December Newsletter
Table of Content
Important Dates
Finals Week Grab Bag Stress Relievers
Tutoring Resources
How to Study for Finals
Scholarship Opportunities
Year At A Glance
Important Dates
Dec 13th & 14th: TRIO FESP Finals Week Stress Reliever Give-a-ways
Dec 16th: Winter Breaks Begins
Dec 18th: Semester Ends
Dec 18th: Commencement
Dec 21st: Final Grades due
Dec 31st: Goodbye 2021
Jan 10th: Spring 2022 Classes begin
Finals Weeks Grab Bag Stress Relievers
Tutoring Resources
TRIO FESP Tutoring
There will be no tutoring during Finals Weeks and Winter break. Tutoring will resume in Spring 2022, January 18th 2022.
Bronco Study Zone
The BSZ offers an array of resources through a one-stop model to support students and just the right amount of structure to help keep them on track. Services include:
- · Free drop-in assistance for highly challenging courses.
- · Group collaboration on course assignments.
- · Logging mandatory study hours for instructors and organizations.
- · Assistance with coping with test anxiety, effective note-taking, time management, and test-taking strategies among others.
Bronco Study Zone Website: Bronco Study Zone
Writing Center
The Writing Center is a good resource to use if you need help with essays and other writing assignment. You can book an appointment on their website.Writing Center Website:https://wmich.edu/academicsuccess
How to Study for Finals
Are you struggling on how to study for finals? Here are a few tips to help get you through it!
- Review lecture notes from class! Re-reading, re-watching and re-writing lecture notes can help you comprehend the material better.
- Go to your professor for office hours and help! Going to your professors office hours and reaching out to them about the fact you may need help in some areas is really resourceful.
- Studying with classmates! Studying with classmates is really helpful. You can look for certain people on E-Learning under the class list.
- Use TRIO Tutoring resources or Bronco Study Zone resources! Getting help from tutoring resources will always help. Don't hesitate to contact TRIO for a tutor or go to the Bronco Study Zone for help.
- Sleeping enough and eating enough! Sleep is key to passing your final exams as well as eating good. Having enough sleep before major exams is crucial. Eating healthy with high protein and good foods will help you throughout studying and taking exams.
Scholarship Opportunities
Available to TRIO FESP participants who will have freshman or sophomore status during Spring 2022 through Summer II 2022 semesters and have a Pell Grant for the 2021-22 academic year.
How to Apply: Please email Myia to request an electronic copy of the application. mmyia.hughes@wmich.edu
Application Due Date: December 31, 2021
The department of College of Education and Human Development has scholarships out for the 2022-2023 undergraduate students. These scholarship applications are due February 15, 2022.
The department of College of Education and Human Development has scholarships out for the 2022-2023 for students who are considering studying abroad. These scholarship applications are due February 15, 2022.
The College of Education and Human Development Scholarships: Click Here for Applications
Year At A Glance
Meet & Greet 2021
First generation college student day
Anitra's Farewell
WMU Survey
Academic advising is part of a quintessential foundation of student success. It is important to meet students where they are and in doing so it is important to understand the preferred modality/method of receiving academic advising. You are being asked to take part in a survey that examines the Preferred Modality of Academic Advising. The survey is anonymous. Please use the following link to take the survey:
Survey ends Monday, December 6th at 5:00 pm.