Middle School Weekly Newsletter
April 7, 2023
A Note from Mrs. Patterson
We have made it to SPRING BREAK!!
I truly hope that you get to enjoy some rest and relaxation next week. I will not be in the office, however I will check emails periodically, so just reach out by email if you need me. The office will be closed and our teachers and counselors will not be available.
I will send a newsletter next Friday to take us into the next week, but please remember that we will conduct iReady testing on Tuesday, April 18th and Tuesday, April 25th. I'll send more details about that when the time comes.
Testing schedules for SC Ready/PASS and EOC will be coming out next week in an email. We will host a parent information session regarding state testing on April 18th at 7pm. You can access that session from the link below.
Enjoy your weekend and your week off!
Mrs. P
Weekly Assignments
Sensational Salamanders
I want to thank everyone who has sent in drawings and stories. We have enough now to get us to the end of the year!
School Announcements
Access Free, Real Time Tutoring with Tutor.com
Discus can be accessed via Classlink
Jigsaw and Google
Students, please make sure you are using your SCVCS gmail account when logging into Jigsaw and when you do anything with Google Drive. Some of you are using personal email accounts, which will cause you some issues with accessing live classes or completing assignments using Google. If you need assistance with your Gmail accounts, please contact our tech support at 803-253-6222 and choose Option 5.
Online enrollment for current students to re-register for the 2023-2024 school year must be completed to secure your spot. Please log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal at this link: https://cie.powerschool.com/public/home.html and use your parent login – if you log in as the student you will not see the Intent to Return link. The link for Intent to Return is all the way at the bottom of the left side of the screen.
If your student will not be returning to SCVCS, please complete the form by answering "No" to the first question. This allows us to open seats for additional students as we plan for next year.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance by contacting our office at 803-253-6222 option 3, emailing us at enrollment@scvcs.org, or you can visit our website at www.scvcs.org.
If you are a current 6th or 7th grader and you will be returning to SCVCS for the 2023-2024 school year, it is time to begin making your course selections!
If you attended our March 10th Town Hall meeting, I discussed this process at great length. If you'd like to view that session, you can get the recording at the link below. Note that the information about Course Selection begins at the 17:18 minute mark.
In order to select your courses, you must first be re-registered with SCVCS for the 2023-2024 school year. If you need assistance with re-registration, please contact enrollment@scvcs.org for assistance.
Once you have completed that process, you can complete the Course Selection form. Begin by reviewing the Course Selection information by clicking HERE.
Once you are ready to select courses, click the link to the Course Selection form within that document to select courses. If you have any questions, please contact your Counselor.
Next Week's Birthdays
Staff Birthdays
Jennifer Justice Harmon, Special Education Teacher
6th Grade
Charlotte C, Leif C, Riliegh H, Adelyn H, Joseph W
7th Grade
Nevaeh F, Rose H, Hayden S, Adam Z
8th Grade
Virginia B, Amara B, Mason C, Emmett I, Pa'shance K, Sophia L, Lincoln N, Quanell R
Counseling Corner
Advisory Classes
April 24-28 – Career
8th Grade IGP Meetings
We are completing IGP (Individual Graduation Plan) Meetings for 8th graders to discuss career goals and choose classes for 9th grade. Please contact your counselor if you have not had your IGP meeting.
Learning Coach Corner
Please remember that we cannot share personal information about your child through anything other than the school issued learning coach gmail account. If you are not accessing this account, you are not receiving important emails from us. Please call our Tech Support team at 803-253-6222 and choose Option 5 for help with email.
Click HERE for instructions on how to create your Parent Account in Schoology.
Clubs and Lunch Groups
Upcoming Important Dates
April 10th - 14th - Spring Break
April 18th - iReady Reading Spring Diagnostic
April 25th - iReady Math Spring Diagnostic
May 8th - 12th - SC Ready and SC PASS Testing
May 15th - 19th - EOC testing for students taking Algebra 1 Honors