Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 10 June 2021
He made you to know Him, to enjoy Him, and to look to Him for all you need.
He didn't make you for failure or defeat.
He wants to live His life in you - a life of righteousness, peace and joy.
2021 Important Dates
Week 8
Fri 11 Jun: 3M Prayer Assembly 2.15pm
Sat 12 Jun: Y4 First Eucharist Commitment Mass
Week 9
Mon 14 Jun: Y4 Tree Planting Tuart-Ludlow Forest 11am
Tue 15 Jun: 3M: Sacrament of Reconciliation 5pm
Wed 16 Jun: Wheelie, Walkie, Waste-Free Wednesday /3L: Sacrament of Reconciliation 5pm/ School Advisory council Mtg
Thu 17 Jun: OLC Cross Country
Fri 18 Jun: 4Dan Performance Assembly 2.15pm
Sat 19 Jun: Choir Hannay Lane Launch 10am / Y3 Reconciliation Thanksgiving Mass
Week 10
Wed 23 Jun: Wheelie, Walkie, Waste-Free Wednesday / Y5 Parish Mass 9am
Thu 24 Jun: Y4 Reconciliation before Eucharist
Fri 25 Jun: Whole School Mass
Sun 27 Jun: First Eucharist Y4
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Bogan Bingo
AFL 2 Minute Footy Challenge
Top job to three of our Year 6 boys on organising the two-minute footy challenge during their lunchtimes. Zane, Flynn and were prepared with their people management and organisational skills to provide this experience for other students. Some outstanding scores have been achieved to date. Each pair of students were timed to kick a ball over a certain distance and record how many marks they could take. Some excellent scores have been achieved to date.
Year 3: Jobe Sherry and Phoenix 45
Year 4: Xavier Ricciardone and Darcy Archer 72 (editor thinks the official timekeeper may possibly have had a snooze on the job!)
All other classes will be given the opportunity to participate when the weather is fine at lunchtime.
Cross Country
Our school cross country commences at 9.15am on Thursday 17th June. The Year 3 class will run first then followed by year 1,2,4,5 and 6. All competitors The lower carpark will be closed and no parking on Sloan Drive please.
Professional Development Days
We were very fortunate in that our staff were able to experience Fr Tony Chiera and Mrs. Laura Allison as speakers over the past two pupil free days. Fr. Tony was able to provide the spiritual nourishment that we all require in 2021 and Laura Allison is outstanding in assisting our staff in developing the social emotional development of our students and ourselves.
First Communion
Our First Communion candidates have their enrolment Mass at our Parish Church this Saturday evening commencing at 6pm. We look forward to seeing the candidates and their families in attendance.
Dance Showcase
All year 3M, Year 4 ,5 and 6 families need to experience our inaugural dance extravaganza in our school hall on the last day of school for this term, Friday 2 July commencing at 1.45pm.
Year 3L, 2, 1, PP and Kindy will participate in dance during the second semester and perform at our outdoor Christmas concert on the evening of Tuesday 7 December.
Sustainability Happenings
Although our four chooks, Nugget, Uncle Benjamin, Scraps and Omlette are currently not at their best in the egg laying department, they are demolishing our lunchtime and canteen scraps.
The worms (whilst processing our lunch scraps) are currently thriving, producing heaps of worm Wizz for sale at assemblies. Bring along a small amount of cash to purchase some Wizz and mostly to help purchase a wheelchair for a child in a third world country.
Our potatoes have been mounded up and are on schedule to be harvested next term. They are appreciating the winter rain and glimpses of sun.
Uniform Update
Girls are now permitted to wear long trousers. Tailored trousers more suitable for girls will be added to the online ordering system with Permapleat as of next Monday.
Sloan Drive Pick-Up
Thank you to everyone for entering the correct way using Endicott Loop. One or two drivers just need to be mindful of saving an extra 17 seconds of their life by pulling out early and having a near miss with the vehicle in front that is pulling out.
Wheels After Meals (WAM)
Did you know
- Birdie (1) has a sister, Daisy, a brother, Augie and a pet Chihuahua at home.
- That Mrs Hughes helps junior primary students with their maths at OLC. (Lucky students)
- Indianna (1) has a baby sister that ‘has just got born’. Her name is Sienna Rose.
- Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions!
- Amelia (1) has a little sister, Eve, little brother Ned and two dogs named Chloe and Rusty and lots of free-range possums at home.
- Scarlett Bickett has made enormous progress with her reading, nearly doubling her reading rate. Sensational progress from a beautiful person.
- There is an African proverb that says, “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent a night with a mosquito!”
- Sophie Cheffins (K) and Mr Lee are feeling aggrieved after paying $70 for a pineapple and $50 for an apple. Local Kindy wheeler and dealer and Kindy shop manageress, Indi Jecks, seemed quite satisfied with the deal.
- Boh’s dad (3) is a ‘Richmind’ supporter.
- Imogen, Annie and Ella Mussell were all walking home together holding hands last Wednesday afternoon at 3.32pm.
- Poppy S (1) has a Golden retriever named Rupert. Poppy is also excellent at reading.
- Winter Solstice will take place on 21st June. The southern hemisphere will experience less than 10 hours of sunlight on this, the shortest day of the year.
Watching Cody & Tiago deliver the wrong message to the wrong teacher. (It brought so much joy to Mr Lee!).
RE Updates
Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Students in Year 3(M) will present a prayer assembly on the Sacrament of First Reconciliation at tomorrow afternoon’s 2.10pm prayer assembly. This leads up to the Year 3 candidates in both classes making the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. This will involve them sharing with Fr. Francis when they may have “missed the mark” with some of their choices and asking for God’s grace to do better. Following the reception of the Sacrament both classes will join to Celebrate with a Thanksgiving mass on Saturday the 19th June at the 6.00pm mass at the church. After the mass, all families are invited to stay behind for some pizza and a chat, courtesy of our school P&F. Please keep our Frist Reconciliation Candidates in your prayers as they prepare for this special step on their faith journey.
First Eucharist Commitment Mass and Family Pizza Night
The second of our school Sacramental celebrations is fast approaching, and this weekend our Year 4 students will attend the Saturday 6.00pm mass to make their commitment to the program of preparation. This event also marks the Year 4 Family mass for the year, and after the mass, all families are invited to stay behind for some pizza and a chat, courtesy of our school P&F. All OLC families are more than welcome to attend and to join in with pizza afterwards in support of the Year 4 students.
Pre-primary Visit to the Church
Can You Spare a Dollar for Our Parish?
Our Parish church and presbytery is in desperate need of upgrade. With low attendances at church, and the only source of income being collections at masses, the financial situation is becoming critical. If you are able to help out with plumbing or building labour for a bathroom renovation, or can alternatively make a donation to the church to help with the upkeep, Fr. Francis would be most appreciative. Thank you for your consideration.
Congratulations and Thank You!
Two dads from OLC were recently instituted as Acolytes at our church by Bishop Gerard. Johnny Hoang (dad to Summer, Ivy and Andy) and Ronnel Casas (dad to Isabelle) - we thank you for your service! May God Bless you both in your ministry.
News from the P&F
Community News
Funky Still Life Workshop
DATE: 12TH JUNE TIME: 9.30-11.30AM
COST: $25 All materials provided
CONTACT: Carmen McFaull 0409146302
Here is a workshop offering the chance to paint a still life arrangement set up, with guidance throughout the session. From flowers to funky cloths and bowls, there will be the option to paint a unique artwork.
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/