3rd Grade News
Inspire Excellence
Dear Families.
Thank you for all of your support this past week! The students had so much fun at our Valentine's Parties. We hope that you enjoy the long weekend. Please remember no school on Monday for students.
Finally, as we move into the second semester, please check with your student to see if they are in need of any supplies such as headphones, scissors, or glue sticks. By this point in the year, many of these items have been lost or broken and may need to be replaced. We appreciate all of your support.
What Are We Learning About This Week?
Science- Daily Weather
Reading- Character Analysis
Writing- Persuasive Extended Response, homophones
Social Studies- Scientists and Inventors
Upcoming Tests
Spelling Words
No spelling this week. Students will be completing Wordly Wise in class.
Mark Your Calendars
February 19th: No school for students
February 27th: JES Airways Flight 76092: Around the World in 90 min. 5:30-7:00
The time has come to finalize our numbers for the 23-24 JES yearbook.
Not sure if you bought one already? Just email Beth Alexander or Heather Groeneveld and
we can check on that for you. Every child will want one in the spring! Click on this link to secure your child's yearbook today!! Thank you!
Communication Log
Please be sure to sign your student's communication log at the end of each week. Students need to return the signed log the following Monday. Thank you!
3rd Grade Year at a Glance
Questions about Homework?
Contact Information
Mrs. Durbois
Twitter: @LDurbois
Ms. Russell
Email: ashton.russell@southlakecarroll.edu
Twitter: @MissRussellJES