The Reading Roundup
September 2023
Welcome Back!
It is going to be a great year in the media center! I am fortunate that I get to teach all students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Students will learn about different authors, illustrators, book care, research skills, and more! Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions throughout the school year.
Library Books
Library books are due 18 days after they have been checked out. There are book return bins located in each grade level hallway where students can place their books when they are done. Students will not be fined for overdue books. Book fees are only assessed when books are damaged beyond repair or lost.
Media Class Schedule
Book Care
Tips for keeping books safe:
- Put library books in the same spot each week.
- When done reading, put library books back in the book bag to be returned to the media center.
- Keep away from pets.
- Keep away from liquids and foods.
- Keep water bottles on the outside pocket of the book bag so it will not spill inside the book bag.
- Do not tape ripped or torn pages at home. Mrs. Shulman has magical book tape for rips and tears.
Elementary Battle of the Books (EBOB)
4th and 5th graders are invited to join Elementary Battle of the Books (EBOB). EBOB is for students who love to read and like a friendly competition. We will compete against other CCS EBOB teams in February 2023. Students will begin meeting after school starting Monday, October 3rd. The team of 12 students will be chosen by the end of November. Permission slips will be sent home soon. Last year we came in 3rd place out of all the Cabarrus County Elementary Schools. Hopefully this year we can do even better.
Student ID Badge
Each student will begin the year with a Student ID Badge that is used in the cafeteria and media center. If an ID Badge is lost or broken on purpose there will be a $5 replacement fee.
Scholastic Book Fair
Volunteering in the Library
We love our volunteers! These are the ways you can volunteer this year in the library:
- Book Fair
- Shelving
- Bulletin Board
- Special Projects
All volunteers must sign up through the CCS Secure Volunteer System.
Mrs. Heather Shulman, MLS
Mrs. Kim Deaton
Digital Learning Teacher and Media Assistant