Henry Hawk News
Week of May 17, 2021: ABC Countdown Begins!
A Message From The Principal
Dear Henry Families,
Monday marks 26 days left until Summer! To countdown, we will begin our ABC countdown. Each day students and teachers will celebrate with something fun to count the days until the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Check out the ABC Countdown activities below!
Progress Reports will be completed by Friday, May 21st. They will be mailed by the district next week. You can always view your child's progress in Aspen. Questions, please reach out to the main office.
This week we will continue IAR testing (grades 3-8) and continue ACCESS testing for our 2nd graders. Remote students who wish to test for IAR will need to come to the building and wait in the auditorium. When coming to Henry please be sure to complete the health screener. Here is the link for the health screener:
Have a great week!
Juan Gutierrez, Principal
Mary Ann Reynolds, Assistant Principal
Lora Abraham, Assistant Principal
What's New?
ABC Countdown (NEW!)
LSC Budget Meeting: Tuesday, May 18th@ 4:30 pm (NEW!)
Mask Mandate Continues (NEW!)
Expanding Vaccine Access for Students 12 and Up (NEW!)
Chicago’s Fastest… The Race To Gately (NEW!)
Preschool Registration Open
State Assessments: Testing Schedule This Week (NEW!)
Henry Hawks Weekly Update (NEW!)
Counselor's Corner (NEW!)
LSC Budget Meeting
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Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 04:30 PM
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CPS schools and facilities will continue to follow Chicago's mask mandate
Expanding Vaccine Access for Students 12 and Up
With the approval of the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 12-15, thousands more CPS students can now be protected from COVID-19. Vaccinations are the key to returning to normalcy, and we want to help make that process as easy as possible.
CPS is working with the Chicago Department of Public Health and the Chicago Teachers Union to bring vaccination events to schools throughout the city. These events will be held in each school’s parking lot from 10 a.m. - noon and are open to CPS students, families, and community members. No appointments are necessary. If you and your family have not yet been vaccinated, we encourage you to take advantage of the following events at our schools:
- May 15th and June 5th: Westinghouse, Nash, Marshall, Juarez and CVCA
- May 22nd and June 12th: Ray, Bouchet, Simeon, Southside Occupational, and Brunson
- May 29th and June 19th: Englewood STEM, King HS, Carver Military HS, Fenger, and Michele Clark HS
COVID-19 vaccines are free of charge to everyone, regardless of their immigration or health insurance status. For more information on these vaccines, talk with your healthcare provider or visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/index.html.You can also call the Chicago Department of Public Health at (312)746-4835.
We are proud to announce the ‘Chicago’s Fastest… The Race To Gately’ initiative in partnership with Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr., and the Chicago Park District! This exciting event features a city-wide track and field experience for 1st-4th graders and a city-wide 60-meter qualifying competition with the finals taking place at Gately Indoor Track Facility for 5th-12th graders! For more information please review this program overview letter and register your child today!
Preschool Applications Open
CPS Pre-K Applications Now Open for the 2021–22 School Year
The pre-k application for the 2021–22 school year is open now. There are more than 600 CPS and community-based preschool programs located throughout the city; choose the program that is best for your family. To learn more about applying for pre-k, visit chicagoearlylearning.org, call (312) 229-1690, or make an appointment with one of the city’s family resource centers.
State Assessments: Testing Schedule This Week
ACCESS: 2nd Grade EL Students Thursday and Friday. Questions, please email Ms. Tania Figueroa (tjfigueroa1@cps.edu )
IAR Testing: Grades 3-8 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Questions, please email Ms. Garfinkel (mgarfinkel@cps.edu) and your child's homeroom teacher.
Henry Hawks Weekly Update
Here is the Henry Hawks Weekly Update from this past week.
Counselor's Corner
Hello Everyone,
Since May is Mental Health Awareness month I wanted to share some great resources you can use with your children. PBS Kids has some wonderful games, discussion questions, and activities for you to use with your child to help them manage their emotions. It is so important for children of all ages (and adults) to be able to express their feelings and do it in healthy ways. These resources will help your child do that. One important reminder, when your child is feeling very emotional give them some time to calm down before talking to them. When your child is feeling those challenging emotions, they are not able to focus, listen, or learn. Instead, wait for them to be calm to talk to them and discuss how they could handle things differently the next time.
Here are some great resources:
As a reminder, I want to make sure this information is meeting your needs, so please complete this survey as soon as you can:
If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. The best way to reach me is by email: mgarfinkel@cps.edu
Have a great week!
Mrs. Garfinkel
Patrick Henry School
Mr. Gutierrez, Ms. Reynolds, and Mrs. Abraham
Website: patrickhenryes.cps.edu
Location: 4250 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-534-5060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PatrickHenryHawks/
Twitter: @PatrickHenrySc1