K-5 Art Lessons in Seesaw
Made during remote and hybrid learning 2020-2021
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All-School Challenges
The Scribble Challenge (K-5)
Creepy Carrots (K-5)
The landscape was colored with secondary colors and shading to make long shadows from the glow of the moon. Each carrot showed a different expression.
This was simplified for Kindergarten by focusing on fewer carrots. This was made more challenging for 4th-5th graders by drawing the block lettering with dimension from the beginning pages of the book in the lower corner of the landscape.
Haunted House K-5
Elements of Art Scavenger Hunt K-5
Watch this Fugleflick about the Elements of Art
1st Trimester Art Reflection
Appropriate for K-5
Elf Yourself
Dryden's ARTifacts
Augmented Reality Kindness Gallery
Visual Literacy Game
It's a great way to practice illustrating, communicating through art, and learning phonics.
Grade-Level Art Lessons
Color Wheel Kindergarten
Color Wheel Butterflies Kindergarten
Rainbow Fish 1st Grade
We talked about the parts of a fish, the texture of the scales, and how the drawing can be made from shapes and lines. Then we colored with balance slowly and carefully as we listened to the story of The Rainbow Fish. Students reflected on friendship as well.
Self-Portrait 2nd Grade
If the Dinosaurs Came Back 3rd Grade
Practice Coloring with Analogous Colors
My Alien 4th Grade
Robots 5th Grade
Onomatopoeia Comic Words 5th Grade
Exquisite Corpse Collaboration Game
Tricia Fuglestad
Find all my info: https://linktr.ee/fuglefun
Other Smore Pages:
K-5 Remote Learning (Asynchronous) Art Lessons
Email: tfuglestad@sd25.org
Website: https://linktr.ee/fuglefun
Location: Chicagoland, USA
Phone: ---
Twitter: @TriciaFuglestad
K-5 Art Teacher K-12 Tech Integration KidLit Author https://linktr.ee/fuglefun