SEL Day Newsletter
Riverside County Office of Education
The 3rd Annual International SEL Day
March 11, 2022
Celebrate SEL day 2022
On March 11, 2022, the Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE), will join communities across the globe to celebrate the importance of social-emotional learning (SEL) on the 3rd Annual International SEL Day centered around Finding Common Ground, Pursuing Common Good.
Please join us in spreading the word about what SEL is and why it’s so critical. RCOE has collaborated with our CalHOPE SEL grant districts to create this newsletter with SEL activities and resources for educators, students and families to help all of us grow in our knowledge and understanding of the importance of SEL.
Sign up for SEL Day 2022—
This year as we continue to face the challenges of a global pandemic, SEL Day 2022 will focus on Finding Common Ground, Pursuing Common Good.
We welcome all individuals and organizations to join us as partners in spreading the word about what SEL is and why it’s so critical.
Promote SEL to your personal and professional networks, advocate SEL with your local policymakers and/or support SEL in your local schools, organizations and community.
Great SEL Activities for the Classroom
Check out our Relational Activities Google Slide Deck for K-12 for fun ideas to build belonging and a sense of community.
Have student council/ASB students hold up welcoming/positive signs during school drop off and pick up.
Visit the RCOE Virtual Wellness Center and share one of these storybook recordings available in both English and Spanish.
Have students create and display SEL Day posters that highlight SEL skills.
Find 20 Morning Message Ideas to Get Your Day Started on the Right Foot
Start your day with a welcoming activity or morning meeting with an SEL focus.
Design an SEL Day bulletin board featuring a tree with SEL skills written on the leaves.
The CDE SEL Newsletter is full of wonderful classroom activities to encourage SEL development with your K-12 students.
Memes and quotes are a new language with our teens today. Share this activity from Truth Be Told with your secondary students to help them cultivate a growth mindset.
Read this article by Playworks on how to build community through play.
- Check out this article how to use Fist of Five to help students share their feelings or assess their level of understanding.
Read this article to learn how you can integrate PBIS and SEL in your classroom learning.
During morning announcements and/or at the beginning of class on SEL Day, read a poem, quote, or short story that connects to SEL.
Consider using the CASEL’s SEL Writing Prompts to assist students with reflecting on their own development.
Provide students with the opportunity to create presentations on specific SEL topics to share with the class.
Try the 4 Out the Door strategy with your students.
Provide students and staff with some chalk to write positive affirmations during breaks and recess.
Use these Mood Meter Lesson Plans with your K-12 students.
Think about ways you can share this newsletter with your staff and families.
Try out one of these Mindfulness Practices for Everyday!ASB students holding up welcoming/positive signs during school drop off and pick up.
Hold a contest for students to create SEL artifacts (e.g. artwork, poetry, stories, and videos) and announce winners on SEL Day.
Great SEL Activities for Educators
Check out our Relational Activities to build belonging and a sense of community with your peers or with your staff.
During morning announcements on SEL Day, read a poem, quote or short story that connects to SEL.
Watch the video Gratitude to Educators with your staff.
Try this Mindful Self Compassion activity from Greater Good in Education.
Visit the RCOE Virtual Wellness Center and find a self-care strategy that you can begin using this week to take care of you.
Share information about SEL during a March PTO/PTA meeting or other family event.
Try this Adult SEL Origami Activity called, Metamorphosis from the March 2021 California SEL Newsletter.
Check out this SEL Competency Choice Board from PBS Learning Media.
Hold a contest for staff to create SEL artifacts (e.g. artwork, poetry, stories, videos) and announce winners on SEL Day.
Read this article from Edutopia, 7 Self-Care Strategies for Teachers and try one this week.
Try this Use Your Strengths activity from Greater Good in Education.
Review this great resource from Panorama on SEL check in templates for adults and students
Share best practices for integrating SEL or focus on analyzing SEL assessment data at a staff meeting in March.
Try this 3 Good Things activity from Greater Good in Education with your staff.
Feature SEL in a family newsletter in honor of SEL Day.
Try this Best Possible Self activity from Greater Good in Education with your staff.
Create an SEL library area or bookshelf in honor of SEL Day.
Read this article and check out the guidebook of how to reinforce SEL skills through games.
Feature SEL-themed books in a read-aloud program during the week of SEL Day.
Create an online “thank-you board” via Padlet or “gratitude blog” where staff can regularly express their gratitude.
Design a video or newsletter to staff and families about how SEL is supported at the school site.
Read this article from Panorama on 6 Strategies to Increase Family Engagement with SEL that district and site leaders can use with parents and students
Try one of these SEL Meeting Strategies to Use with Your Staff.
Great SEL Activities for Families
As a family, do something kind for someone and then talk about how it made them and you feel.
Visit the RCOE Virtual Wellness Center and do this Family Friendly Workout or the Latin Dance Workout together!
Make a gratitude list and write down all the ways you are grateful for one another.
Visit the RCOE Virtual Wellness Center and enjoy one of these storybook recordings with your family. Recordings are available in both English and Spanish.
As a family, draw a picture of someone you know is a leader and talk about the qualities that make them a good leader.
Check out the Greater Good Science Center’s Happiness Calendar for March 2022 and consider completing some of these SEL activities as a family.
Design a calming space in your home where family members may go for some reflection.
Get up and dance together with KidzBop Dance.
Check out these 34 Conversation Starters for Families and consider trying some during car rides, meal times, etc.
Create a media post, email and/or video thanking an educator for all they have done for you. Don’t forget to include the school nurse office staff, cafeteria workers and other support staff.
Visit the RCOE Virtual Wellness Center and find a self-care strategy that your family can begin using this week to take care of you.
As a family, make a list of 5 things that make you happy.
Try one of these Easy Social Emotional Learning Activities For Kids To Do At Home.
SEL activities Design a video or newsletter to families about how SEL is supported at the school site.
Check out this resource from Panorama to support SEL at home.
Spend time together with a family member.
Read 10 Ways Parents Can Bring Social-Emotional Learning Home.
Choose a mindfulness activity from GoNoodle Flow. Many of these activities are in Spanish as well.
This newsletter was created in collaboration with our CalHOPE SEL grant districts:
Pupil and Administrative Services, Division of Student Program and Services, Riverside County Office of Education
Email: kking@rcoe.us
Website: https://www.rcoe.us/
Phone: 951-826-6255