FCE Counselor Newsletter
1st Quarter 2022-2023
Meet your Fall Creek Elementary Counselor
My name is Amanda Baba and I am so excited to be starting my 4th year as the Fall Creek Elementary Counselor! Counselors are essential educators and mental health professionals in the school system. We are growing our future graduates by teaching educational, career, personal, and social development at all ages!
This year I will continue to meet with EVERY student on campus one on one. During my time with your child, we will talk about their strengths and weaknesses, what hobbies they enjoy , doing, what goals they have for themselves, and who they feel they can talk to when they have a problem.
Also, I will be going into EVERY classroom and providing a guidance lesson each 9 weeks on four of Humble ISD's Great 8 Skills. This year we will focus on Decision Making, Personal Responsibility, Self Awareness, and Social Awareness.
Great 8 Skills for Daily Living: Decision Making
Decision Making Classroom Guidance Examples
Student "I can" Statements:
- Follow the example of a positive role model
- Accept responsibility for what I did
- Show good judgement
- Seek advice
- Learn from experience
- Follow the advice of a trusted adult
- Show the ability to decide between right and wrong
- Use available resources (people or objects) to solve a problem
Great 8 Skills at Home
No Place for Hate
I am proud to share that we have been a No Place For Hate Campus for the past 10 years! Click on the the image below to read more about what this program is about!
Start with Hello
Watch D.O.G.S Program (Dads Of Great Students)
The program helps provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying and provide a greater sense of campus safety allowing students and teachers to focus on learning!
FCE Watch D.O.G.S Orientation September 16th from 8:30-9:30 in the cafeteria. Please RSVP for the orientation HERE. Calendar sign-ups will be done through SignupGenius. The link will be shared by email following orientation. Volunteering will begin the week of September 26th!
T-Shirts are not mandatory, but if you would like to purchase one, use the link is below
Every year parents must complete a background check before volunteering. Use the link below. https://www.humbleisd.net/volunteer
Take Time for a Mindful Minute
Career Exploration
PAWS in Jobland: Use the district access code AK01773.
Students go to the website and click on Jobland. In Jobland, students can choose buildings and careers to explore.
What are some of the careers in the building?
Did you find any jobs that interest you?
If so, what did you like about them? If not, what did you not like about them?
Are You Ready for College?
College for ALL Texans
College Scholarships
College and Technical School Spotlight
University of North Texas
The Art Institute of Houston
Career Spotlight
Arts, Audio/Video, Technology, and Communication Career Cluster