming dates for Oregon Annual Statewide Assessments:
Grades 3 - 8
3/7/23 - 6/2/23
Please see the link below for District website information on Oregon Statewide Testing for Language Arts and Math. Also, students who are learning English as their second language will take the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA). Students in 5th and 8th gr also take a Science assessment.
More information and Testing Opt Out forms available here:
Oregon Statewide Testing Information
Outdoor School Information
Dear 6th grade families,
After a long break from large group activities, we are finally able to take our 6th grade students to Outdoor School this spring! We have been assigned the dates of Tuesday, March 14 thru Friday, March 17. More information to follow mid February. Until then Save the Dates, as all 6th grade students will be attending Outdoor School that week.
Foundation for Tigard Tualatin Schools
Because of a generous donation from the Foundation for Tigard Tualatin Schools, we will be able to offer an after school homework club soon! Please look for more information in upcoming newsletters.
TTSD Nutrition Services Job Openings
We have 3.5 hour positions available at several school sites.
Where else can you find a job where you can take vacations with your kids when they are on break? This job allows you to spend time with your kids! You will have winter, spring, and summer breaks off!
Please apply online through our website.
Winter 2023 ASA's continue January 9–February 23
If you'd like to donate to sponsor a student. or to help the ASA program in the future, you can now donate online.
Any questions related to ASAs should go to gharrison@ttsd.k12.or.us.
Bay Club of Portland
A huge THANK YOU to the Bay Club of Portland for their generous donation to benefit our PE program here at Hazelbrook. We are so thankful!
PSO Updates And Sign Up Opportunities!
Check out the new PSO website!
If you'd like to volunteer for Fun Friday Games, Maker Monday or the Student Store, please click below:
Student Store Donations Sign Up- If you'd like to support our Hawk High Five student store, the current items are needed:
- Snack size chips spicy and regular
- Fruit by the foot, gushers, fruit roll up
- Pringles
- Snack size popcorn
- Gold fish rainbow and pretzel
- Mini bags of pretzels
- Mini bags ritz with peanut butter
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking to Volunteer at HMS?
Once you have completed your background check and training, sign up to volunteer on the PSO volunteer sign up link.
Community Flyers
The Tualatin Winter Brew Festival is BACK!
A fundraiser benefiting the Tualatin High School PackBackers
Hosted by Stickmen Brewing Company
If you are a connoisseur of craft beer, northwest ciders and wine, mark your calendar for the last Saturday in January, because this is an event you don’t want to miss! Featuring seasonal and specialty offerings from 20+ local brewers, cider houses and vineyards, plus great food from four local restaurants and a full line-up of live entertainment, the stage is set for a fun event and all for a good cause.
Proceeds will go to the Tualatin High School PackBackers and help support TuHS sports and athletic programs, facilities and teams; as well as dance, cheer and the marching band.
Saturday, January 28th, 2023
3 pm – 9 pm
At the Stickmen Brewing Tualatin Beer Hall
19745 SW 118th
$30 Admission ($35 at the door)
Includes event wristband, a commemorative tasting glass and drink tickets for tastes or full drinks. The number of tickets per taste will vary depending on the beer/cider/wine. Additional tickets may be purchased.
TO PURCHASE TICKETS: http://www.eventbrite.com/.../tualatin-winter-brew-fest…
This is a family friendly event and minors may attend free. Drink tickets may be purchased for non-alcoholic drinks.
The Tualatin Winter Brew Fest is hosted by Stickmen Brewing to benefit the Tualatin High School PackBackers.
The PackBackers needs VOLUNTEERS! Click on the link to sign up for shift. https://signup.com/go/jzaMUpf
FREE NAMI Mental Health Education Class for Parents
Do you want to learn more about youth mental health, and how to support the children in your life? The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Washington County is offering a FREE class starting on January 25th. NAMI Basics is a 6-session education program for parents, caregivers and other family members who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms. It's taught by a trained team with lived experience raising a child with a mental health condition. They know what you’re going through because they've been there too.
When: Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30pm, January 25th - March 1st
Where: Countryside Community Church in Sherwood.
18810 SW Kruger Rd
Sherwood, OR 97140
To register, you can click on the link below, or scan the QR code on the attached flyer.
To report an absence, please call the attendance line directly and leave a message at 503-431-5121
11300 SW Hazelbrook Rd
Tualatin, OR 97062
Main Office Phone/Teléfono de la oficina principal: 503-431-5100
Attendance Phone/Línea de Asistencia: 503-431-5121
Fax: 503-431-5110
Counseling Office Fax: 503-431-5090
Website/Sitio web: https://www.ttsdschools.org/hazelbrook
Instagram: @officialhazelbrookms
Twitter: @ttsdhazelbrook
Facebook: @hazelbrookmiddleschool
Si necesita servicios de intérprete, favor de llamar al Departamento de Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés (ELL) al: (503)431-4123 (Spanish)
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