CCA Middle School Hybrid Return
Welcome Back, 6th-8th Grade
Dear Parents and Students,
We are so excited to be able to invite you back! We have planned for safety and health as well as excellent academics. There is nothing like an in-person classroom experience and we've missed seeing you since March.
Please read this entire newsletter to be aware of all of the changes and impacts to you.
Eatonville School District middle school students enrolled at EMS or CCA will return to campus two days a week beginning February 1st and February 4th (depending on grouping placement).
Please be aware we are requiring all students to wear a face covering, all day. There is additional information under the "Face Coverings" section.
Our district will be following all safety and health guidelines from the Department of Health.
Why will students come back to school in cohorts two days a week?
What days do the two different groups attend in-person?
A Group students will attend in-person Hybrid Learning on Mondays and Tuesdays.
- February Schedule for A Group: 2/1, 2/2, 2/8, 2/9, 2/16, 2/22, 2/23
- February Schedule for B Group: 2/4, 2/5, 2/11, 2/12, 2/18/, 2/19, 2/25, 2/26
Students are divided into A and B Groupings based upon program and social distancing capacity of classrooms. Due to that, we are unable to accommodate requests for a change of groupings. PLEASE SEE EMAIL FROM MRS. SHEW TO LEARN WHICH GROUP YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO.
What does my child do on the non-in person days?
February Calendar
Face Coverings
The face covering requirement is a state mandate that we will adhere to and enforce.
Students are required to wear a face mask, covering both the nose and mouth on buses and in school district buildings at all times. Students are responsible for supplying their own face coverings (face masks will be available to those in need).
Alternatives to face masks are only an option in rare situations. These include students with disabilities, students under the age of 5, or students with medical conditions which prevent the use of masks. Medical verification will be required and questions should be directed to their student’s principal or the Student Services Department.
Students will be given the opportunity to remove masks during meal times and occasionally outdoors.
Gaiters are an acceptable face cover as long as they are two layers thick. Single layered gators can be folded over to accomplish this. They may only be worn if they provide two layers of cloth, cover both the mouth and the nose and must be worn appropriately.
Semester 2 Schedule
School Start and Dismissal Times
We will strictly enforce students not leaving their parent vehicle or bus until there is a visual signal from school personnel at 8:50am.
Our middle school students being picked up in our parking lot from a parent are dismissed at 2:22pm. Middle school students loading the buses are dismissed from class at 2:26pm.
Additional Dates Parents Should be Aware of
Friday, February 5th: Report Cards will be sent home with Group B.
- Monday, February 8th: Report Cards will be sent home with Group A.
Student Chromebook
- Students must carefully transport their chromebook to school daily.
- Please be sure to charge your device at home each night.
If you still have not checked out a Chromebook, please contact the Office. We cannot troubleshoot personal devices or guarantee they will be able to connect with our WiFi.
Protective sleeves and covers are allowed.
Visitors and Volunteers
The main line is 360-569-2567. You may also email Principal Shew: a.shew@eatonvilleschools.org
Late Arrival/Early Pick Up
- LATE ARRIVAL: Students who are late to school will need to come through the front door of the school and stop at the office to check in for the Health Screening. Parents should stay in their vehicle, call the office to notify us (360-569-2567) before sending their child into the building.
- EARLY PICKUP: Parents/Guardians who need to pick up a student before the end of the school day, must remain in their vehicle. Please call the office (360-569-2567) to let us know and we will send your child out to meet you.
NO Lockers and Cubbies
What should students leave at home?
Please only bring necessary items as space is limited.
- Anything that will be a distraction to you or others (ex. speakers, toys, blankets, etc.)
- Electronic devices (tablets, etc.) that are not necessary for your schoolwork
School Supplies
District Issued Chromebook and Charger
If you still have not checked out a Chromebook, please contact the Office. We cannot troubleshoot personal devices or guarantee they will be able to connect with our WiFi.
Protective sleeves and covers are allowed.
If you have lost your charger, please contact the Office for replacement instructions.
Headphones (wired, earbud style or other)
Per COVID-19 restrictions, hallway lockers and cubbies will not be used.
Water Bottle
Per COVID-19 restrictions, drinking fountains have been turned off. The water bottle filling station and classroom sinks are still in use.
Pens & Pencils for personal use (Students may not share supplies.)
College-ruled notebook paper
Math Notebook
Optional: Silent reading book, extra mask(s), hand sanitizer for personal use, case/cover for Chromebook
Extra of any supplies listed above
A variety of art supplies-colored pencils, glue sticks, crayons, markers, scissors, etc.
How does this impact Special Education students?
All students with an IEP will attend four days a week. Two days a week will be with their general education teachers while the other two days will be with the Resource Room teachers to address their Special Education service minutes.
- Your child's Special Education, Ms. Halvorsen. will inform you of specifics.
What if families don’t want their children to return to school in person?
Food Service
Tuesday, January 19th will be the last day we will have weekly Grab and Go meal bundles. Starting Monday, January 25th we will convert to offering a daily Grab and Go lunch and breakfast from 12:00-1:00pm at all five schools.
Snack Time
When will bus routes and times be available?
Buses will run full routes starting Tuesday, January 19th.
Enhanced Safety Measures
- Per COVID-19 recommendations, students will not be using hallway lockers or the cubbies as used in years prior. Students will need to carry their materials and Chromebooks with them from class to class.
- Students will be passing from class to class in a very structured manner and may have some exterior paths. Because of this, we recommend that students dress in layers or have a coat/sweatshirt with them for cold and/or wet days.
- Per COVID-19 recommendations, our drinking fountains are turned off. The water bottle filling station will be available for student use along with classroom sinks and the water machine in the main hall. We recommend that students bring a refillable water bottle with them to school.
Custodial staff will conduct additional disinfecting and cleaning, utilizing Environmental Protection Agency certified disinfectants and ensure disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles and restroom facilities.
Classrooms, offices, and restrooms will be cleaned throughout the day and as needed.
In addition to cleaning by the custodial staff, students will be provided with safe-to-use disinfecting wipes to allow them to wipe down their desk and chair prior to use each class period.
Parents Screen at Home
- Parents are expected to screen their children daily prior to school entry for a fever >100.4 and symptoms of Covid-19 which include cough, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, fatigue, loss of taste or smell.
Students with any of the above listed symptoms are not permitted on district buses or in school district buildings.
Students with a known Covid-19 exposure within the previous 2 weeks are not permitted on district transportation or in school district buildings.
Upcoming Spirit Days
Contact Information
Email: communications@eatonvilleschools.org
Website: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu/
Location: 200 Lynch Street West, Eatonville, WA, USA
Phone: (360) 879-1000
Facebook: facebook.com/eatonville.school.district/
Twitter: @EatonvilleSD