The Eagle Express
Antrim Elementary School January 20, 2023
From the Principal's Desk
Happy Snow Day! Yesterday, the Third Grade had the privilege of being visited by the Antrim Grange. This organization has made an effort to provide every third grader in New Hampshire with a dictionary! We were lucky enough to receive ours this week. We are so fortunate to have such a caring community!
So today is a snow day, but just as a reminder, when we have 2-hour delays, breakfast is not served. It seems that this weather pattern has been affecting our Fridays. Please note we have rescheduled our community meeting to next Friday. Let's hope we can finally have one soon.
Important dates coming up:
January 27 - Community Meeting 8:50-9:15am
January 30 - February 15 - Midyear reading and math assessment window
February 10 - PTO fundraising orders due (see blurb below)
February 17 - 23 - NHDI
February 21- Kindergarten Registration
February 23 - 5:30-6:30 pm NHDI performance
Have a wonderful long weekend! Stay safe :)
News from the Office
Important: PTO Fundraiser News: Pizza Anyone?
Square One Art
The Life Cycle of a Snowman
They’ve also been learning “Snowman Science” discussing the parts of a snowman, its life cycle, and states of matter.
Ms. Lawler's Class Honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Note from School Counselor, Ms. Gregg
2nd Graders are Writers
Way to go writers!
Authors and Illustrators in Miss Gilbert's Class
Preschoolers' Winter Bird Patterns
Stephanie Syre-Hager, Principal
Location: 10 School Street, Antrim, NH, USA
Phone: 603-588-6371
Twitter: @aes_ssh